
Peridot or Olivine

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Peridot.

It's also called "Olivine" or "Chrysolite" and also known as the stone of fidelity, justice expresses the love and affection towards others.
It acts on the spleen chakra.
It has a great power and can be used in several ways.
It is the stone of honor and recognition, it also serves to fortify the spirit.
It is particularly suitable for people reserved and should be used by those who insist on maintaining old patterns of behavior.
Recommended for people irascible, jealous, anxious.
Used with good results for people suffering from heart, fever, inflammation, stress and depression.

For heart problems:
"A person who has a heart, must wet a Chrysolite in olive oil. Then pass this stone for the heart and feel pain relief ... Someone febrile should warm wine and then hold up one Chrysolite. the vapors are mixed with hot wine, the patient drink immediately. shall lay the stone in your mouth for about an hour. doing so several times, you can find well-being. "
According to a medieval letter of St. Hildegard from Bingen.

Peridot is famous for acting against the anxieties nocturnal attacks of melancholy and appease the spirits sick.
It has powerful effects on the neurodermatitis.
It is very useful for curing gout.
Acts as normalizing the digestive process, to combat chronic constipation.
Cures ulcers and promotes healing cauterization and for injuries.
Recommended for stomach ulcers and intestinal inflammation.
In antiquity, the Chrysolite and Peridot, were used also for the Topaz. Furthermore, it is likely that the legendary story of the discovery of this stone actually refers to a Peridot. However, currently, the Chrysolite, peridot and topaz are considered each as a different stone.

The great power and charm of the Peridot is demonstrated by the fact that in the past always appeared in pectoral, rings and crowns of kings, priests and emperors.
It is said that Cleopatra gave an immense chrysolite to Mark Antony, that he carried with him until his death.
Pretty appreciated as a protective amulet can drive away demons and evil beings.
Also in the Middle Ages, a time when beliefs were related to ghosts (there are numerous and frequent evidence of this), when they could put a Peridot near the bed to ward off ghosts.
In Spain, this gem had its peak during the reign of Philip IV, and his reputation spread to other European courts, since it is considered a powerful amulet to achieve recognition.
If your surface is naturally drawn an image similar to that of the sun, says the holder obtaining enormous wealth.

Peridot dispels spiritual insecurity. It stimulates the ability of expressing emotions and intellect.
Crystals are effective for depressed people also used to contact the energies of other planes.
Promotes the spiritual world of their own. Support contact higher entities.
Helps with digestive problems. Soothing.

Keeps away evil spirits
It is a protective stone aura
It has a powerful cleansing effect
Releases and neutralizes toxins on all levels
Purifies the physical and subtle bodies, and minds

Peridot opens, cleanes and activates the heart chakra and solar plexus
Lets go off the "old baggage"
It teaches that people cling to the past or is counterproductive
Dissolves burdens, guilt and obsessions
Teaches detachment from outside influences
Teaches seek guidance in their own higher energies
Releases negative patterns and old vibrations
It helps to understand one's own destiny and their own spiritual purpose
It is very useful for healers
It alleviates jealousy, resentment, spite and anger
Reduces stress
Powers confidence and assertiveness without aggression
Encourages spiritual growth
It helps to look back to find gifts that give us the experiences
Teaches to forgive
Promotes psychological clarity and well-being
It's tuned to the achievement of spiritual truth
Regulates life cycles
Sharpens the mind
Opens your mind to new levels of consciousness
Dissipates lethargy
Brings attention to the things that have been neglected consciously or unconsciously
Helps to admit your mistakes and move on
Helps to take responsibility for their own lives
Greatly improves relations
It has a tonic effect
Heals and regenerates tissue
Strengthens skin metabolism and benefits
On the abdomen, helps in childbirth
Balances bipolar disorders
Facilitates the functioning of the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen and ulcers
Overcomes hypochondria
Facilitates the functioning of the intestinal tract and strengthens the eyes
Especially for back pain, whether lumbar, thoracic or cervical

Peridot helps to develop the mental capacity and its ideal for those seeking peace, serenity and control over their emotions.
Fades to night terror and loneliness.
It acts on the spleen chakra, stimulating.
Widely used by shamans and priests Mayans, Aztecs and Egyptians for its healing properties, especially in cases digestive ulcer or intestinal inflammation.
Therefore positive working it is in the splenic and Chakras solar plexus.

To meditate and control emotions

Signs related to stone
Libra, Virgo and Scorpio.

Peridot or Olivine

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a crimp olivine around his neck to eliminate or prevent diseases of the nervous system and skin.
Place a olivine for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, in the center of the chest at heart level, to awaken the feeling of love, compassion and loyalty to others.
Place a olivine for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, on the forehead, between the eyebrows, to control or prevent depression or stress.
Place a olivine for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and, on the left groin, to eliminate or prevent all bleeding problems.

CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Opens, stimulates and strengthens the heart chakra (Anahata) air and love.

Taurus and Pisces
It strengthens the heart, spleen and pancreas.
Digestion and assimilation, and elimination of toxins ulcer.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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