Clear Quartz


Quartz Points
Quartz Points

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Clear Quartz, also known as Hyaline Quartz or Crystal Quartz or Rocky Crystal.

The six facets of pyramid structure representing the first six vital centers, and the apex, or point where they meet the faces, the crown chakra, ie contact with the universe.

This makes it not only in the visible light spectrum transmitter, but many other vital radiation from the cosmos.

Implemented in healing therapies and support the extraordinary ability of rocky crystal to vibrate in resonance with all universal spectrum frequencies, leads us to assimilate all the Rays Regents, all chakras vibrating in unison, and harmonizing with the Eternal Light .

The small Clear Quartz Druzes are ideal for body therapeutic applications, while larger ones can be located in rooms, offices, businesses on tables or other furniture, from which radiate energy harmonizing the environment, protecting us from negative vibrations.

It's amazing the effect of a medium Druze in an environment where there was a discussion, cleaning the environment of rancor or resentment.
It's the most versatile and unlimited of all crystals. Used for healing on all levels, meditation, reprogramming, processing and protection. They are the best transmitters and power generators. Detects and removes energy blocks while takes away the negative frequencies. Increases psychic powers and can cross from one dimension to another. It has powerful healing qualities, attracts and transmits energy, and is used to harmonize the aura. Charity in the heart chakra. Increases psychic powers and is a wonderful element to concentrate, meditate and communicate telepathically with others. Powerful on personal protection. The crystal size is important for healing purposes. It has tones, sounds, vibrations and energies that give protection and light against all negativity. Affinity with diamonds.

Provides balance. Increases the effect of all crystals.
Permanence. Advance in business. If the glass dull, betrayal.

Powerful healing agent, covering the energy spectrum, dispels negative energy from the body and the environment, amplifies, and transmits active positive energy, suitable for meditation, acts on all chakras.

Powerful healing agent, transmitter and amplifier of positive energy at all levels.

Hyaline Quartz
Hyaline Quartz

Transparent Quartz can be very useful to us when we want to work on meditation, as it channels the cosmic energy to Earth. In these cases is indicated to choose a generator crystal, recognized for its defined geometric shape, six Crystal faces that originate from a base of a more opaque, milky hue in most cases, and which converge in a tip. The more transparent the glass the more pure or "evolved" since it lets through more light.
We should specify we should always use the crystals that have been carved by the lapidary artists, when we want to use tehm for specific tasks of  Gemotherapy. Sometimes it happens that we find such wonderful crystals, so perfect, that we doubt if they are natural or processed, but with a little practice we can recognize the difference.
These crystals are removed from veins or channels formed in the interior of the Earth and are generally taken out with hammer and chisel. That base, that link them to the Earth, is denser than the rest of the glass, and sometimes has cracks, cuts or marks left by the tools used in its extraction.
The quartz that are in their natural state, have all these bases that look rougher, as if they had been torn. They may also appear imperfections or chunks or other mineral crystals on the surface of their faces. Finally, when the crystal has not received the action of the human hand, presents a different energy, powerful, full. If you have the opportunity to take in your hand a crude crystal, and one cut and polished, and capture your energy for a while, you will see the difference. Some more sensitive will notice it at first glance ...
Combines the properties of quartz and tourmaline
It is effective for rooting
Strengthens the body's energy field against external invasion
Diverts negative environmental influences
Dissolves crystallized patterns
Releases tensions at all levels
Harmonizes the disparate elements and opposites
Harmonizes the polarities
Converts negative thoughts and positive energy
It helps integrate and heal the shadow energies, alleviating self-sabotage
It is effective in solving problems
Harmonizes the meridians
Harmonizes the subtle bodies
Harmonizes the chakras

Welfare. Attract beneficial spirits. It symbolizes the moon and the power of the Light.

