
Main esoteric and healing properties of the Jasper.

Jasper is the stone that symbolizes fortitude and courage, therefore it is used to enhance the emotional, the mental and spiritual.

Because of its great variety of colors is used on farms, according to the color you have.

Associated with Scorpio. It is said to protect against pain and supports independence.

It brings good luck to the wearer and act as a defense against the dominant influences others. Especially effective when used by the natives of Virgo and Sagittarius.

Physical Toner: Balances body energies.

Combat gastric diseases, liver and infectious.
Help us achieve our harmony with nature.

Stone of courage and fortitude. Promotes mental and spiritual energy. Ideal to start new projects. In healing is very good for stomach disorders and liver ailments. Its polarity is positive-projective. In levels the aura healers. Despite having various colors, the best known is the red ruby family. It is open for business enabler and people with a desire to succeed. Acts positively based solar plexus chakras.

Color Jasper is often colored by impurities and is found in various colors like green, red, brown, yellow or blue-gray and mixtures of these colors.
Property: It's believed to have healing properties: in the opening and management of farms, open, stimulates and strengthens the throat chakra, communication and creativity also think a red jasper crimp neck hanging warns against the evil eye and in the middle of the forehead prevent or cure mental illness, psychological help to overcome shyness and enhances the power of concentration, on the navel, placing a red jasper for ten minutes, combat or prevent liver disease.
Uses: It is used for ornamental purposes, around fireplaces, tables, coating materials, carvings, mosaics, inlays, polished much, is used as a gem and is also used in cures.

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Liver and gallbladder. Tissue regeneration. Endocrine system.

Opens, stimulates and strengthens the throat chakra, communication and creativity, it is believed that red jasper crimp neck hanging guards against the evil eye and that in the middle of the forehead prevent or cure mental illness, psychological help overcome shyness and enhances the power of concentration, on the navel, placing a red jasper for ten minutes, combat or prevent liver disease.
Siliceous sedimentary rock, bright colors, mixed, used in jewelry. Strengthens the will, perseverance and patience.
Red: Provides vital energy.
Yellow: Brings good luck especially on trips.
Leopard Jasper: Helps effectively to obtain mental balance. Recommended for people suffering amnesia, or memory loss absences.
Finding places: Mexico, South Africa, India, United States.


Yellow Jasper
Yellow Jasper

It acts on the solar plexus chakra.
It is used to neutralize negative energies that come from the outside, also on the sick and helps control paranoid fears.
Protects in financial and monetary affairs. Eliminate competitors in business. Earns money to its owner


Red Jasper Pendant
Red Jasper Pendant
Its color is dull red.
Acts on First chakra, base of the spine, spleen and solar plexus.
Ideal for treating liver diseases and infectious diseases.
Softens character.
Of great help for nausea and excessive appetite during pregnancy.
Facilitates the work of aid delivery and lower abdomen discomfort.
Warms the body and has healing influences on the internal organs.
No other stone can bring so much physical energy is a torrent of strength for all who are sick.
Treats protective energies of the Earth.
For Jews have an important meaning, because they believe it was a red jasper the first stone on which Jerusalem was built.
The Red Jasper is advisable for pregnant women and women who have given birth a few months ago or are breast-feeding the baby.
It is indicated for liver disease.
From the symptomatic, can be used in kidney problems, intestinal inflammation, constipation, digestive problems, joint pain, muscle spasms, to stop bleeding and invigorate the blood in endogenous depressive type.
Specially useful as an elixir and gem-mineralized water, because it stimulates the body on.
By placing a Jasper in the room absorbs all the negative energy.
This means it is a very appropriate glass for when we feel depressed, sad and tired.
When life does not make sense for us or simply are not able to enjoy it, red jasper miracles.
If you need to feel more energized to make decisions, to carry out a project, to make a dream, this glass gives us the we need.
With Red Jasper act more optimistically, to remain strong ahead.
Red jasper is used as an aphrodisiac and loving stabilizer.
It is the stone of the intense feelings of love, passion and all the great emotions.
Red Jasper protects against the evil eye, magic spells.
This stone absorbs negative energies, clean and aligns the chakras and aura.
Balances the Yin and Yang.
When used in the Base Chakra or First Chakra in meditation feel like the lower chakras are cleaned and renewed.
Position = where appropriate and in contact with skin.
It should be used for long periods of time.
Affinity with the signs: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio
It is very good for digestive problems, and intestinal.
Jasper is also called brick.
It gives strength and courage. Win battles ago.
For menstrual pain. Give more fluid to flow.
Try vivifying energies of the Earth.
It connects us to the earth.

