Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
"Stone of Power"

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Lapis Lazuli

Acts on the brow chakra as it unlocks the emotions, frees the intuition and helps consciousness to achieve its own power.
Regarded as the stone of power, wisdom and royalty. It comes from the mythology of the Egyptians to believe that using this crystal was able to connect with the gods.
It has always been a privilege stone, adorning jewelry and amulets, worn by kings and religious figures.
Pulverized Egyptians used this stone and to neutralize poisons.
In meditation eases the path of wisdom and balances the moments of uncertainty and skepticism.
His blue vibrations connected with the glandular system, in their darker hues and purify clear and release energy.
It connects us with our inner being, meditation, devotion, introspection, our ability to trust the higher.
Expression, communication, meditation, third eye development.
Associated with Sagittarius. He is credited with the virtue of attracting highly evolved and powerful spirits. In fact they always believed that the owner of this stone was endowed with great supernatural powers. Exerts more influence when brought by people with the rising sun sign or moon sign in Sagittarius.
To enable communication.
Cure melancholy and insomnia.
The Egyptians on the other hand they made their sacred scarab in pure gold and encrusted with this stone. It is said to promote the joy of life, hope and solar influences.
Transcendence of the Ego. Help to become a clear channel and see others without judgment.
The lapis lazuli was a stone sacred to the Egyptians. Used it in their temples because they thought it was a stone from the sky (by color that resembles the night sky with silver specks that look like stars).
The lapis is a master of light. It is the stone of wisdom, truth, integrity and enlightenment. It is protective against external psychic attacks.
Stone Yang, is an important activator of energy. The lapis establishes relationships of love and friendship, and helps to express the feelings and emotions. Encourages you to take charge of your life.
The turquoise lapis shares the distinction of being among the most prized gems of ancient civilizations.
It was believed that cure melancholy and fever.
In Rome it was considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

Healing properties:

Strengthens the immune system.
Cures sore throats.
Cures melancholy and is indicated for the treatment of disorders of the spleen.
Eases the headaches.
It is an antidepressant.
Important healing properties, cleansing and healing.
Cures, strengthen or help against pharynx, esophagus, thyroid, lymph, pituitary and thymus, spleen, heart and parasympathetic.
Helps with lung problems.
The Lapis cure gallstones.
Against insomnia.
Avoid abortions and all kinds of calamities.

Spiritual Properties:

Brings wisdom.
It is a stone for the mind.
It is known as the stone of communication.
It helps to think, awakens the mind to a higher consciousness, widely used in meditation, unlock the chakras.
Effective in emotional maladjustment, cure melancholy.
Attracts fortune and fame.
The Lapis Lazuli can help us to clarify our thoughts when we are surrounded by chaos.
This way you can guide us in making decisions or simply in organizing ideas or plans.
His energy also influences the mental dullness helping to clear it.
It helps us to become aware of our real issues and gives us clues on how to solve them.
Communicator is also a crystal is essential so that when we know we have to talk a lot and well as on an exam, a job interview, etc.. Besides, you can also help us to express our thoughts correctly and harmonize our word. This is especially useful for people whose shyness are not able to speak as they wished.
Lapis lazuli is one of those stones that should have on hand in spiritual work.
Basically its strength is concentrated to unlock the energies of the chakras, so it is especially useful to unlock the third eye and allow us to develop these capabilities we carry hidden.
This allows us to develop our intuition and have clarity of spiritual thought.
In turn, their blue hues, is fabulous to work on our inner voice.
To listen properly to our spirit and life.
You can also help us to have our perceptions more refined and gain a greater connection to the All.
Also a great psychic stabilizer which allows us, among other things learn to discern between reality and fantasy, between mental spiritual intuitions and dreams.
It is also used for abundance.
Has divine favor and gives the ability and success.
Energies attracts highly evolved spirits.
Releases of past traumatic situations.

It is one of the cornerstones of the third chakra, the fifth chakra, the sixth and seventh chakra chakra, so it's fabulous to activate the energy of these important power centers.
Placed on the forehead, unlocks the workings of the mind.
Points to the path of enlightenment and helps opening the third eye.
The person using Lapis must be connected harmoniously with pyrite.
In meditation is used by placing it on the third eye to unlock the workings of the mind and release intuitive forces.
Make the path to enlightenment, giving mental clarity and psychic ability.
It is the "cure-all".
Increases the spiritual power of the individual, makes the body more sensitive and raises the vibratory rate to high levels.
Provides vitality.
Symbol of internal and external power.

With Amethyst, Rose Quartz Green Quartz and achieves a way to alleviate deep knowledge and states of fear, uncertainty, oppression, bitterness and depression.
Traditionally sought to improve states of spiritual elevation, useful for releasing anxiety, improve mental capacity.
For the respiratory system.

Lapis or Azulita
Increases communication capability, making others understand our thoughts.
It helps to think rationally.
Open your mind and helps planes of higher consciousness.
Purifies the entire body.
It clears the entire region of the throat.
It works effectively in cases of swelling, itching, swelling, rash, fever, poor blood pressure and painful menstruation.
Fights depression and headaches of nervous origin.
Drives our "self" to raise awareness of its immortal nature.
Give power. Support communication with higher entities.

