

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Hematite.

Its name "Blood and Stone", indicates that it is effective to cure blood-related problems such as bleeding, anemia, etc..
Akin to the heart chakra.
The red hematite is used on the sexual chakra hematite and purple on the base or root plexus.
It is favorable for those organs that filter the blood, liver, spleen and kidneys.
It is also used for digestive system diseases such as breast tumors and cysts, ovarian and prostate cancers.
Relieves skin impurities, spasms, neck strain, back pain and migraines.
It's good decongestant, applies in colds and flu.
Regenerates tissues, accelerating recovery processes and inhibits surgical scars when massaged gently with stone.
It is a stone with high power to ward off negative energies of both our own and others generally used in conjunction with black tourmaline for that purpose.
It is a very powerful amulet to avoid bloody accidents.
It's credited with the ability to bring good luck.
It raises our esteem generating greater self confidence, clarify thoughts and enhance our intellectual capacity.
Stimulating effect of blood flow, helps the absorption of oxygen, energizes and revitalizes, develops personal magnetism, acts on the heart chakra.
Blood purification, movement, self-esteem.
To lessen menstrual bleeding.
Increases the flow of the meridians.

Its associations are with Scorpio and Pisces. It is also known by the carnelian and is credited with the power to attract friendship, calm the angry and generally placate anger. It is also said to offer protection against the evil eye and depression. His powers are maximized when carried by the natives of Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

Alignment of the energy centers.
It was used as a gem for initiation rituals, and affirm positive changes. It is even used in traditional medicine for its iron content to problems
anemia, poor circulation.
Has a direct and invigorating the blood and circulatory system as a whole.
Very important for women who lose much blood due to menstruation.
Invigorating effects.
Perfect against blood diseases. Also strengthens it.
Concentrates strength and energy in us.
Essential when trying to fight against all sorts of physical illness, whether cancer, AIDS, kidney or liver disorders (organs of blood purifier), or any toxicity problem.
The hematite mission is to connect the spirit with the body.
It helps concentration.
Good luck and protection. Drives away evil spirits.

Nods energies
Harmonizes body, mind and spirit
Protects soul astral travel
It balances the meridians
Dissolves negativity
Returns the body peace and harmony
Helps on legal issues

Supports timid women
Expands self-esteem
Expands the survival instinct
Powers willness and reliability
Imparts confidence
Removes limitations and helps expand
It is useful to overcome addictions
Draws attention to the unfulfilled desires
Treats the abuse of food
Treats smoking
Helps to make peace with the mistakes
Helps to accept mistakes as learning experiences rather than disasters
Stimulates concentration and focus
Powers memory and original thought
Mental attention directed towards the basic needs of survival
Helps to solve problems of all kinds
It is useful to study mathematics and technical subjects
It has a powerful connection with blood
Restores, strengthens and regulates the blood flow
Extracting heat from the body can
Treats circulatory problems
Treats anemia
It helps the kidneys to cleanse the blood
Regenerates tissue
Stimulates the absorption of iron
It stimulates the formation of red blood cells
Treats leg cramps
Treats Anxiety
Treats insomnia
Promotes spinal alignment and fractures

To the circulation of the blood. Transform negativity. Help to take root.

Expect new opportunities.

Pliny said that the hematite cure the evil eye, and added that it is useful to gain legal processes.
Activates the blood circulation and stimulates the absorption of oxygen ¬. Is indicated for the treatment of blood disorders and digestive system, as well as tumors, leukemia, heart disease and bone marrow.
The hematite roots us to the earth. Stimulates the first chakra resulting in greater self confidence. Strengthens the mind and concentrating ability, frees the mind from negative thoughts and cleans and strengthens the aura. Ideal for breaking self-imposed mental limitations or from abroad.

Its name comes from the Greek meaning "blood stone", with its circulation increased scope. Helps heal wounds and in the assimilation of iron, making it effective in cases of anemia. Energizes and oxygenates the blood and elevating our mood. Helps stimulate focus and confidence in our abilities. Its quality is essential to harmonize body, mind and spirit. Stimulates the discipline, firmness and self-knowledge.
Class: Iron oxides and hydroxides. Color: Crystals ranging from black to steel gray with iridescent highlights. In mass, are reddish. Appearance: The crystals are usually tabular or rhombohedral. Also botryoidal crystallized form. Hometown: Brazil, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Canada and Switzerland. Mohs hardness: 5 to 6. Also known as: ruffe.

Signs related to stone
Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Hematite Pendant
Hematite Pendant

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a crimp hematite around your neck, to eliminate or prevent the evil eye.
Place a hematite for ten minutes a day in the center of the forehead (between the eyebrows), and lying in a relaxed state, to achieve balance between body, mind and spirit.
Place a hematite for ten minutes a day in the center of the chest at heart level, and lying in a relaxed state, to prevent or cure all kinds of problems with blood flow, cardiac and lung.
Place a hematite on the navel for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, to control or prevent diseases of the digestive system.
Place a hematite on the crown with a tissue subject for ten minutes a day, lying in a state of relaxation, to attain knowledge of the truth.
Place a hematite on the left groin, for ten minutes a day, lying in a state of relaxation, to eliminate the problems identified in the bone.

CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the brow chakra (Ajna), light and vision and the crown (Sahasrara), understanding.

Anemia, bronchi, lungs, arteriosclerosis.

Vitality, strength, enhances iron absorption, red blood cell formation. Help in judicial matters.

Its name "Blood and Stone", indicates that it is effective to cure blood-related problems such as bleeding, anemia, etc.. It is favorable for those organs that filter the blood, liver, spleen and kidneys.
It is also used for digestive system diseases such as breast tumors and cysts, ovarian and prostate cancers. Relieves skin impurities, spasms, neck strain, back pain and migraines.
It's good decongestant, applies in colds and flu. Regenerates tissues, accelerating recovery processes and inhibits surgical scars when massaged gently with stone.
It is a stone with high power to ward off negative energies of both our own and others generally used in conjunction with black tourmaline for that purpose. It is a very powerful amulet to avoid bloody accidents. He is credited with the ability to bring good luck. It raises our esteem generating greater self confidence, clarify thoughts and enhance our intellectual capacity.
Akin to the heart chakra

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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