It is known as the "Supreme Succor"
It sustains and supports during times of stress
Brings tranquility and wholeness
Unifies all aspects of life
Remember the people who help each other

Red Jasper facilitates shamanic journeys
Facilitates the memory of dreams
Provides protection and land energies and body
Absorbs negative energy
Tune in to the physical, mental and emotional etheric world
Clean electromagnetic pollution, environmental and radiation
Help using the divining rod
Imparts determination to all purposes
Provides courage to assertively tackle problems
Encouraged to be honest with yourself
It helps to think quickly
Power organizational capacity
Allows complete projects
It stimulates the imagination
Transform ideas into action
Prolong sexual pleasure
Supports during prolonged illness
Reenergetiza body
Facilitates the functioning of the circulatory organs, digestive and sexual
Balances the body minerals

Uplifting. Active energy

Signs related to stone
Scorpio, Gemini and Scorpio.

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a crimp red jasper neck hanging, to prevent or combat the evil eye.
Place a red jasper for ten minutes a day in the center of the forehead (between the eyebrows), lying and in a relaxed state, to prevent or cure mental illness, psychological and help overcome shyness. Also to enhance the power of concentration.
Place a red jasper for ten minutes a day in the center of the throat, lying and in a relaxed state to prevent and cure all respiratory diseases. Also to enhance the gifts of creativity and communication with others.
Place a red jasper on the navel for ten minutes a day, lying and in a relaxed state, to control or prevent liver disease.
CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the throat chakra (Vishudha), communication and creativity.

Although it has large amounts of energy, it does have some interesting properties that can help us. In particular gives us life force. This means it is a very appropriate glass for when we feel depressed, sad and tired.
Red Jasper is a perfect crystal for those too timid or fears, then push and gives them courage.
Convey a feeling of power and spiritual strength. It helps to be a little more optimistic and see things more constructively. You can help put your feet on the ground, especially to people too fanciful and lost in their own thoughts. The spirit glass Jasper helps us develop a healthy aggressiveness towards life. Wake hidden energies and connects us with the power of Mother Earth. When used in meditation feel like the lower chakras are cleaned and renewed. Ideal for any related meditation force of nature and the fire element. Glass is great to work with the first chakra. The crystal vigilante. When connected with this crystal is received useful messages for their consistency and motivation. Inspires and leads to positive changes and stability.


Red jasper is used as an aphrodisiac and loving stabilizer
It is the stone of the intense feelings of love, passion and all the great emotions.
Jasper protects against the evil eye, spells, magic.
It is a strong stone energy vibrations, beneficial for people who suffer from shyness and lack of decisions.
It is indicated for liver disease.
Opens the throat chakra.
Affinity with signs: Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces.


Sardes Jasper and Red Jasper
Sardes Jasper and Red Jasper

Increases sexual potency. Suitable for romantic and business domains. He defends the influences and external negativities.

For memory loss and kidney stones.


Related to the throat chakra.
It is used for meditation. Increases spirituality and allows access to the truth.



It is a stone that helps us express ourselves fluently and conviction.
In meditation, detoxification effects, helps active breathing and circulation.
It's purifying organs and blood.
By the combination of two colors, green, healing, and the red color of blood, is an ideal stone to treat diseases of the blood circulatory system and heart system.
Can be combined with the stones of the Fourth Ray, like emerald, malachite, rose quartz and rhodochrosite.
It is effective to overcome sexual disorders and glandular.
It is used on the sacral plexus or sexual.
It acts on the spleen chakra and solar plexus.
Very good for the nervous system. It transmits life force and balance. Increases spirituality.
Amplifies access to knowledge.
It is an excellent cleanser and harmonizing the physical body, removing waste from the liver, spleen, and especially of the blood, such as urea and lactic acid.
It is effective in problems of the mouth, stomach, migraines and injuries, can stop bleeding.
Very useful for liver problems and poor digestion.

Heliotrope is an excellent cleaning of blood
It is a powerful healing
Have mystical and magical properties
Control the weather
Confers the ability to dispel evil and negativity

Directs the spiritual energies
It is excellent for settling the energies and protect
Keeps out undesirable influences
Stimulates dreams
It is a powerful revitalizing
Give courage
It helps you act in the present moment
Calms the mind
Dispels the confusion
Promotes the decision-making process
Helps settle the heart energy
Reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience
Take the spirituality in everyday life
Heliotrope stimulates the immune system
Stimulates the flow of lymph and metabolic processes
Revitalize body and mind and reenergetiza
It purifies the blood
Detoxifies the liver, intestines, kidneys, spleen and bladder
Regulates blood flow and power
Reduces the formation of pus
It is helpful in cases of leukemia
Reduces Tumors
Clean the lower chakras and realigns their energies
Detoxifying and blood purifier.


The combination of green moss and dark red blood this stone become an important tool in physical healing as reactive all the blood purifying organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys and pancreas.
It clears the circulatory system also blocked by sclerotic formations, phlebitis, varicose veins and other obstructions.
In ancient Greece the couples mutually lavished blood jasper to fix your love problems.
Akin to the crown chakra.



Give a useful balance between internal and external experiences. It imparts a desire for new experiences
Mookaite gives a deep calm with which to face the new experiences
induces versatility
Indicates all possibilities and help you choose the best
Strengthens the immune system
Healing the wounds
It purifies the blood

Note.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.

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