
Aquamarine (Namibia)
Aquamarine (Namibia)

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Aquamarine.

Aquamarine is a type of blue Beryl.
Highly mystical and great lightening effects.
Aquamarine was from immemorial times the crystal of clairvoyance.
It is often flattered as a pledge of loyalty or friendship. To have it fully energy  loaded it must be exposed to the sun on a piece of copper foil.
Applied on the throat facilitates communication.
Relieves sinus disorders, pain in teeth and jaw and also treats glandular problems and allergies, especially skin.
Placing it on the eyes, strengthens the sight, using it on the chest at heart level, promotes love.
Sacred stone for many civilizations, is a symbol of youth and health. Attracts love and affection to the wearer as pending.
General Purifier. Promotes adaptation. Protector traveling by water.
Peaceful, soothing, balancing the thymus.
The magical sciences say the aqua sheds light on the most enigmatic uncertainties atenacen a person, while comforting those who suffer, inspires confidence in the future and gives them the gift of happiness.
Therefore, this precious stone has been listed as a good remedy against distrust, lack of faith or spiritual warmth. Many aquamarine holders have provided their testimonies about the changes that have occurred inside, shortly after take, such as increased hope, good personal tone and sense of freedom.
In the Middle Ages, it was believe that the aquamarine has power over evil. There were many who used to bring this gem in the mouth, at the risk of swallowing, in order to ensure protection against demons and even subject them to the whims of the owner of the stone.
Like nearly all gems, it has a special relationship with the gods of classical mythology. Was devoted to the Greek Poseidon or Roman Neptune, god of the waters and the brother of the king of the gods. So the Romans and Greeks who ventured to sail, used to wear an aquamarine with the image of this god engraved on its surface, in order to preserve them magic of the misfortunes that may hold the sea, and secure a happy return your home.
The classics ensured that this gem showing the bright colors of the sea, enclosed in her womb by the geniuses of the oceans. Pliny came to say that if you dropped a deep aquamarine sea, the stone became invisible, though of course, no one has been tested.
Star Sign: Pisces
And metal planetary correspondences: Moon, Mercury and silver.
Angel related: Umiel. Pope Gregory the Great connecting this gem with the Powers, which are four of the highest angelic hierarchies.
Religious Value: It is the eighth cornerstone of the holy city and the eleventh of the second high priest's breastplate
Associated Apostle: St. Thomas, having made great sea voyages to spread the word of Jesus.
Amulet spiritualist
It has been believed for centuries that an aquamarine in which he had engraved the image of a hoopoe against a sprig of tarragon, sought certain powers related prodigious beyond. According to some wizards, the stone had such power to call the spirits, who not only went immediately to his evocation, but helpfully answered questions if you would formularles the owner of this wonder.

Between Aphrodite and Pisces
The reason why Aquamarine is associated with sensuality and romance is because its color evokes Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, generated by the foam of the sea. Actually the name of this goddess, equivalent to the Roman Venus, means "foam-born".
Hence, it became the birthstone of those born under the sign of Pisces.

It facilitates self-expression and communication, mental clarity, peace and calm, strengthens the thyroid, unlock tension in the body, acts on the throat chakra and solar plexus.
Tranquility against irritability.
Against shyness.
Variety of beryllium. Both opaque and the transparent variety is used for throat problems "throat chakra Strengthens and improves communication.

Aquamarine's influence is subtle but long lasting.
Their vibrations stabilize our emotions and balance our physical and mental activities.
Stone cleansing, to clean his throat from all impure thoughts unformulated found there blocked.
It helps us to preserve the purity and innocence of heart and spirit.
Very effective to regulate disturbance of the throat, jaws and glands.
Also very good for the treatment of nervous pains and diseases affecting the neck and teeth.
It is a stone of courage
Reduces stress
Relax your mind
Harmonizes and protects the environment against pollution
Try the favor of the spirits of light.
It's akin to people sensitive
Invoke the tolerance of others
It promotes taking responsibility for one's own life
Give support to those who are overwhelmed by the responsibility
Exceeds judgments
Break defeating patterns
Calms the mind
Clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears up the confusion
Clears blocked communication
It promotes self-expression
Soothes fears and increases sensitivity
Sharpens intuition and clairvoyance causes
It is wonderful to meditate
Summons higher states of consciousness and spirituality
Encouraged to serve humanity
Protects the aura
Aligns the chakras
Clean the throat chakra
Bring higher planes communications
Aligns the physical and spiritual
Relieves sore throats
Relieves swollen glands and thyroid problems
Harmonizes the pituitary and thyroid
Regulates hormones and growth
It has a general tonic effect
Strengthens body cleansing organs
Counter myopia and other vision problems
Calm overreactions of the immune system and autoimmune diseases
It is helpful for the eyes, jaw, teeth and stomach

Aquamarine is positive in infections, burns, headaches and spasms. Touchstone serene, soothing and purifying. Connects well with laryngeal chakra, base and solar plexus. The rose quartz has a special deal on cleaning: you must be at least exposed to the sun for eight hours, preferably in a copper plate.

For good communication. Headaches and neck. Helps you sleep.

