

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Fluorite.


It was bequeathed to humanity by harmonizing universal, to help her arduous journey to the final outcome.
Called the "Stone of Genius", often called a double pyramid octahedra. This court is without question the most healing to the point that increases our brain power. Both hemispheres are encouraged to work together.
This stone is irreplaceable because it was given to further enlarge the intellect and consciousness.
It is easy to distinguish the four main colors that correspond to the higher chakras, that is, the supreme power triangle and the higher planes of consciousness.
In the area of meditation is the third eye stone. Provides access to the highest levels of the mind by the intensity of its vibrations.
You can open the doors of capturing, converting meditation on an almost mystical experience, enabling a deeper understanding of the mysteries hermetic.

Fluorite Generator
Fluorite Generator
Favors the creation within a peaceful inner self, we can discern the important from the superfluous.
Many experts say that it was left in Earth by superior cultures, so that humans can reach other dimensions.
On the physical plane is the type used for brain ailments and neurosis, psychopathy, given the connection of its vibrations to neural system.
The blue is for calm and inner peace.
The green and purple, to dive into the depths of the spirit, ideal for application on the upper chakras and the sixth center. Symbolizes physical detachment, the fervor of a mind dedicated to achieving superior concretions.
The indigo induces a person to apply his intellect to the technological achievements for development group.
The transparent aid management, and integration into a whole feeling happy.
The pink and amber, in tune with the heart chakra and umbilical.
Balancing polarities, concentration, intellectual and spiritual development.
Transformation and devotion links matter to spirit through the crown chakra.

Fluorite Point
Fluorite Point

Ornamental stone that was fashionable in the Victorian era. Provides knowledge and mystic who wish to enter the cosmic wisdom and truth, through the third eye. Indispensable for their qualities in meditation. Balancing effect between the negative and positive, creating feelings of serenity in the environment of people. Said to have been planted on Earth by aliens. Akin to the amethyst for his powers of transmutation. Its very powerful healing vibration, working with brain pictures successes as delusions of persecution, irritabilidades, neurosis, epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. In the shade of green, quiet and relaxing situations. Few stones like her contribute to the creation of an internal state of peace and silence in which everything freezes and time seems to stop. Also there in green shades

The stone of the student, Soothing. Libera negativity and emotional blockages.

Color: purple, green, yellow, white, red, blue.

Fluorite Point
Fluorite Point

Healing and spiritual properties the Fluorite

Fluorite is advisable for people suffering from stress by relaxing and sedative properties.
For this reason and for its color is often used for meditation. Bring a fluorite bring us emotional and perfect balance between mind and body.
Indicated for the treatment of disorders of the brain, both physical and mental.
Provides mental clarity, concentration and serenity
Favor of opening the third eye
Opens the solar plexus chakra.
Affinity with the signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces

Helps reduce arthritis, absorbs and purifies the psychic stale air.

From a higher state of consciousness, we access the truth intellectually, understanding the cosmic concepts of reality and the laws that govern the universe.
It advances the mind, developing their comprehension and integration of higher dimensions.
Maintains the balance between positive and negative facets of the mind, then you can live peace and silence emanating from neutrality, plunging us into an eternal moment.
The awareness provided by fluorite maintains communication with the unit, all without giving up being and individual existence.
It complements the energy of amethyst.
Help to develop new mental abilities.
Good to treat some mental illnesses and certain brain disorders.
"Stone of genius", symbolizes the supreme degree of mental achievements.
She dresses in four main colors: blue, color of inner peace Purple symbolizes the devotional character of a mind focused and dedicated to the spirit. Dorado, wisdom and knowledge. White, purity and unity.
Helps cure mental illness.

Highly protective stone
Short psychic manipulation
Short undue mental influence
Cleans and stabilizes the aura
It is very effective against radiation and electromagnetic computers
Banish negative energies
Expels all voltages
Cleanses, purifies, dispels and reorganizes the body everything that is not in perfect order

It is ideal to overcome any form of disorganization
Lands and integrates spiritual energies
Promotes fairness
Power intuitive powers
It makes you more aware of higher spiritual realities
Accelerates spiritual awakening
It focuses the mind
It links the mind with the universal mind
Groups provides stability
Dissolve crystallized behavior patterns
Open the door to the subconscious delicately
It brings to the surface repressed feelings for resolution
Increases the skill and self-confidence
Improves physical coordination and mental
Counter mental disorders
Dissolves fixed ideas
Dissolves illusions and reveals truth
This is useful when you have to act impartially and objectively
Organizes and processes information
Links what is already known with what is being learned
Increases concentration
Helps absorb new information
Promotes rapid healing
It has a stabilizing effect
It helps to understand the effect of the mind and emotions on body
In relationships, teaches the importance of balance
Physically, promotes balance and coordination
Infections and Disorders
Beneficial for teeth and bone cells
Repairs DNA damage
Effective against viruses
Regenerating the skin and mucous membranes, particularly in the respiratory tract

Heals ulcers and wounds
Relieves colds, flu and sinusitis
Mobilizing joints, relieve arthritis, rheumatism and spinal injuries.
Relieves pain when caresses her body toward the heart
Improves herpes and other nervous disorders
Cure skin, cleaning stains and wrinkles
Reactive sexual libido

Signs related to stone

Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus and Virgo.
Utilities, Applications and healing properties
Place a fluorite crimped around his neck, to get emotional and deep serenity.
Place a fluorite before us in order to enhance the power of concentration when meditating and getting a good state of relaxation.
Place a fluorite for ten minutes a day in the center of the forehead, and lying in a relaxed state, to prevent and combat the problems related to brain mass.
Place a fluorite on the navel for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, to enhance the strength of will and creative power
CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, strengthens, protects, enhances and balances the chakras Brow (Ajna) light and vision and Solar Plexus (Manipura) power and will.

Fluorite Points
Fluorite Points


Variety multicolor high energy very effectively as harmonizing gem, invigorating, vibrating with all the chakras.


White variety, very pure, used in ceremonies angelic contact, also to work with spirit guides and ascended masters.


Purple Fluorite
Purple Fluorite
Excellent as a gem for meditation and transmuting negative energy. It has as energy effective as amethyst, but does not lose the color by sun exposure.

Purple Fluorite
Purple Fluorite
Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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