It is the Quartz in its purest form. It is completely colorless, lacking impurities affecting its transparency. Used to transmit, projecting, channel and activate all energy forms we know. Also conveys the energy of the cosmos and the depths of the Earth harmonizing and purifying our vibrational level. Provides a powerful harmonizing intellect and spirit. The rainbow is reflected in the center of this crystal is a good analogy of the Light that dwells within us. His great power as transmitter and receiver helps to unblock and charge the vital energy centers (chakras) promoting the circulation of light through our body. It belongs to the sign Libra to whom it will help to promote its positives and minimize the negatives aspects. All those born under this sign will feel very relieved wearing a transparent quartz stone.

Rocky Crystal
Rocky Crystal

Properties for body
Relieves all kinds of pain. Increases the therapeutic effect of all other minerals. Accelerates the healing process and cell revitalization. Useful in collagen diseases. Relieves headaches.

Properties for the mind
Supports the expansion of the mind. Eliminates confusion. It is very useful when there's a lack of mental clarity. Rises the Spirit. Powers the developing of a more positive and powerful mind. Stimulates intuition (crystal ball) and perception. Indicated for depression because it gives power to the mind. It's good to violent crises, delusions, total loss of modesty. Helps to eliminate jealousy.

Amplifies the ideas and feelings; acts on the thymus to balance the immune system, helps retention of information; uncrystallizes the congestion.

Variety of very pure quartz with many uses and applications. You can combine it with other gems that get powered. Both polished and rough, generates a lot of positivity. Its shape is natural, and is especial for reiki and healing.

Helps developing intuition and expressing it clearly.
It is directed to help the healing of any disease. It is very effective in the treatment of dropsy.
Eliminates dizziness and benefits liver functions.
Calms kidney pain when placed over them.

For concentration. Against depression.
Against the fear of the dark, assaults and storms.

Druze and silica quartz crystals, also called Rock Crystal, are natural conductors of electromagnetic energy. In its pure state is colorless and transparent. Regency: Uranus. Correlation: all signs.

Druses are groups of crystals with different orientations. They have different uses. In our home, wherever needed harmony. In therapeutic provisions, anywhere, at any chakra, dissolves negativity, energize. They are wonderful. Above the television will receive the negative radiations of the device, limiting the extension of the same. In this case you have to wash them frequently, taking care not to hold them with bare hands, but wrapping them in a cloth. The points of quartz, in a healing session, to balance the energy flow or meditation, should be located in yourr hands on the left with the point in and on the right with the far out, get the perfect flow energies in therapy.

A quartz over the crown chakra, or forehead with the end down brings clarity in processes of mental confusion. It gives strength and light.
My personal experience with this provision is to achieve inner peace and faith. It is very effective in children who watch a lot of TV, also in cases of school stress. Soothes the nerves. It's good to keep a quartz on the chest or on a necklace. This protects and dissolves the surrounding environment negativity. Prevents heart attacks, depression, indecision, confusion. On the third eye is used as an anti-fatigue. In tap water, or in the shower, causing the falling water passing through their surface, for example: holding the elastic quartz, or a water bottle quartz crystal is a source of health. For the animals, for our plants. For sick forests are successfully used both quartz points or sand of the same. It's good to keep a polished quartz in the pocket.

Powerful transmitter, amplifies and directs thought forms.

All signs
Hysteria, fractures, postoperative recovery. General therapeutic agent.

