
TOURMALINE "Its Genesis is not Terrestrial"

Their names according to color:

Acrolita: White or colorless

Rubellite: Red or Pink

Verdelite or Peridot of Ceylon: Green

Indigolite, Indicolite or Brazilian Sapphire: Blue

Dravite: Yellow

Plover or Nigrolita: Black

Siderite: Violeta
Watermelon Heart: Combined green and pink

Policrolita: Multicolor.

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Tourmalines.

The black variety of tourmaline can be found next to quartz, called "quartz turmaline"

In its beauty, variety of colors and effective broad spectrum, tourmaline is unsurpassed. You could write a whole book about it.
Tourmaline is the symbol of passion and love vibrations has one of the most positive and high. It is used as a gem stone of protection against negative energies.
It has the power itself electrically charged, under the influence of heat, cold or pressure.

It is the perfect stone for the nervous system in general.
In all colors is a stone cell regeneration.
Tourmaline does not absorb the noxious energies but it exits discharging to earth and releasing a person from them.

Generally represents kindness, courtesy, affection and peaceful coexistence.
It relaxes the nervous system and promotes emotional balance.
It is effective against states of melancholy and depression.
Increases ability to discern and make decisions.
Increases wisdom and mental acuity.
It is a bringer of good luck and prosperity.
Relieves pain caused by cancer and other acute pain, as it helps to stop the growth of cancer cells irregular.
It is also used to treat kidney stones and to balance hormonal secretions.
Balances the chakras and meridians.

Generates protective field against negative energies, neutralizes negative energies themselves, reduces neurotic tendencies, acts on the root chakra.

Against partner's jealousy.

To resolve contradictions.

To overcome failures.

Improved communication on sexuality.

For when there's no will.

Gives an unconditional love. Balances. Protects against physical attacks. Give business success. Reduces anxiety. Rejects negative energies.

Tourmaline rootes spiritual energy
It forms a protective shield around the body
Cleans, purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration
It is a stone that provides protection during shamanic rituals
It can be used for reading psychic
Indicates the right direction to take
It is very beneficial to the garden and plants
It can act as a natural insecticide
Buried, encourages the growth and health of all crops
Help to self-understanding
Fosters self-confidence
Reduces fear
Dispels any feelings of victimization
Attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance, prosperity
Transmutes negative thought patterns into positive
Aligns mental processes
Helps treat paranoia and overcome dyslexia
Improves hand-eye coordination, and assimilation and translation of coded information
It is beneficial for sexuality
releases tension
It balances male-female energy within the body
It is an excellent stone for healing
Increases energy and removes blockages

In its different colors is electrizable by heat or rubbing therefore influences the nervous system. Help you sleep, strengthens the mind, eliminates fears and negative actions. The best known is the black tourmaline.

Tourmaline is a silicate, varying in color, sometimes even within the same crystal. The different varieties are named different: black tourmaline is called schorl; the red / pink  Rubellite or Christ Stone; the blue: indigolite, yellow: Sri Lanka peridot and colorless: acroite, the brown: dravite, green: the variety Verdelite or watermelon green and pink combined. Of the wide variety of colors and shades that presents is called "rock chameleon". Many are very similar to other gemstones. The green tourmaline is a lot like emerald, ruby red to the yellow to topaz, aquamarine blue and the blue to sapphire, to give some examples. Sometimes the color is not uniform, as is the case of the head of Moor tourmaline is clear that the black base and the top.
It is one of the most beautiful stones in the world and has been used and is used as an amulet to be one of the great protectors of health. Within the esotericism are attributed to the powers that vary tourmaline color.

Origins: Afghanistan, Brazil, United States, Africa and Italy. Mohs Hardness: 7. Appearance: elongated columnar crystals striated finishes into triangles. Bright, transparent or opaque.

Signs related to stone
Cancer, Sagittarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius and Virgo.

