

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Labradorite.

Stone of Present and Future

The labradorite has the power to animate all the energy centers.
The most suitable for this purpose is the Spectrolite, a variety of Labradorite which appears in Finland and which reflects all the colors of the rainbow.
It can awaken dormant talents and bring them to the surface.
It is wonderful to activate the self-defense centers of the body.
It helps us to become very jovial beings.
We should use it for diseases of the spine and muscles.
It is wonderful to deal with negative memories of childhood.
Rainbow gems are kind, harmonize all the chakras, convey harmony, and evolution.

It is a highly mystical and protective stone
It carries light
Raises awareness
Connects with universal energies
Divert unwanted forces aura
Energy prevents drips
It forms a barrier against negative energies


The labradorite to another world or into other lives
Provides an introduction to the mysteries
Aligns physical and etheric bodies
To access the spiritual purpose
Raises awareness
Nod spiritual energies into the physical body
Stimulates intuition and psychic gifts
Bring messages from the unconscious to the surface
Dispels the fears and insecurities
Strengthens faith in the self and trust in the universe
Remove the projections of other
Calms overactive mind and energizes the imagination
Balances analysis and insight into rationality with
Brings contemplation and introspection
Dispels illusions
It brings to the surface repressed memories of the past
Transformation is a stone
Prepare the body and soul for ascension
Treats eye and brain disorders
Relieves stress
Regulates metabolism
Treats colds
Try gout and rheumatism
It balances the hormones
Relieves menstrual tension
Lowers blood pressure

The labradorite gives friendship, love and harmony, especially between couples, holding them together. Upgrade to understand the reality between people and exercise is good for opening the Third Eye. It physically facilitator of intuition and inspiration, so who uses it, feel the coming of new insights, especially for those working in these areas. It balances the aura and is a protective shield when working on such dimensions. Positive in the chakras solar plexus and base as well as in the coronary and Third Eye.

Provides vitality and courage. To fight infection

Note.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.

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