Stimulates enlightenment
It enhances dream work and psychic abilities
Facilitates spiritual journey
Stimulates personal and spiritual power

Rapidly released from're bringing deep peace
It has a huge key to serenity and spiritual realization
It is a protective stone that contacts the guardian spirits
Recognizes psychic attack, blocks it and returns the energy to its source
Show the power of the spoken word
Invest curses
Harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
Encourages you to take charge of your life
It reveals inner truth
Promotes self
It allows self-expression without holding anything or make concessions
Eliminates repressed anger
Brings honesty, compassion and righteousness
It stimulates the higher mental faculties, providing clarity and objectivity
Establishes relationships of love and friendship
Helps to express feelings and emotions
Relieves the pain of migraines
Allows overcome depression
Clean organs
It is beneficial for the nervous and respiratory, throat, larynx and thyroid
Clean the marrow of the bones
Clean the thymus
Helps overcome hearing loss, purifies the blood and boosts the immune system
Relieves insomnia and vertigo and lowers blood pressure

Hindus say helps burn the fruit of Karma or negative actions of human beings. Traditionally it has been considered a symbol of power and royalty, since the time of the Egyptians, who have used it in abundance, and that was thought to be the gem of the gods. The powder used to neutralize the effect of poisons and cure some diseases. In meditation is used by placing it on the third eye to unlock the workings of the mind and release intuitive forces.
LIGHT is absolute and it is written that intercommunication with other planets, as well as being fundamental to the existence of Atlantis. Very helpful for those who seek and love. Help in the thyroid, lungs and spleen.

Wake spirituality. Helps fight depression.

Healing and spiritual properties

Effective in emotional maladjustment.
Cure melancholy and is indicated for the treatment of disorders of the spleen.
Attracts fortune and fame.
Opens the crown chakra
Affinity with the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra
This mineral is available in various forms, stones wind shifts as personal items for everyday use. Being the Lapis related to the sixth chakra or front, he infers a brain regenerative capacity. They can relax and meditation rolled a stone placed on the forehead for 15 minutes. The results will be feeling with the passage of time and the concentration agility

Signs related to stone
Aquarius, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn.

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a crimp lapis lazuli around your neck, to prevent or combat sadness, depression and psychological distress.
Place a lapis for ten minutes a day in the center of the forehead (between the eyebrows), and lying in a relaxed state, to prevent or cure mental illness, psychological piscosomáticas and help overcome shyness. Also to enhance the power of concentration.
Place a lapis for ten minutes a day in the middle of the throat, and lying in a state of relaxation, to overcome shyness, difficulty in speech and communication, respiratory diseases and to raise our capacity to forgive neighbor.
Place a crown lapis subject with a handkerchief, for ten minutes a day, lying in a state of relaxation, to attain knowledge of the truth, enhance understanding and make our thoughts are positive, and pure.
CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Opens and stimulates the crown chakra (Sahasrara), understanding.

Increases psychic abilities, opens clairvoyance, cleaning (expression) of the throat, aligns etheric bodies, mental and spiritual thought amplifier.

Taurus, Sagittarius and Aquarius
Larynx, pharynx, esophagus, thyroid, lymph, pituitary, thymus, spleen, heart and parasympathetic system.

This stone has always been highly rated in history. Even those who believe in the existence of Atlantis comment that rose through the lapis. In Egypt was a highly coveted stone even medicinal reasons. Lapis can help us to clarify our thoughts when we are surrounded by chaos. This way you can guide us in making decisions or simply in organizing ideas or plans.

It helps to think, awakens the mind to a higher consciousness, widely used in meditation, unlock the chakras. It is indicated for the treatment of disorders of the spleen. Attracts fortune and fame. Opens the crown cahkra Affinity signs: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra

Mined in Afghanistan for over 7,000 years, the "Stone Armenia" is a permanent rock - yes, it's a rock -; unlike other gems, is a composite of several materials with glittering splashes of pyrite (fools gold or ) that reinforce its mystical aspect. Besides its important healing properties, cleansing and healing, lapis supposedly also marks the path of enlightenment and helps opening the third eye. It was popular among the ancient alchemists (who called sapphirus), was used in medicine, cosmetics and paint. It was also believed that granted ability, success, divine favor, old wisdom and healing sore throats. No wonder it was so valuable as gold!
The ancient city of Ur already had a thriving trade in lapis lazuli in the fourth millennium BC and appears in several passages of the Book of the Dead as a stone inscription. It was one of the stones contained in the Bible "Breastplate of Judgment" of Aaron (Exodus: xxviii, 15-30). But the Romans (typically) believed was a powerful aphrodisiac. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that keeping members healthy and freed the soul from error, envy and fear. When first introduced lapis in Europe, it was called overseas, which means beyond the sea.

The oil mixed with crushed lapis was the secret of the blue in ultramarine, the pigment which painters used to paint the sea and the sky until the nineteenth century. Among the precious stones, lapis is the only "rock" (composed of several minerals rather than one).

The characteristic blue comes from minerals of sodalite, the white calcite and golden sparkling splash of pyrite. All lapis lazuli are opaque. The lapis comes second in popularity in men's jewelry, black onyx after, while in women's jewelry is the most common use or pending accounts. Superior quality is characterized by an intense dark blue without visible calcite and pyrite few simple splash.

The "Royal Blue" ("Royal Blue") is a term that describes a quality material.
The clearer it becomes the color (indicating greater presence of calcite) decreases the value of most lapis, being a clear calcite visible damage. The quality of the size is also an important factor for the value.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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