Citrine Quartz


Main esoteric and healing properties of the Citrine Quartz.

The joy of living.
The lemon yellow color is what gives the name and personality to the Citrine Quartz, although it can reach the golden red. He had the honor of being one of the foundation stones of the Holy City, as the Jerusalem Bible.
According to experts in gemology esoteric motivations revives the hope and joy of life, to its possessor. To do this, reduce self-destructive tendencies and raises the level of your self-esteem. They recommend citrine charms people in times of difficulty, suffering or depression, or who want to face their phobias or magically hobbies.

Dispels fear. Increases mental clarity. Helps digestion and assimilation

It is a stone that brings back the joy of living. Is the golden stone that attracts fortune wealth and helps us in business.

Properties for body
Relieves stomach and circulatory problems. Excellent for the liver, kidney function and digestion. Good for lymphatic function and breathing difficulties.

Properties for the mind
Revives the motivations, the hope and joy of life to the wearer, reducing self-destructive tendencies and raising self-esteem. It is highly recommended for people who are going through difficult times, suffering or depression because it helps to overcome the crisis. Influences mental and emotional control and sharpens intuition.

Other properties
Attracts wealth and helps us in business.

The citrine is an excellent unlimited healing gem. Some people called TOPAZ BRAZIL. He hosts healing golden beam or ray Christic. Excellent for nervous and digestive system. Develops intuition and harmonizes the lower mental body to raise it to a higher level. Reduces self-destructive tendency and increases self esteem. Flatters joy, encouragement, hope and abundance. The energy of citrine is like the sun: penetrating and comforting. Help fight diabetes. Also used in the front and spleen chakras. Intellectual activity is beneficial because it helps to solve problems and make wise decisions and fast. Acts positively on conditions that attack the liver, colon and gallbladder. It is a courageous point above energy, but when required, also emits a frequency that improves sedative, relaxing and rejuvenating.

With green and pink quartz, rose quartz or amethyst and forms the trilogy to feel perfect tranquility, serenity and peace, using the quartz in different ways: with water for drinking, bathing with them or using perfumes.

The citrine attracts wealth, help in business, brings joy and optimism, good for the liver, digestion, kidney function, lymphatic circulation, breathing difficulties, to overcome complex, quirks and phobias. Sweeten relationships. Cause admiration.

Signs related to stone
Gemini, Leo, Cancer and Sagittarius.

Utilities, Applications and healing properties of the Citrine Quartz.

Place a crimp Citrine, hanging from the neck, those who wish to progress in meditation and achieve an optimal state of tranquility and inner peace.
Place a Citrine for ten minutes a day on the throat, lying in a relaxed state and to overcome all the problems that have to do with communication: difficulty of expression, little way with words, shyness, etc.., And also to eliminate feelings of guilt.
Place a Citrine for ten minutes a day on the navel, sides and relaxed state, to stimulate the immune system.
Place a citrine in the center of the chest at heart level for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and to protect us from any kind of disease that is related to the respiratory and circulatory system.
Place a citrine on the forehead (between the eyebrows) for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and to protect us from disease mental or psychological type.
Place a citrine two fingers below the navel for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and to protect us from diseases related to the digestive system.
Place a citrine on the left groin for ten minutes a day, lying and in a relaxed state, to protect or relieve pain and inflammatory processes of muscle origin.
RELATED TO THE STONE SIGNS: Gemini, Leo, Cancer and Sagittarius.
CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the throat chakra (Vishudha) inspiration and communication.

Gemini, Leo and Virgo

Digestive tract, colon, gall bladder, liver. Emotional.

