

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Garnet.

It is also known by the name of "Stone of Courage".
The Garnet is the symbol of love, loyalty, devotion and true friendship.

It is called the stone of the courage because it provides will power and self-assurance.
It is very popular because of its protective function.
In meditation it is used in any chakra, but especially in the sacrum as active sexual appetite, invigorates the imagination and encourages creativity.
Help solve male impotence problems.
The second chakra prevents menstrual disorders, mental disorders and seizures.
Gives perseverance and determination.
In meditative states it is used together with a two-pronged hyaline quartz to find solutions to problems of a loving or problems within the family.
About the heart chakra, for its dark red color is used to purify the blood and also prevents heart problems, arthritis, and bone decalcification.
On the basis chakra combined with black tourmaline helps eliminate waste regularizing the digestive and excretory systems.
Garnet is also used for treatment of skin inflammations, grains, etc..
Emotional disturbances, sclerosis, rheumatism and osteoarthritis.
Slows the aging process and regenerates tissues and skin.
Plays a key role in the opening of all the energy channels.
Is associated with the Second Ray thus shares the healing properties of ruby, carnelian and amber red.
Combining the two varieties, red and green, can lift depression, melancholy and suicidal fantasies.
Another combination, garnet and amethyst, it is used in people who have lost their creativity and intuition.
By its red color, is recommended for circulatory activation, anemia and immune problems.
Strengthens and purifies the blood, stimulates the circulatory system, helps to create a feeling of love and compassion, acts on the root and heart chakras.

Almandine Garnet Pendant
Almandine Garnet Pendant

Garnet stimulates sexual function. Very interesting for people who can not express themselves sexually.
They fight infertility and frigidity.
It works effectively in cases of depression, rheumatism and arthritis.
Work the vibration of blood.
Give immunity to colds.
It gives us personal strength, courage, energy and desire to work.
You can counter its effects with an amethyst.
Very useful in the second chakra in search of rejuvenation, creativity, regeneration and blood purification.
It serves to stimulate creative expression of a particular farm (for example, along with the amethyst, the third eye, to activate the creative power and the forces of intuition).
Circulation, purification, creativity, perception and confidence.
To the bloodstream.
Against blood poisoning.
Against menstrual irregularities or discomfort.
Stimulates sexuality.
To regain vitality.
Against amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).
Love, loyalty, protection from evil and nightmares.
Awake great love and compassion.

The Garnet is Energizing and Regenerator
Clean and reenergetiza the chakras
Revitalizes, purifies and balances energy
It brings serenity and passion as needed
It is able to warn of approaching danger
Inspires love and devotion
It balances the sex drive
Alleviates emotional disharmony
Controlled lifting Stimulates Kundalini energy
Potency sustains
It is a stone of commitment
Useful when life has fragmented or is traumatic
Strengthens, activates and strengthens the survival instinct
Attracts courage and hope
It promotes mutual support in difficult times
Stimulates expanded awareness
Stimulates the memory of past lives
Extends the effect of other crystals
Clears negative energy from the chakras
Cut into a square, brings success to business
Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others
Dissolves deeply ingrained behavior patterns that no longer serve
Allows unconscious overcome resistance
Helps eliminate old ideas obsolete
Releases inhibitions and taboos
Open your heart
Provides self confidence
Regenerates the body
Stimulates the metabolism
Treats spinal problems and cellular
Reenergetizes and Purifies blood, heart and lungs
Regenerates the DNA
Helps to assimilate minerals and vitamins

Almandine Garnet Pendant (India)
Almandine Garnet Pendant (India)

The red varieties are widely used to regenerate tissue. (Almandine and pyrope) and boost the immune system.

The variety cinnamon or Hessonite, invigorate the basic chakra, increase physical strength, enhances sexuality.

Garnet is a stone that promotes friendly warmth, vitality, passion, courage. Excellent for normalizing blood deficiencies. Fights depression, fatigue and lethargy. It offers freedom in the honest feelings. Raise awareness and transcends the apparent limitations. Magnetic force gives its possessor. Active imagination and enhances creativity. It stimulates the energy centers of the chakras, especially the base chakra. The dark red color is positive, as well as purify blood, control problems of rheumatism, arthritis and bone calcification. The green-yellow garnet used in regenerative therapies and eye issues. (Its related is peridot that has the same properties). Garnet is used to stimulate the energy center, sacral chakra. Symbol of loyalty, devotion, love deep, vibratory capacity only flows after being carved.

Commonly it is thought that the garnet is a cognac-colored gem-brown, but actually exists in a range of colors ranging from green through yellow and ending in the red.
From the group of the garnets are other gems like almandine, the spessartite and pyrope.

Garnet opens, stimulates and strengthens the sacral chakra (Muladhara). Survival, root.

It has a large regenerating power that cleanses and purifies the chakras and promotes circulation of energy throughout the body.
Perhaps for this reason is often used as a talisman of protection against dangerous situations.
Stimulates the survival instinct, brings courage, hope and inner strength.
Garnet increases willpower and self confidence, as well as sharpen perception and mental clarity.
Free of prejudice and opens the mind.
Brings optimism, power will to live, revive the feeling of hope in the future and love for life, so it is very effective to overcome states of depression, melancholy or sadness.
Garnet regenerates and revitalizes the body.
It governs the sacral chakra that affects the kidneys and regulate the circulation of all body fluids and functioning of the reproductive system.
Effective in treating disorders related to circulation and the reproductive organs.
Regulates menstrual disorders.
Furthermore prevents arthritis, regenerates the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles and activates the blood and lymphatic system.
Garnet is a silicate, usually deep red but there are also green, yellow or pink. Mohs hardness of 7 to 7.5 and crystals, cubic or octahedral, transparent or translucent.

Signs related to stone
Aquarius, Pisces and Sagittarius.

Almandine Garnet (Brasil)
Almandine Garnet (Brasil)

Utilities, Applications and healing properties of Garnet

Place a maroon hanging neck crimp to eliminate or prevent the sadness and depression.
Place a garnet for ten minutes a day in the center of the forehead, lying and in a relaxed state to prevent or cure all kinds of blood circulation problems.
Place a garnet on the navel for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and to combat or prevent skin diseases.
Place a garnet two fingers below the navel for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state, to bring out creativity.
Place a garnet on the left groin, for ten minutes a day, lying in a state of relaxation, to eliminate the attachment to material things, jealousy and aggressive behavior.
CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the sacral chakra (Muladhara) survival, rooting.

Circulation (especially in lungs, skin, intestines), promotes warmth, energy, vitality, power, imagination, self-esteem.

Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn

Anemia, rheumatism, infections, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, neutralizes suicidal.



Variety that enhances the heart chakra, it is effective to unblock veins and arteries.


Works on ulcers, stomach cells reconstituted, it is good to accept the reality that we see.


Power protection glass, both own and external negative energies, is also very effective as an antiseptic.

Increases the imagination and creativity. Active libido and sexuality. Rejuvenates and promotes blood circulation. Also causes understanding.

Disclaimer.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.

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