

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Amethyst.

Currently modern man needs it so that our planet can be harmonized again and returned to its natural balance.
The Amethyst has effects on both the body and the soul, helping in the search for inner talents and sharpening our spiritual power.
With its intense vibrations, can lead to a harmonious dream, away from the nightmares.
Also keeps away fears, domestic nuisances and promotes the growth of plants.
It is the quintessential stone of meditation as it reflects purple rays, and is related to the pineal and pituitary gland and the crown chakra.
In meditation it is used to find the inner self, promote understanding and persuasion.
Allows to use, uptake and elimination of our deepest problems.
Is scheduled for abandoning vices, parturtientas helps in difficult deliveries.
Treats skin problems, reproductive tract diseases, migraines, addictions and spasms of all kinds.
It is associated with humility, for the wearer heading towards the path of objective vision.

Amethyst can take out to newcomers to the field of deep understanding of Self, and high on the path of wisdom, it leads to the search for truth without prejudice or preconceptions.
Called the "Stone of Sentiment", indicated to give to people who have lost a loved one, or are suffering from a serious illness, and self-employed in a similar predicament.
It also helps those who feel abandoned to overcome his grief and trying to regain his balance.
Highly recommended to treat stress.
Calming effect on the mind, eases the transition from normal consciousness to alternative state of awareness, acts on the crown chakra and the third eye (front).
Creativity, intuition, spiritual development, meditation
Against depression.
Its astrological associations are with Aries and Aquarius. Attracts love, luck and help for alcoholism, in addition to providing protection against curses. Gives the best results to be carried by the natives of Aries or Aquarius.

The most renowned property of the Amethyst is, besides curing drunkenness, control evil thoughts and the illumination of the mind.
Amethyst is perhaps the best known mineral. It is a stone teacher, a highly protective glass. Physically represents the violet ray alchemical transformation. It has many practical applications. Large stones amethyst (drusen or geodes) are widely used in health centers, meditation rooms and waiting rooms and filling the space with soothing vibrations, neutralize negative energy and release blocked energy.
Are well known amethyst geodes, of rare beauty and regenerative energies. It is said to help prevent drunkenness, hence the name
Amethyst is said to purify and cleanse the body and mind. It promotes understanding and persuasion. Amethyst is a stone that comfort in pain and provides relief in times of distress.
Vibrations have sedative, balances the body when sleep disturbances, power endocrine glands and nervous system. It is indicated for the treatment of arthritis.
It brings peace and balance, stimulates the intellect. Symbolizes balance and purity, serenity and modesty. It is one of the most interesting stones for meditation. Indicated for depression.
Amethyst is said to have the power to influence the environments of discord and make them nice and sincere.
It is said that creates harmony, should not miss an amethyst in our house. This indicated for the treatment of asthma and heart disease. Opens and strengthens the chakras of the head, basal and spleen.
Affinity with the signs of Aries, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces and Libra.

How to use your amethyst?

Amethyst Sphere
Amethyst Sphere


Take your amethyst in the pocket of your trousers. Touch the occasional glass with your hand so absorb their energies and vibrations.

Put it under your pillow before bedtime.

Wear it on a necklace until you notice an improvement in your health.

About the stone to the body part that hurts and make contact between the amethyst and your body for 3-20 minutes.

Install your amethyst in a room. If you use a geode druse or its effect will be great. The darker the amethyst, the stronger the effect.
Use the stone during meditation

Example of Meditation:
Choose a quiet time and a place where you can be without anyone bothering you.
Sit in a comfortable position with clothes that fit and cover yourself with a blanket. The important thing is that your spine is upright in order to facilitate the flow of energy and to create a connection with the land.
Keep the glass gently in your hand or place it in front of you on the floor or on a table. Put your hands in your lap, right hand over the left hand (men), left hand over the right hand (women) and thumbs touching.
Look closely at the glass and discover its beauty in form and color. Feel its weight and feel it with your hand exchange energy (heat, cold ...)
Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe deeply and release all your thoughts. Feel with each inhalation and absorb the magical powers of your glass and beneficial as with every exhalation feel the tension leaving your body.
Allow yourself to enter ever more into a deep state of meditation and feel your energy field extends more and is filled with crystalline energies.
Visualize the energy field of your glass and your own energy field meet, now forms part of your glass.You are one!
Now you can go into your glass and look at it from within and discover their inner magic wealth. You can also ask a question to your glass. The first impression or the first thought that pops is the answer. Enjoy your meditative state how long you want.
When you're done with your meditation feel your body again and you contact the ground. Inhale and slowly moves in circles your toes and rotate your hands. Feel the space around you.
Slowly open your eyes.
Take notes of your experience in detail on a paper.