Clear Quartz Massager
Clear Quartz Massager

Among the best known magical stones we find one in particular that has several properties and known for several different uses, both in magic and in healing, we are referring to the hyaline quartz, rocky crystal, or better known as crystal quartz. Let's see their characteristics and their magical and healing properties.
Like chalcedony, quartz is not a single mineral, but one of the largest families of universal Gea, composed of hundreds of varieties, many of which are used in crystal healing.
Chemically, quartz is composed of a base of silicic anhydride, crystallized by the high pressures and temperatures geological in a rhombic system with the form of hexagonal prisms which are fractured by concoideos cleavage planes.
Presents a vitreous luster of low refractive index and double refraction, along one axis and is perfectly transparent and colorless when the base is pure, even when dyed different colors other minerals receives input during crystallization.
In nature, the crystals are presented in three different ways: as loose crystals, more or less broken, grouped drusen, or locked in pockets within the group covers chalcedony, usually agate, jasper and carnelian.
The term crystal, formerly used by the Greeks to identify the family of quartz, derives from the words kryo (cold) and stallos (push, push), etymology, according to Pliny, arises from the curious belief that the crystals formed by the celestial enfriamient of moisture within the bedrock.
Since ancient times, it was considered a gem of great value, and prestige was far greater than can be enjoyed in the present times.
It is said that Nero, knowing that the crystal attracted the favors of the Gods, got himself two wonderful carving of the stone cups to drink on special occasions.
The Arabs made beautiful amulets to ensure good luck and pleasant dreams, the nobleman who received it as a gift was distinguished from others in the eyes of the monarch.
For its beauty, has always been a favorite of the gems of the most celebrated sculptors of all time.
Benvenuto Cellini and Valerio Belli in Italy, Juan de Benavente Arce and Juan Villafane in Spain, were among the most famous.
Common names: Crystal, Mirror Witch, Starry Stone, Iris (by the prismatic effect of quartz crystals), Zaztum (maya).
Energy: Projective, Receptive.
Planets, Sun, Moon.
Deity: The Great Mother.
Associated Metals: Silver, copper, gold.
Associated Herbs: Copal, sage, chicory, sage, scented grass.
Powers: Protection, healing, psychic, power, lactation.
Magical-ritual tradition: It was long believed that the crystal quartz was solidified water or ice, and it was used in shamanistic religions and systems for thousands of years.
Because of its connection to the water, has been magically used to create rain in many parts of the Pacific, including Australia and New Guinea.
Traditionally used in the Eleusinian mysteries, to produce the sacred fire, concentrating the sun's power to light wood chips.
I say "traditionally" as we do not know much about these ancient and sacred rituals.
It was in common use among American Indians in rituals and incantations and ceremonial sticks were found with crystal quartz points in Southern California.
Shamans Cherokees, recognizing the power of the crystal, kept them wrapped in deerskin, when were not used. At regular intervals, the stone is "fed" with deer blood.
It is a common component of medicinal power bags or packages of shamans.
Contemporary Wiccans wear quartz, often combining it with silver, during the full moon rituals.
Because it is also a symbol of the Goddess, often placed quartz glass spheres on the altar during lunar rituals, because its freezing temperature represents the sea.
You can also place two crystal quartz on Wiccan altars to represent the God and Goddess, creative powers of the universe.
Some place a natural or raw glass to represent God, and a sphere to represent the Goddess.
In shamanic terms, the crystal quartz is the shaman, and the shaman is the crystal, there are no differences between the two.
As such it is the perfect tool for the shaman rituals and used worldwide.
Mystically, is a symbol of the spirit and intellect of humans.

Magical Uses: At present, the crystal quartz are very popular among ordinary people and especially among those using gemtherapy.
Its use to heal, alter consciousness and in magic, has been linked to the spirit of the New Age.
Long neglected, but later rescued by their industrial applications, today represents a huge commercial business.

To clean it commonly are used plants or herbs, used specifically, sage (Salvia officinalis) and scented herb (Hierochloe odorata), two American healing and cleansing herbs that are associated with quartz crystals, shamanism, are herbaceous counterparts of the stone.

Make an infusion (tea) of these two herbs adding two tablespoons to the boiling water. Let it rest until it cools down, then add to the infusion the crystals newly acquired or negatively charged (eg, a stone used to cure a disease).
Let them settle in the infusion for at least one day, then dry them and hold them in your receptive hand (left).
If you feel that the stone is "clean", then it is ready for magic or to be used in healings, if not, put them back into the tea until it has done its job.

