Green Tourmaline

GREEN TOURMALINE (Virolite, Verdelite or Peridot of Ceylon)




Main esoteric and healing properties of the Green Tourmaline.

It encompasses within its range of energy gain from the higher spiritual planes, even the most inferior physical manifestations.

In physical therapy on the first and second chakra is used as diuretic and digestive regulator, intestines, being used also in kidney stones and gall, menstrual disorders, constipation, diarrhea, diuresis and enuresis.
As personal stone is ideal to take with you when you are facing or mentally tiring physical activities, as its energizing properties relieve chronic fatigue and mental exhaustion as well as soothe sore muscles.

At the physical level, it adjustes the hormonal balance so that the nervous system has a higher electrical flow circulating inside the body circuit. This directly results in increased potential for all vital functions that relieve symptoms of exhaustion and depression.

In the hand acts as protective gem, helps mental clarity in times of confusion.



The green streamlines transmutation of negative energies into positive, and impulse control.

Recommended for use in matters relating to money matters, providing the best decisions.
On the physical plane acts on hormonal problems.
Except in the solar plexus, is akin to all other energy centers.

Elevation of positive vibrations, achievements, increased energy and ability to love.

Removes mental and emotional toxins.

Very useful for physical vigor, mental. Attracts possibility.

It's a gem provided with a protective
vibration. Locked inside you hand, actives its force and helps you see more clearly the problems in times of uncertainty and confusion, to avoid critical situations. It is very convenient when it comes to business decisions and issue money.

Green Tourmaline has great protection field. It also has qualities and clairvoyants who use it will see, no problem, what is the best way to make profits in business and economic cases. Appease nerve anxieties. Counteracts hormonal disorders and is useful in all chakras.

The stone of protection. Help in times of uncertainty and confusion. Purifies and strengthens the nervous system.



Provides strength and vigor. Strengthens the nervous system. Regulates hormonal activity. Eliminates complexes that arise when we have a physical defect. Good to properly resolve economic issues.

Disclaimer.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.

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