

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Rhodochrosite.

"Rose of the Inca" and "Stone of Love"

We owe it special respect because of its broad healer spectrum.
It is known as the stone of vitality.
Almost no other mineral can awaken a need for it to give and receive affection and love.
It is related to the seven chakras.
With its beautiful pink color with streaks, helps us in all physical and spiritual problems related to the heart, akin to the heart chakra, helps relate to others and improve the development of all our emotions.
Natural or cut gems are indicated to purify the blood, activating the circulatory system and mental problems.
If the gem has stretch marks, lines or white flashes, given their affinity to the crown chakra, which extends to radiate their benefits to the body.
Rhodochrosite awakens our creativity and protects against slander.
She applied in children with respiratory problems.
It is very effective for wound healing occasional accidents, eye treatments, nail infections, liver complications and cancer diseases.
If we use directly on the front chakra, placing the right hand over, in times of stress, we will quickly clarify our ideas.
By this power clarifier, is related to the understanding, as it broadens understanding levels.
Direct the energy of the chakras above the lower centers, treatment of defective vision, unlock the diaphragm to traumatic situations, acts on the umbilical chakra, solar plexus and heart.
Solar Plexus, harmonizing and energy integration, clarity and love.
Connector through the chakras solar plexus.
It is very effective to stabilize emotionally, inspires creativity, love.
Allows integration of three aspects: physical, mental and emotional.
Try heat and calms the heart.
It regulates the action of the diaphragm and breathing.
The high energies of the upper chakras are stimulated and directed towards the lower centers. Simultaneously activated physical systems become more responsive to higher frequencies.
It helps to cure asthma.

Rhodochrosite represents selfless love and compassion
Expands awareness
Integrates material and spiritual energies
Imparts a dynamic and positive attitude
It is excellent for the heart and relationships
It is the best stone to cure sexual abuse
Reverses denial
Clean solar plexus chakras and basic
It attracts a soul mate, but does not have to be the blissful experience is expected. Soul mates are people that help us understand the lessons of our life
It brings to the surface repressed painful feelings or
Teaches the heart to assimilate painful feelings without closing
Helps identify repetitive patterns
Insists that confronts the truth about oneself and others, without excuses or evasion, but with loving awareness
It is useful to diagnose a psychological
People who are averse to this stone are repressing something in themselves they do not want to look
It urges confront irrational fears or paranoia
It reveals the emotions that we have been taught to believe that they are actually natural unacceptable
Improved self-esteem
Relieves emotional stress
Gives vitality to mind
Promotes a positive attitude
Power dream states and creativity
It links with the higher mind and helps integrate new information
It favors the spontaneous expression of feelings and impulses erotic and passionate
Raises depressive moods
Lighten life
Acts as a filter of irritation
Relieves asthma and respiratory problems
Purifies the circulatory system and kidneys
Improved vision problems
Normalizes blood pressure
It stabilizes the heartbeat
Vitalizes the sexual organs
By dilating blood vessels, relieves migraines

Rhodochrosite has high copper content making it great power and heat conductive, helping a positive relationship in the physical, emotional and mental. Develops intuition and creative phases in the individual. As the rose quartz heart softens aspects, giving love and understanding. Activating the circulatory system. Because lapis is a cure-all, and is facing respiratory problems, asthma, eye, injured tissues. Raises and clarifies ideas. In the closed hand placed on the third eye, transmits its power to produce a lifting effect can clarify the ideas.

Vitality Stone. Generates security and Harmony.

Rhodochrosite is pink to orange, with streaks of white.
It is known as the stone of vitality and love. It is one of the most important stones solar plexus chakra, unlocking energy and enabling combine the physical and the emotional. It brings peace and helps relax the body part on which it is located.
Wake love and compassion for our fellow induces altruism.
Generates feelings of serenity and inner harmony
It is indicated for those suffering from insomnia.
It is recommended for conditions of liver and gallbladder.
Prevents mental attacks and extreme emotional trauma.
Opens solar plexus chakra.
Affinity with the signs: Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius.

Rhodochrosite helps to treat respiratory problems, especially asthma. For respiratory problems rhodochrosite must place in the solar plexus (below the breastbone, between the ribs).
Migraines: To relieve migraines have to put a piece of rhodochrosite in the top of the column.
It is one of the most useful mineral crystals to soothe and help to overcome all kinds of abuse and emotional trauma. In this case it is advisable to wear contact a stone skin (either as a pendant or ornament) up to the solar plexus.

Rhodochrosite and Malachite: For deep traumas can be placed in the solar plexus pieces of malachite and rhodochrosite. Malachite absorbs negative energies helping to dissolve, whereas rhodochrosite bring peace and harmony.

It is related to love and the feelings, acts positively in the liver kidneys and eyes especially.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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