

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Malachite.

In crystals therapy it is sometimes referred to as "green malachite", to distinguish it from the so-called "blue malachite" or Azurite.
It is linked with all chakras.
Easily absorbs energy and is the secret of his great power and has many applications. By this feature it must be carefully cleaned after each use.

On the physical plane takes fast and effective relief from various pains.
Solve eye problems (their vibrations stimulate the optic nerve) and wide visual field.
From a psychological standpoint, it serves to balance emotional problems of crisis or critical situations.
In meditation, to activate energies to clarify aspects unconscious.
It may be the stone of balance. It is used as a channel for energy project aimed at a specific target and facilitates concentration.
It is very effective to overcome their own life skills, finding the roads more difficult and less successful.
Energy blockages, pain, creativity, change.
Against the emotional inconstancy.
Against the fear of losing control.
Protection from the evil eye. Especially recommended for young children.
Mirrors and mirror of what is inside.
Channeling positive energy
It is estimated that the veins of malachite act on the human nervous system, as harmonizing emotional imbalances, improving mood and feelings of envy scaring, nightmares and evil spirits.
Specialists in the prescribed magical gemology especially in cases of mental exhaustion of nervous tics, insomnia and for all those who may lose their excessive pride and want to get a bath of humility.
In the game of love, is said to have the power to dispel jealousy, bringing back more elusive lovers or are balm for disappointment.
It is a powerful stone of fortune, it is said that their dark green color absorbs wealth to its owner.
In ancient times, the Romans used it as a talisman to protect against lightning, falls and accidents. They also used to tie the bellies of pregnant women with ties malachite amulet, which thought control vomiting and dizziness while pursuing a less painful delivery.
The Arab tradition assigns malachite talismanic power to bestow the gift of persuasion to pave obstacles in achieving a goal.
Association heavenly Nadiel, migration angel who rules the spirit of Kislev, the third month of the Jewish calendar, equivalent to December.
Biblical Relationships: It was part of the first high priest's breastplate of the Jews and was one of the founding stones of the Holy City.
Time and time more propitious: Midsummer and 3 am.
Zodiacal Relations: Is related to any sign, but especially recommended for Capricorn, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Against the evil eye
Malachite pieces that appear to be in their structure the appearance of the eye of a hurricane, surrounded by green rotating winds are preferred as charms against the evil eye.
The longstanding thing as over six thousand years ago, the Egyptians made a cosmetic eyelid green with malachite powders extracted in the Sinai Peninsula, which used to counteract the feared effects of the evil eye.
Over time, this green pigment called mountain, was also used against certain eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.
Improved stress states and harmonizes, cash is a crystal to energize the kidneys, and liver, but it's soft and gets easily scratched and opaque.

To attract friends.
Against anxiety.
To overcome the effects of shocks.
For the respiratory system.
Relieves pain. Solve eye problems. Help and energizes in crisis.

Amplifies positive and negative energies
Airplane spiritual energies on the planet
It is an important protective stone
It absorbs negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and the body
Protects against radiation of any kind.

Clean electromagnetic pollution
Heals the Earth energies
Cleans and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance
Enables visualization and psychic vision
Brings balance and harmony
Opens to unconditional love
Travelling lines frees the mind and stimulates the images
It is a stone of transformation
Encourages change and to take risks
Brings to express deep feelings and psychosomatic causes
Sets you free from your inhibitions
Breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns
Teaches to take responsibility for one's actions, thoughts and feelings
Encourages to express feelings
Develops empathy toward others
Eases shyness and sustains friendships
Useful for psychosexual problems
Mentally, goes to the core of the problem
Powers intuition and understanding
Helps relieve mental disorders, including psychiatric illness
Fights dyslexia
Strengthens the capacity to absorb and process information
It makes you more observant
It helps to understand difficult concepts
It provides a deep emotional healing, to the solar plexus
Releases negative experiences and old traumas
Brings repressed feelings to surface
Restores the ability to breathe deeply
Balances the heart and navel chakras
Mood intensifies, but does that change rapidly
It can be used for inner exploration
Stimulates brings vivid dreams and memories
It is useful for cramps
Facilitates delivery
Lowers blood pressure
It resonates with the female sexual organs and treats any sexual disease
Treats asthma, arthritis and epilepsy.
Aligns DNA and cell structure, and boosts the immune system
Treats fractures, swollen joints, tumors, travel sickness, vertigo and optic nerve.
Treats the pancreas and spleen, and parathyroid gland
It stimulates the liver to release toxins, reducing acidification of tissues
Starting around the waist, treats diabetes

You may need the support of other stones for therapy.
Should be cleaned before and after use by putting it in a quartz conglomerate  at sun light. Do not immerse in salt water to clean it, and it will lose its luster.

Symbol of change and creativity. Its density nontransparent easily absorbs energy and this is the secret of its power and effectiveness of meditation experiences to facilitate concentration. Bridge balance the chakras, serves equally to all parts of the body, is beneficial if used together with azurite or chrysocolla. For ease of magnetic absorption, malachite should be thoroughly cleaned after use to maintain its beneficial vibratory capacity. Water and sun are indispensable in this process. Your vibration balancing the nervous system restores and harmonises the problems of emotional nature. Psychic mirror is also absorbing negative energies therefore should be cleaned daily. Relieves physical pain, especially those affecting the spleen and pancreas. It's great to concentrate and meditate, leading the individual states of great inner beauty. Aleja negative psychic influences, calms and relaxes the mental processes, stimulates the optic nerve and improves vision.

It is widely used in jewelry because of the special glow that reaches to have after polished.
Malachite Frog

The stone of balance. Fights depression. Help sore and swollen areas.

Chemical formula: Cu2CO3(OH)2 Crystal system: Monoclinic - prismatic Crystal habit: Mass, Botryoidal, stalactitico, Color: Green, Mohs Scale of Hardness: 3.5 - 4

Signs related to this stone:
Leo, Aries, Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a malachite crimped around his neck or put it under your pillow at night, to eliminate negative thoughts and nightmares.
Place a malachite for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, on the forehead, between the eyebrows, to combat or prevent anxiety and depression
Place a malachite for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, on the navel, to remove or prevent all problems of the digestive system.
Place a malachite for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, two fingers below the navel to enhance fertility and sexual impotence.

CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the spleen chakra (Swadhisthana), desire, pleasure, sexuality and procreation.

Balances hemispheres right / left brain, mental illness, radiation protection, promotes tissue regeneration, self expression, vision attends to everything.

For all signs
Autism and dyslexia. Menstrual problems. Strengthens the heart. Emotional imbalances.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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