Energy Transformation, protection.
Variety of quartz fascinated mankind for millennia.
Appears in varied sizes geodes. Your typical dark purple to violet is optimal for transmuting energies, enhance meditation, is also a gem relaxing with prolonged use often becomes clearer.
Amethyst reduces stress, increases mental and spiritual impulses.
Cleanse the thoughts, eliminating anger, fear and guilt.
It stimulates the intellect.
Preserves drop. Good for endocrine and nervous system.
Help in diabetes and strengthens red blood cells.
Is said to have soothing influences in contention environments.
To assimilate the changes.
Against depression.
For concentration.
Increases creativity.
Poisoning by bites.
Against headache menstruation.
It symbolizes the passage of consciousness normal waking state to state alterative perception.
Ideal for meditation.
Calma circumstantial thought process, instilling serenity.
Consciousness away from selfishness, instilling to mind a deeper understanding of reality.
The mind surrenders and thoughts vanish.
Teaches humility to achieve higher mental states.
Very useful when suffering the loss of a loved one, reminding subliminally no true death, but a transition and a change of form.
Called the "soul stone" because you send your message to that level of being.
Provides access to supreme soul experiences.
Communicate directly with the soul.
Perfect for meditation on death.
Suitable for professional mental states of stress or confusion.
Good to treat stress and migraines.
Positive for people who have a strong personality or temper.
Resets mental balance.
Very good against chronic nightmares.
Color: Mauve
Star sign: Pisces
Planet: Neptune
Day of the week: Wednesday

Quartz variant. Balances the seventh chakra.

Amethyst is a great protective
Protects against psychic attack
Natural tranquilizer
Power the higher states of consciousness and meditation
Overcomes addictions and blockages of all kinds
Relaxes or stimulates the mind, as appropriate
Power absorption of new ideas and connects cause and effect
Facilitates the decision-making process
Calm and mentally synthesized
It is helpful in cases of insomnia and protects against recurrent nightmares
Power memory and improves motivation
Help us remember and understand dreams
Facilitates the visualization process
Balances the ups and downs, promoting emotional centering. It dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety
It helps integrate losses
Natural tranquilizer.
Stimulates the 6th Chakra or Third Eye
Power bodies-clearing
It boosts the immune system
blood Cleaner
Power production of hormones, and tunes the endocrine system and metabolism
Sana lung diseases
Relieves headaches and let go of stress
Relieves pain, physical stress, emotional and psychological.
Healthy skin ailments
Treats insomnia and brings restful sleep
Sana cell disorders and digestive system
Clears the aura
Transmutes negative energy
Stimulates the throat and crown chakras.

Amethyst increases intelligence, preserving of communicable diseases and gout. It is suitable for the nervous and endocrine systems. Support diabetes and strengthens red blood cells. Purifies and harmonizes the environment in which they live or work, transmuting negative energy into positive. It is a stone of power, energy, purity and justice. Provides protection, peace and spirituality as it denied the sadness and injustice. Develops psychic power and produces good luck. It is the gate of the higher spiritual forces. Neuralgia and headaches are cured by rubbing the stone at the affected site. Maximum protection is that you can take: One gold Maltese cross, surrounded by a circle of gold with an amethyst in the center. For his projection of ultraviolet light is used by doctors and healers. Related to the third eye chakra and coronary. Ancient alchemists said that the stone was darkened or if faced with negative powers.

Cleans negativity. Helps your sleep. For asthma and depression.

A vital change and a shift in consciousness. Fidelity in love, freedom from jealousy.

Amethyst belongs to the quartz family, so why focus on it all the qualities of Quartz stability, emotional balance, power all internal organs.
The Romans knew her as a protector for the excesses with wine, in his famous orgies. It is highly recommended for migraine.

Its affinity with the Zodiac: Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces.
All minerals have their own affinity, so if at some point you will be attracted by the Amethyst and belongs to no sign of those named, is serving the attraction's own mineral.

Healing and spiritual properties

Amethyst Druse
Amethyst Druse
Amethyst is associated with the seventh chakra located in the center of the head or crown.
The Amethyst is available in various forms for different purposes.
If you want to carry in your purse, pocket or hand (recommended for people with anxiety or stress nerves) have to purchase a Amethyst rolled.
Druze are shaped amethysts rough geodes taken from pieces that can have considerable sizes.
They are recommended for garnish (large pieces put mainly on corners or places entries). In small pieces put on altars or shelves.
Balls, Pyramids, Tips, are pieces to place on tables at night or meditation exercises.
The massagers (ends carved with a rounded end) are used to massage in general or to carry it.
Bracelets and necklaces made of amethyst printed the wearer, stability and self-confidence.
The valuation of the gems are usually always subjective. Their aesthetic beauty can be found in a specimen may not be highly valued in the market, but gains wide acceptance among the general public. A beautiful amethyst cabochon out of a block with whitelisting is a very valuable piece for rings or pendants, but the gem that is removed from the interior of an amethyst crystal through small hammer given by experts, get boot different shades, acquiring the best prices in the market

Signs related to stone
Leo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Pisces and Libra.