• Beryl Varieties: colorless (goshenite), pale yellow (heliodoro), green (emerald), red (bixbite), pink (morganite), blue (bazzita)

Healing and spiritual properties

Aquamarine is the stone of sailors and travelers, and amulet used by people with a phobia about flying or boat. Albertus Magnus said that aqua makes carry a man to be restrained and have good manners.
Hermes Trismegistus, Egyptian philosopher, says that makes you happy and wealthy to the wearer.
The aquamarine strengthens the magnetic field and brings good luck.
It brings happiness and prosperity to the wearer. They say it brings smiles and joy. Help preserve the purity of spirit.
The aquamarine is a great stabilizer, so that helps people with speech difficulties and facilitates dialogue.
It helps to get mental clarity, calm and spiritual inspiration. Symbolizes happy love.
It is suitable to overcome depressive states and melancholy. It is advisable in cases where health is affected by tension and stress. Bring peace and tranquility.
Strengthens the central nervous system, liver, kidneys and spleen.
Cures skin impurities. It is useful in case of eye problems. Is effective in the treatment of anemia.
Suitable for neck pain, jaw and teeth, as well as sore throats.
Open your brow chakra, solar plexus and spleen.

Affinity with the signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces.

Provides mental clarity, spiritual inspiration, calming and relaxing, enhances the expression. Mainly clean courage and peace for past issues freeing this.

Taurus, Libra and Pisces

Aquamarine Pendant
Aquamarine Pendant

Liver, Spleen, Thyroid, Kidneys. WBCs improvement. Vision diseases. Improving communication. Creative capacity, etc..

The aquamarine, semiprecious variety of beryl, is a pale blue-green and has been long associated with the sea and with the water element.
The clean sea witches stone in the ocean water at night, under the light of the full moon.
In magic, this beautiful stone is worn or carried to increase the use of psychic powers.
Holding a glass or use an aquamarine stone around the neck fascetada reduces the domain of our conscious mind on the psychic mind and allows the ever present psychic impulses are heard and enter our consciousness.
The aquamarine is used, such as amethyst, to soothe and alleviate emotional problems.
It is a stone of peace, joy and happiness, especially in relationships.
The aquamarine is worn or carried as a protective amulet when sailing or flying over water.
Locate points of the largest deposits of this mineral (one double silicon dioxide and aluminum) are in the alpine areas of Italy and Switzerland, and on the island of Elba, although most prized specimens are found in the Urals, in form of geodes.
Also exploited varieties of beryl in Brazil, El Salvador, Guatemala and Venezuela, America and other, less important in quality and quantity, in Australia (Queensland), USA (In the Rockies), India (Rajnipur) and the island of Madagascar.
As a representative of the noble beryl family, is located inside pegmáticas rocks (granites of volcanic origin), in the form of veins and associated with other stone jewelry.

Energy: Receptive.
Planet: Moon.
Element: Water.
Powers: psyche, peace, courage, purification.
Magic-ritual Tradition: The aquamarine stone was the Goddess of the sea in the past.
Aquamarine beads were found in the tombs of Egyptian mummies.

Psychic Action: Transmits its beneficial to thin and weak that Deplete the slightest effort, whether physical or mental impairment, and generally are very dejected morning.
It is very useful for all kinds of exhaustion.
Helps in cases of great mental depression, that make a person sad and in despair, contendencia to mourn, their symptoms worsen if treated well to comfort.
Significantly improves irritability states themselves get out of the person, even for a cause negligible.
This is mainly to prevent them nervous weakness withstand minor contradiction.

Emotive Action: Allows achieve inner calm, facilitating dialogue was impossible before, opening the doors of communication.
Help to overcome the crisis or grief breakups longstanding mood.
Promotes recovery sleep when its regularity is altered by excessive physical or mental work.

Energy Action: Highly active on the throat and heart centers, open energy channels can not ascend to higher centers for clarity and breadth of awareness and judgment.
Its effect is activation.
Unlock communication by stimulating the verbal expression of personal and universal truths.
Drop the voice to flow freely towards life.
Purifies and releases accumulated thoughts and feelings in the throat.
It is an excellent calming, helps to overcome anxiety and restlessness, giving courage and purity of heart to the wearer.
Rejuvenating, fosters creativity, happiness, joy, intuition, meditation, and the union of souls, the love of friends, family, and marriage happy.
Combat throat congestion and tension in the shoulders, neck and jaw, eye disturbances, nerve pain, cough, glands and teeth problems.
Strengthens purifying organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, and thyroid.
Protects blood vessels, nervous system, skeletal system, and stomach.

Magical Uses: Since the aquamarine is a purifying stone can be worn or rubbed on the body as part of the cleansing ritual before performing magical acts.
It is also advisable to place a crystal ball in the bathtub during the time of cleaning.
As an amulet, is used to ensure good health, to stop the fear, strengthen the courage that lies behind it and for the mind to be alert.
Love is the symbol of happy, enduring union.
In medieval times, was assigned the ability to cure ailments located in the throat and gums.
Historically, mouth and aquamarines were linked, so that formerly wore necklaces of these gems to prevent toothaches.
It favors those born under the sign of Scorpio, but is also beneficial to the Arians.
It can be used for healing spells, and those cases in which health is affected by stress, or the excesses of food, alcohol, drugs or snuff.
Well as you can see these are the salient features of this semi-precious stone, which brings in magic and healing special effective solutions to its possessor.

Cristal. Protective virtues are attributed to sea travel and obtaining good fishing. Strengthen communication, gives harmony, clears the mind, stops fear, strengthens courage, opens doors, gives serenity and peace.

Its color is similar to the sea, hence its name. For centuries it has been identified as the stone of the sea and has been given the ability to protect travelers, especially those who are often moved by air or by sea. They are usually included in those crystals that are delivered as proof of loyalty and friendship. Currently it is related to the ability of communication and is beneficial to bestow calm, provide serenity and help develop the dialogue, allowing to find the words to truly say what the heart feels. The largest deposits are in Sri Lanka and Brazil. It is compatible with the signs of Taurus, Libra and Pisces and govern the planets Venus and Neptune. It is also related to the throat chakra, solar plexus and sacral. It is recommended to prepare place over a period of 8 to 16 hours in a copper plate and exposed to sunlight before use.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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