Utilities, Applications and healing properties
Place a crimped tourmaline hanging from the neck to remove all negativity in all environments and in one's mind.
Place a tourmaline for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, forehead (between the eyebrows) to increase our ability to make the right business decisions; rejuvenate both physical and spiritual level, achieving an increase our wisdom and knowledge; achieve serenity and peace.
Place a tourmaline for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, on the navel, to control or prevent diseases related to skin, kidneys and endocrine system.

Tourmaline is very useful in meditation, as it helps to advance spiritually.
You should not miss any tourmaline in every home, especially in the driveways to remove negativity and bad vibes of the people who enter it and also on personal computer screens to eliminate negative radiation

Dispels fear, negativity, sadness, promotes health, balance in relationships, calm compulsion.

Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Anxiety, movement, emotional consequences of crisis, jealousy, businesses and others.

Physicochemical characteristics:

Different varieties of tourmaline crystal base composed of aluminum silicate, which during crystallization has been incorporated one or more additional substances, among which include boron, lithium, fluorine, iron oxide, manganese and other elements .

Some tourmalines are named after the colors side presented: the black (most common) is simply defined as tourmaline, or nigrolita.

The black variety is perfectly nestled in rocks and microesquistos cuárcicas while colored are usually pegmáticas druses and geodes, is very common (and interesting) than in the same pocket may be copies of a different color, and even polychrome .

The main deposits are in U.S. tourmaline, Burma, Brazil, The Urals (eastern slope), Sri Lanka and Madagascar.

Restores electrochemical balance in the body, energizes the circulatory, nervous, muscular and immunity (the spleen).

In physical therapy, applied to the first and second chakras, is considered an excellent diuretic and digestive regulator and the peristaltic movements of the intestines also being used in cases of kidney stones and gallstones, menstrual disorders, constipation and diarrhea, diuresis and enuresis and in general, in all kinds of disorder involving any excretory pathways.

It is very good for those suffering from neurotic tendencies, fear, disorientation, negativity.

They help in the treatment of sterility, syphilis, gonorrhea, seminal diseases, uterine, sexual disorders, blood poisoning, infections, arthritis, tuberculosis, anemia, diabetes, fevers, asthma, and cough.

Magical properties:

It is a powerful crystal suitable for inner perfection, purifying the possessor of negative feelings, strengthening the will and enhancing the joy of living.

It is used in rituals that seek to instill confidence and joy to those who lack them, and increase their own psychic powers.

Regency: Pluto.

Correlation signs: Cancer, Leo, Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Capricorn.





Useful gem for stomach pain, ulcers, your energy helps to release conflict, and avoids concentration negativities in the digestive system.




It is named when combined are green and pink tourmalines in a single stone.
A healing level, it is used for heart and metabolic functioning.
It relates to the heart chakra and the sacrum.

In meditation is effective to erase negative feelings, sexual urges balance, coping with crisis sentimental.
Transmits energy to overcome the bad time.

It combines the properties of harmonizing the heart chakra, with epigastric balance between feelings and reality.

Combination of pink and green. This combination is one of the most favorable schemes body for healing applications.

The green flash heals emotional wounds and pink heart inspires love the movement of extroversion and introversion.

Pink and green get weeding and planting seeds dynamic.

Used in the heart chakra and solar plexus.

Rejuvenates and refreshes the heart aching with the beatings.

It helps to build a sense of humor in people who take everything to the tremendous.

Akin to the sacral chakra. Tradition calls the Gem of Christ. In meditation, it is effective to dispel negative feelings like jealousy, distrust.

Help on feelings of love. Effective for meditation. Against jealousy.

VIOLET TOURMALINE (Siderite) "Stone of Enthusiasm"


Akin to the base chakra and brow.
Libera kindness and generosity.

Gema ideal for meditation, and transmutation energy.

It is the stone of enthusiasm.
Fighting despair.
It is ideal for regenerating energy flow along column.
It is recommended for people with lack of affection.
Prevents lover's infidelity. Increases love for its owner.

