Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated Quartz


Main esoteric and healing properties of the Rutilated Quartz.

Stimulates life force and positive energy, high conductivity power to penetrate the armor physical, mental and energetic, facilitates communication with the "I" superior, powerful healing and energizing, acts on all chakras.

It helps the body to assimilate nutrients, strengthens the immune system, prevents depression and slows aging. Strengthens positive thoughts, raises the vibrational frequencies and enable intuitive and clairvoyant faculties of every human being. Alleviates fear and stress. Clean and harmonizes the aura. Its healing properties are very powerful, transmuting reconstituting bodily ills and affected parties. Combining his strength with black tourmaline, helps dramatically discard destructive behavior patterns of others and do not concern us. It works fine on all chakras.

Contains small rutile needles, red or gloss black enamel, penetrating colorless quartz crystals. This mineral gives a special power to quartz and acts as a great health tonic in tissues and cells. Commercially known as "Venus Hair".

Properties for the body
It has the power to delay the aging process by disinfectants and energizing effects. Revitalizes and speeds healing, regeneration and reorganization of the cell structure. Useful in degenerative brain, heart failure, fatigue and tiredness.

Properties for the mind 
It provides new energy to the sad and weary hearts. It gives strength to face reality and is very useful in depressions fatigue. It offers great protection against harmful electromagnetic fields and waves. Increases and directs the electromagnetic field vital aura reconstructs holes. Banishes fear.Excitement and relaxation. Ensure that helps reinvest the aging process and that takes away the fear. For enthusiasm and determination, it is recommended to support him in the throat chakra. In yoga exercises are advised to apply this gem on the brow chakra or third eye, to increase the degree of relaxation. Both in rocky quartz and in smoky quartz, we can find thin rutile fibers that entered the crystal when it was in liquid state. The rutile empowers other crystals where it is, it can be of various colors, and increases the vital energy. Also known as the stone of creativity. When it is attached to the rocky crystal quartz is called rutilated. Rutile deposits on the glass, means that the vibrations are extremely refined, making this stone possessing high healing power.

It is linked to the first, second and sixth chakra. 

In meditation i'ts a stone enlightening ideas and precise concepts.  
This stone is highly recommended to strengthen and achieve our goals and personal projects.

Promotes healthy cell growth in diseased organisms. 

Help thyroid disease, heart arrhythmias, respiratory complications, bronchitis and colds. 
It's indicated for the treatment of nervous diseases, since it has a relaxing effect.

An additional electrical power fluctuates along the titanium needles, helping to clear emotional blocks quickly. 

To alleviate the fear and anxiety; balances the energy patterns disturbed. 
Against isolation. 
To assimilate the changes. 
Against the inferiority complex.
Eliminates guilt. 
Against depression. 
To overcome the effects of shocks. 
Protect climbers and fliers. 
 Mental clarity. 
Its energy works to unravel closed situations, both spiritual and mental.  
Opens the doors and offers clarity, light, new perspectives.  
Break long held patterns and clears obstacles. 
Your balance is healing and works based on the chakras, splenic and front.  
It's a protective stone for those who do travel, hiking, etc..  
His sister is black tourmaline. 
For particularly artistic creativity. 
 For lack of determination and enthusiasm. 
All signs
Depression, the immune system, endocrine and sexual problems, etc..


Natural crystal that has inclusions in the shape of algae or dendrites. They are actually titanium oxide (rutile) and have a lot of energy.

Disclaimer.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.

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