

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Beryl.

The blue color is the Aquamarine. It also comes in shades of pink (Morganite), yellow (Helidoro) or colorless (Goshenite), rarely red.
In blue gemmiferous varieties are frequent ridges over the prismatic faces.
It's the color of golden beryl (Chrysoberyl) that is called Khrusos Greek words, meaning gold, and Berullios or Beryl.
In general, the energy capacity of Beryl is limited.
But it is very favorable for the development of intuition and concentration.
Raises self-esteem.
It is used by students to retain the information learned. Formerly it was used in rituals to bring rain.
Stimulates optimism and good humor.
This crystal is indicated to treat kidney and bowel problems.
It was not associated with any astrological sign. Describes this stone that attracts love and serious romances. It also brings hope and has a protective power.
Increases clairvoyance and intuition, also intellectual capacity. Attracts love and marriage causes.

Beryl shows you how to do just what you need to do
Help stressful life
Help to get rid of the unnecessary
Guide on what to carry out
It represents the purity of being
Attracts and activates the chakras solar plexus coronary and
It is excellent for viewing
Power courage
Relieves tension
Calms the mind
Ability to filter out distractions
Reduces overstimulation
Encouraged to see things positively
Discourage excessive anxiety and analysis

Reawakens the love between married couples who have lost the "spark"
Help the organs of elimination
Strengthens the circulatory and pulmonary
Increased resistance to toxins

Beryl increases the resistance to contaminants.
Heals concussions
It's a sedative crystal
It is used to treat liver, heart, stomach and spine

Beryl is a pure instrument and beneficial especially for asthmatic or distress. Provides power to the visionaries and people who work in Astrology. Good Luck Charm, I successfully used by artists and writers (intellectual). Work on the intellect of the individual to give it a consistent development between their mental energies and intuitive as the awakening of the sixth sense. Useful in the heart chakra.

Cancer and Aquarius

Circulatory problems and gastrointestinal malabsorption. Improves brainpower.

Color ranges from blue, light blue to gray to yellow. The energy capacity of beryl is wonderful, it helps to balance the self-esteem, altered emotional states and strengthens the intellect.

It has the same green color of the sea, is a variety of the emerald. Also found in shades translucent, blue and yellow, the latter two are called golden beryl or chrysoberyl.
In the jewelry industry is of vital importance golden beryl.
While beryl energy capacity is scarce, is believed to have a mysterious vibration, which is impossible to measure but is favorable for processes in which the intuition is the protagonist. While it is commonly used to develop the sixth sense, it also holds when it comes to revive a heart mistreated by an impossible love, when it comes to restoring the pride crushed or when we must fight those impulses that make us feel far above or well below the other. It can be used for all chakras, but especially chrysoberyl is effective for the third chakra. Overall acts on intellectual ability, not concrete influencing our physical body, with respect of the abdominal area.


Colorless Beryl.
It is used on the crown chakra by its characteristic absence of color can channel all ranges of the color spectrum and is an excellent channel for cosmic energies.
According to color these precious stones are used on the various chakras, for healing the nervous asthma, bronchitis, cough.
Its purity makes it very effective for treatment of tumors, and chronic diseases, and development of the crown chakra.


The golden variety of beryl.
Applied to the solar chakra cord (Manipura) acts on emotions, evolution, development of will, self-esteem and self confidence.
Variety of beryllium greenish yellow, very effective glass spine problems, also to boost the immune system.
Solar energy works, purifies inner energy is ideal for treatment of bone, and spine.


Red variety of beryl, very scarce, both opaque and transparent, it works fine the crown chakra, strengthening it, and serious heart problems and emotional.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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