
Jade, Jade Cross, Jade Turtle
Jade, Jade Cross, Jade Turtle

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Jade.

It is also known as "Stone of Humility", representing satisfaction, selflessness, objectivity, love, peace, harmony and balance.

Using the jade, dreams can be interpreted and understood.
It gives us a better understanding of ourselves, a longer life.
Promotes relaxation and strengthen love.
It has healing effects on the eyes, kidneys and bladder.
When the Spanish discovered and conquered America, noted that the Aztecs used Jade for their talismans and weapons calling it "The Stone of the Hip" as being an effective cure for kidney disease.
It can be used to treat infertility, migraine, neuralgia, influenza, herpes, digestive complications, colic, jaundice and gastric disorders.
Help deliveries if propped on hand or used on the body.
Using it for meditation, we are able to discover our past mistakes and so present in our current progress toward a better future.
This stone has a vibration capable of balancing the emotional with the intellectual. It also acts as an important stimulant of the emotions, penetrating the feelings of people and helping them discover their karma.
The jade water can be drunk as a diuretic.
Associated with Virgo, Libra and Aquarius. It has been regarded for centuries as a sacred stone, as it brings good fortune and protects against disease or evil spirits. He is reputed to increase the powers hidden. It offers serenity and Immortality. Has great power to be carried by the natives of Libra, Virgo and Aquarius.
Especially protects parturients. Da luck in business. Also in the West was used for heart disease. Its use dates back to 4000 BC in western Asia. Today is very popular among Arabs, Turks and Armenians. The Chinese butterfly-shaped amulet used it as love. And it's not uncommon to see Japanese brokers fortunate to take a small piece of this stone in their pockets before signing a transaction.
Emotional connection to earth healing deep emotional wounds.
Glass is a very effective, both in the physical and spiritual etheric, its use is almost prehistoric. Both varieties like clear green and brown are used for thousands of years, by his great power. Its name derives from RINS, Aztec word that the Spanish conquerors called stone flanks, its effectiveness for kidney stones.
Brings good luck and money. Protects against diseases. Provides type divinatory dreams.
Increase love of neighbor, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom.
It is used to prevent infections and diseases.

Higher power stone with healing magic, demonstrating his strength and monumentality especially in ancient Egypt. Jade is closely related to Chinese civilization, which relate to the periods of growth and rest of nature. It is said that jade or (YU), is the queen of all gems because it meets the five cardinal virtues: love of neighbor, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom. It symbolizes beauty, virtue and tenacious authority. Give peace and tranquility. Who identifies with her, receives magnetic force. Prolongs life, maintains fertility. For those using this stone, the level of consciousness. It is used to treat kidney disease and epilepsy, and contagious infections. Their vibrations are not absorbed as cleaners, but repel any negativity. This represented with different colors: green, white, yellow, purple, brown.

Regulates heartbeat. Promotes Dreamwork

It is on the market in a pyramid, ball, chains, charms, artwork, figurines, vases and dishes for you.

How do I charge it?

Should pay attention to the reaction of the stone itself, if it gets milky, opaque or heated, wash in warm water, and must be recharged frequently, in a glass of water and amethyst, or a Druze.
Warning: Do not ever put it to the sunshine.

It is a symbol of purity and serenity
It symbolizes the wisdom gained in tranquility
Increases love and care
It protects the wearer from harm and brings harmony

Bring good luck and friendship
It stabilizes the personality
Integrates the mind and body
Releases negative thoughts and soothes the mind
Promotes self-sufficiency
Stimulates ideas
Makes tasks seem less complex
Starting on the forehead, produces significant dreams
Promotes emotional release
Spiritually, it encourages you to be who you really are
It helps you to recognize you as a spiritual being on a human journey
Awake the hidden knowledge
Facilitates the bodily functions of filtration and removal
Try the kidneys and adrenal glands
Remove toxins
Promotes fertility and helps in childbirth
Reunites cellular and skeletal systems, and heals stitches
It acts on the hips and spleen
Balances body fluids, the proportions of water-salt and acid-alkaline component

It comprises two materials look similar but are different minerals Jadeite (green apple, lavender and white) and Nephrite) white, green with black spots, black, brown).
Brightness:  Naturally, the jade is opaque, the brightness is based on the degree of polish. The brightness is vitreous jadeite, nephrite that has brightness "fatty".

There are substitutes and imitations of jade as bowenita, serpentine, chrysoprase, chalcedony, algamolita, fluorite and steatite, aventurine, amazonite, grossular glass.

Compatibility: Aries, Virgo, Scorpio. Chakra 4 ° and 5 °.
This stone stimulates concentration and mental development, helps to achieve a high degree of mysticism and lightens dark aspects of the personality, strengthens the immune system and kidneys. Generates divine love nature and increases the expression of feelings, protects from injuries and accidents.

Blood purifier, strengthens the immune system, kidneys, generates divine love, power connections to the land, protects from damage and accidents.

All signs
Kidney discomfort, throat, heart, liver, thyroid, spleen. Detoxifying the immune system. Increases psychic abilities, etc..

Signs related to stone
Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini and Scorpio.

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a crimp jade hanging from the neck, to prevent or relieve probelmas bone and joints.
Place a jade for ten minutes a day in the center of the forehead (between the eyebrows), and lying in a relaxed state, to prevent or cure eye diseases and to control emotions, and get power to bring out the wisdom within us.
Place a jade for ten minutes a day in the center of the chest at heart level, and lying in a relaxed state, to awaken the love for others.
Place a jade on the navel for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, to control or prevent diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
Place a jade two fingers below the navel for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state, to prevent or cure the diseases of the urinary and facilitate procreation.
CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the spleen chakra (Swadhisthana), desire, pleasure, sexuality and procreation.



It is used against cramps veins, inflammations, chronic or hereditary diseases of the veins, thrombosis, excess water in the veins. The Chinese tea used in bathrooms and thus improve and alleviate faster. It is very suitable for pregnant women to not retain water. Also for those suffering from constipation.
For the psychic: a stone is very soothing, relaxing and harmonizing for people with rage, anger, and they all explode.
Chakra: is ideal for the solar plexus chakra.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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