PINK TOURMALINE (Rubellite or Stone of Christ)


"Its presence infuses Happiness" Akin to the cardiac plexus. Stimulates and regulates cardiac function. It symbolizes the power of love over matter, generating an infinite source of love and compassion, banishing feelings of hatred, fear, revenge, etc.
Pink Tourmaline promotes self-love. Protects the heart chakra, inspires peace and love. Announces that there some insecurity in love and expression of feelings.
This stone protects itself through its own infinite source of compassion, immune to fear and resentment. Beat the fence where the heart is prisoner of fear and pain. Carry or meditate with this stone moves the heart to get rid of past suffering, and to trust again in the power of love. Place the heart in a frequency capable of dissipating destructive resentments.
The shades of pink tourmaline range from deep red and light pink. Provides mental balance. This stone is often used in meditation because it provides mental clarity and intuition develops. 
It symbolizes the emotional. Along with rose quartz and kunzite, is one of the three cornerstones to awaken, develop and vigorously activate the cardiac plexus. Rose quartz starts the process, stimulating a noble self-love, which then enhances kunzite and models to accept the sincere expressions from the Universe. On this basis, the rubellite can use their influence to externalize this love, extending the material world around us. 
Its presence brings joy and happiness interaction between us and our environment, showing us that there should be no uncertainty in expressing love, or freely express our feelings. For this reason, this stone is applied excessively shy or introverted people, to help them overcome these problems and to receive and communicate freely their love for each other.
Place it on the fourth chakra allows the heart free from past hurts, and to believe in the need to love and be loved.It is effective in the treatment of respiratory disorders. It is used to combat feverishness, insomnia and skin conditions such as psoriasis. It is used to combat anemia, bradycardia, hypotension, anorexia, sexual dysfunction, kidney and gallbladder.
To express the exuberance and joy of love: No. 3 in the Trilogy of the Heart. Helps to find a job. Power business. Increases sales.Symbol of passion. Against melancholy and sadness. Develop the ability to love. 
Use the Pink Tourmaline against bitterness and inability to enjoy what one has. Against envy, sadness and melancholy. Decreases fear. Relieves pain. Cures heart ailments. It balances the yin and yang. Provides security, serenity and harmony. Eliminate fear sharing feelings. 
Returns the will to live. Good for meditation. Open our hearts and stimulate our capacity to love. Arouses love and affection between people and facilitate the expression of feelings. It helps people overcome shyness with a poor self-image. Sana ills of heart after a breakup and stagnant emotions frees us in this area as sentimental disappointments, disappointments ... It drives us to start from scratch after life events that mark a before and after. 
The pink tourmaline stimulates the functions of the circulatory system, cleanses and energizes the blood throughout the body. Improved transportation of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues.It has an intense vibrational loading favorably affecting the field of emotions. It is akin to the heart chakra, and one of the best ways to activate it is precisely on the combined use of rose quartz and rubellite.For bronchial diseases and insomnia.

WHITE TOURMALINE  (Colorless, Hyaline or Acrolite)



It is one of the cornerstones of more power within the gem therapy.
It is ideal for brain diseases requiring neurosurgery, such as hemorrhages, aneurysms and strokes.




Included in all shades itself may take the tourmaline, gently melting into each other, and summing up in a single glass all unearthly powers that this mineral has.
This ability to integrate different colors subtly symbolizes the urgent need for individuals from different walks of life, people, nations and races, start working in harmony, seeking a common good.
This ultimate tool of Light, is always manifested intuitive people predestined to it, and its presence vibrates all vital centers simultaneously vibrations harmonically tuned our self with the omnipotent Universal Mind.


Red Tourmaline
Red Tourmaline
Linked to the heart chakra.




Very good to eliminate intestinal and liver problems. It makes us be in harmony with the world around us.

Disclaimer.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.

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