Related to the solar plexus chakra.
Stone's production business.
His golden energy stimulates the physical system as if it came from the sun's rays.
The citrine gives warmth, comfort, energy and enthusiasm for life.
As the gold also one of the colors of the crown chakra, and the lot on the physical plane, it is very beneficial to use topaz placed on both plexuses. By passing the beam of golden light from one to another, is very effective for people who are hypersensitive violated or going through moments of extreme situation. It stretches a protective energy field, strengthening the physical and mental field, providing trust and security, helping to dismiss fears.
Reflects the golden hues ranging from soft and dark brown.
The high quality citrine manifested the golden ray of the crown chakra and can be used to channel the pure energy of the plexus chakra to the conscious and creative purposes.
Through it we can connect with spiritual guides and teachers like the topaz.
Fight hard problems of body and mind.
Provides an energy that regulates all external influences, towards a general improvement in physical health.
Actively involved in the assimilation of the psyche.
It is excellent to prevent situations where one needs security and confidence.

Antidepressant. Aura strengthener. Protection. It helps concentration. Always good. The best gift. Careful what you ask, because you will. Desires materialize. Ideal for those who suffer from slow digestion and stomach problems. Regency: Sun and Mercury. Correlation signs: Aries, Leo, Gemini.

The citrine is a oowerful cleanser and regenerator
It incorporates the power of the sun
Generates warmth, energizing and highly creative
Never needs cleaning
It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and leads to negative energy land
Energizes every level of life

It's protective aura
Clean the chakras, especially the solar plexus and navel
Activates the crown chakra and opens the intuition
Cleanses and balances the subtle bodies
It is one of the stones of abundance
It attracts wealth, prosperity, success and all sorts of good things
It is a happy and generous stone
Power sharing all that you have
Help preserve the riches
He gives joy to those who look
It is useful to resolve family disputes
Raises self-esteem and self confidence
Eliminates the destructive tendencies
Improves motivation
Active encourages creativity and self-expression
It helps to look ahead with optimism
Power concentration and revitalizes the mind
It is excellent for overcoming depression, fears and phobias
It promotes inner calm that wisdom can emerge
Promotes vital joy
Releases negative traits, fears and feelings to the deepest levels
To overcome the fear of responsibility and stops anger
Balances emotionally
Imparts energy and vigor to the physical body
Energize and recharge
Reverses degenerative diseases
Stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas
Solve kidney and bladder infections
Increases blood circulation and detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus gland
It balances the thyroid
Help eye problems
It is a scavenger that relieves constipation and removes cellulite
It has a warming effect and strengthens the nerves
It is useful for troubleshooting menstrual

Citrine, one of the most affordable gemstones market is a golden yellow form of quartz whose name comes from the French "citron" (lemon).
In past times, citrine was used as a talisman to guard against the plague, skin problems, and evil thoughts, and as a charm against snake bites and other venomous reptiles. It is also believed that symbolizes happiness, facilitates digestion removes toxins from the body and is effective in the treatment of depression, constipation, and diabetes.

Citrine is one of the birthstones accepted for the month of November and the gemstone for the thirteenth wedding anniversary. It is found mainly in Brazil.

Since most citrine is actually amethyst that have been heated to achieve that golden color, you should try to avoid prolonged exposure citrine jewelry to intense heat or light. Taking this precaution, citrine jewelry will last many generations.

At the physical level, the lighter shades are very useful to act on the colon, gallbladder, liver and the entire digestive tract, disinfecting, purging and eliminating toxins.
Protect the reproductive system, especially for women. Attack the cold-related diseases, such as arthritis, rheumatism and associated with the respiratory system.
Decreases the aftermath of Parkinson fights dementia and stimulates memory.

Citrine is associated with prosperity and generosity. Leaning towards good humor, feeds the spirit and promotes concentration.
This is a direct stimulant of the mind and helps man to open the bridge between the upper and lower mind and ascend to intuitive levels.
In the environment spreads positive energy and purifies. It is recommended to people reluctant to change and those who think that any past was better, as it helps get rid of the shackles of the past and enjoy the events as they occur.

The citrine helps break energy blockages in the physical, vision power, balance, self-confidence, helps the detachment of addictions. Dissolves melancholy, acts in the digestive tract, colon problems. And also helps to indicate clearly the emotional experiences that must be re-evaluated. His intense yellow and brown colors wisdom to promote emotional disorders disorganized.

Disclaimer.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.

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