Utilities, applications and healing properties

Put an amethyst for ten minutes a day, and lying in a state of relaxation, relief on painful areas, especially rheumatic pain.
Put an amethyst for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and, on the right groin to avoid attachment to material things, since this state makes us people possessive, materialistic and interested
Put an amethyst for ten minutes a day, and lying in a state of relaxation, head (on the top), to find peace, balance, serenity, harmony and mainly to combat anxiety and depression.
Put an amethyst for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, on the forehead to stimulate memory and intelligence.
Put an amethyst for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, two fingers below the navel to stimulate sexuality and procreation.
Put an amethyst for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, the center of the chest to make the heart work in perfect rhythm.
Purple quartz. Attend the opening psychic / spiritual earthly way, creativity, courage, intuition, self esteem. It helps cleanse the body.

Opens, stimulates and strengthens the spleen chakras (Swadhisthana), desire, pleasure, sexuality and procreation; Crown (Sahasrara), understanding, and Sacred (Muladhara) survival, rooting.

Aries and Sagittarius.
Headaches, migraines, stress, vision problems, etc..

Amethyst is a purple quartz is a stone steeped in ancient magic.

It is perhaps as popular today as it was two thousand years ago.

The name comes from the Greek amethustos stone, which means "he who is not drunk." Greeks and Romans drank glasses of amethyst to ward off the effects of alcohol.

According to Pliny, amethyst protects witchcraft if registered with the figures of the Moon and the Sun goes around the neck and with markers of peacock feathers of a swallow, because these two animals were sacred to the ancients.

Spirit Stone with absolutely no side effects or associations with violence, anger or passion, amethyst is the stone of peace.

Psychic action
: of great power states to overcome spiritual despair, mental confusion excess related concerns, discouragement. It is ideal for fussy kids that do not support them touch or look, hehco this is due, in many cases, to the presence of intestinal parasites, which effectively combats this stone.

Emotive Action: Helps people who want to tune the mind and emotions, brings clarity and serenity in case of deep emotional content that helps to overcome. It is a great mood stabilizer.

Energy Action: It is in this area that provides the greatest benefits, as their vibrations have the power to open the energy channels that lead to greater global awareness. Provides invaluable aid to those who have embarked on a path of spiritual search, but they can not control their sexual energy to transform it into creative energy.

His power and influence beyond all descriptions.

Over the centuries, it has always been called "beneficial stone", because it attracts good luck for lovers, sportsmen, hunters and businessmen.

According to popular tradition, the gigantic power of this gem can be corroborated, since it is the only effective against drunkenness.

Amethyst ensures that wearing an amethyst sleeper in contact with the skin has pleasant dreams, as it eliminates the anxiety, the fears away and gives confidence, courage and vigor.

From the standpoint of healing, is given power to solve problems of gout, nervous disorders and, to a lesser extent, poisoning.
Amethyst is especially favorable for those born under the sign of Pisces, but it is a powerful amulet that is considered lucky for all signs.

This stone is excellent to mitigate the anger, stress and depression.
Also relieves insomnia, nightmares and gets away prophetic dreams.

Among its many magical purposes are Love, self-confidence, freedom from addictions, healing and spiritual guidance.

Amethyst increases intelligence, preserving of communicable diseases and gout.

It is suitable for the nervous and endocrine systems.

Help control diabetes and strengthens red blood cells.

Purifies and harmonizes the environment in which they live or work, transmuting negative energies into positive.

Amethyst is a stone of power, energy, purity and justice.

Provides protection, peace and spirituality as it denied the sadness and injustice.

Develops psychic power and produces good luck.

It is the gate of the higher spiritual forces.

Neuralgia and headaches are cured by rubbing the stone at the affected site. Maximum protection that you can carry is a pentacle in gold, surrounded by a circle of gold with an amethyst in the center.

Amethyst is used by doctors and healers because of the protection it gives against ultraviolet light. It is related to the third eye chakra and crown.
Ancient alchemists said that the stone was darkened or if faced with negative powers.
Crystal symbol of dignity, mental power. Harmonize our chakras (centers of consciousness). It is the stone of rediscovering our true selves, the spiritual silence.


Justice, meditation, inner peace, mental clarity, insomnia, tension headaches, nerve diseases, lung, skin, intestine. Amethyst is recommendable in caso of trouble and pain comforts, balances when sleep disturbance.
Amethyst is one of the world's most important crystals. Crystal is a key
that everyone should have on hand because it helps in many cases.
Basically its primary role is to transmute all negative into a positive.

This is very important for example in cases of emotional conflict, since it helps to project
out exactly what our problem.

If people use strong mental problems such as depression or schizophrenia deep, a crystal can be too disruptive.

However in normal mental illnesses such as depression normal, can ease the burden and help out the problem to its user. It also has a soothing and invigorating facet so that in cases of stress, nervousness, anxiety, fears, ... can help us overcome and recover our energies.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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