The clear crystal quartz or "white" is perhaps known for its properties to stimulate the psyche.
Although most of the glass spheres that are sold today are made of plastic or glass, the real crystal quartz spheres can be achieved, albeit at very high prices.
In the Renaissance, most of the "stones to glimpse the future" or crystal balls were made from beryl, not transparent quartz crystal.
However, the crystal was used in magical operations.
Sometimes half was covered with pure gold and placed in a base of ivory or ebony.
In the XIX European magic, the crystal ball is placed under the pillow to create a harmony with the soothsayer and increase its effectiveness.
A crystal sphere can be exposed to the full moon to strengthen its powers.
Before reading the design of the glass, sometimes usually drink an infusion of wormwood or chicory and rub a sage on the glass.

Clear Crystal Pointers
Clear Crystal Pointers

Psychic Action: It is a remedy that used in the time when the person's mental state requires so, because of its manifest symptoms, provides an invaluable help to overcome violent crises, delusions and hallucinations, talkativeness incessant sexual eroticism, lustful thoughts, and hypertension of psychic origin.
A symptom of this remedy itself, and by which it should be noted, is the need to eat things cold or frost.
Useful for guys who are really scared by thunderstorms.
Clarifies the mind and eliminates false desires.

Emotive Action: Its beneficial qualities reach highly emotive people who need only a spark to ignite; vivid and fast sensations, extremely enthusiastic but without continuity.
Jealousy can be real uncontrolled emotional triggers.

Energy Action: For its cooling properties is one of the most effective remedies to pacify and control the erratically moving inner fire, due to excessive activity of the sexual center.
Its effect is assimilation.

To finish with the properties of quartz it can be said that this crystal can channel the energy of white light (which is the sum of seven colors) and distribute it throughout the subtle bodies, balancing and harmonizing energy to counteract any harmful you can try to break into the body.
This characteristic of quartz it the most versatile and useful of all crystals, so it is highly sought after in gem therapy, which can be used to cure all kinds, meditation, channeling energy generation, scheduling and rescheduling of other crystals, communication and personal and home protection.
Physically, quartz has powerful therapeutic properties, attracting and channeling universal energy, unlocking and activating all of the subtle bodies, aligning them with each other and with the physical body, which means healing par excellence: the disappearance of the possibility of disease.
Well, as you see these are the most outstanding features of this semi-precious stone, which brings in magic and healing effective and special solutions to its possessor.

SIGNS RELATED TO THE STONE: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries.
CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Opens, stimulates and strengthens the spleen chakras (Swadhisthana), desire, pleasure, sexuality and procreation, the crown (Sahasrara), and understanding of the throat (Vishudha) inspiration and communication.


Place a white quartz crimp around you neck, to get live, act and think positive.
Place a white quartz for ten minutes a day in the subject's head on the crown with a headband, scarf tied, etc., the negative and our inner energies to flow freely.
Place a white quartz for ten minutes a day over the center of the forehead, and lying in a state of relaxation, to increase our power of concentration and get our balance both physically, and psychologically and spiritually.
Place a white quartz two fingers below the navel for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, to protect us from any kind of disease and to increase our creative power.
Place a white quartz in the center of the throat for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, to protect us from any kind of illness, make grow our inspiration, awakening the gift of communication and get to increase our capacity to forgive ourselves and our neighbors.

It is an easy to program crystal for anything but their natural energy is geared to clear the mind and develop the intellect and ideas. It's great when it comes to finding a solution to a problem and inspiration for a project. Good support for students and people who want to bring order to the mind. It can help us to better organize our priorities.
It is a crystal that gives us strength, cleansing and renewal, so it's also great to face any changes positively. The clear quartz or rocky crystal, is an indispensable tool for people working assiduously on meditation, because it amplifies any energy. So, it can help us to rediscover what lies within us as we want to amplify the energies that are present in our lives. This crystal can be used for any type of meditation, and certainly will be enhanced by their strength. Ideal for any chakra. Correlation: all signs.


Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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