
Amber Pyramid
Amber Pyramid

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Amber

As its tone gold-ruby (golden orange) is intimately associated with the navel chakra, the energy center elementary physical body, is very useful in therapy with crystals.
In ancient times amber was crushed and mixed it with honey to relieve ear pain.
It is currently used to fight colds, epilepsy and convulsive states, as a necklace to counter goiter and inflammation of tonsils. Protect children from toothache or other oral conditions such as cavities, gingivitis and bleeding gums.
Relieves headaches, migraine, tension in the neck, back, asthma, bronchitis, gastrointestinal disturbances, deafness, fever, malaria, complications of bladder, liver, circulatory problems and nosebleeds.
It has beneficial effects on internal organs, promotes balance, sharpens the senses, so it is indicated for individuals prone to traumatic injury, or manifestations of emotional distress, as chronic depression and suicidal tendencies. Promotes meditation.
Help to integrate with the rest of the people for the benefit of our own spiritual development.
It is a very delicate mineral energy, so that after being used in a therapy session becomes dull and faded. Therefore, at the end of each session will require cleaning and let it rest for several hours in a pocket or hyaline quartz druse.
It is fossilized resin. Attributed a variety of beneficial powers: protecting health, ward off evil spirits. Already in Roman antiquity was very expensive. Amber is considered as a semiprecious stone. One of the stones attributed to the Sun is estimated that relates to the electrical phenomenon. Work on the outside, collecting and transmitting energy Yang (active).
This gem of organic origin, comes from fossil tree resin, is useful for pulmonary allergies, colds, and when burned purifies attracts material achievements. Common is golden yellow, but there are varieties of other colors.
It petrified pine sap millions of years ago.
Good for placing on unbalanced surfaces or aching body.
Absorbs negative energy and helps the body heal itself. After use, always will be cleaned.
Placed at the level of certain internal organs, tissues are revitalized.
Serves people with suicidal tendencies, desire to escape the body, or chronic depression.
Against anxiety.
Against the inferiority complex.
For euphoria.
To resolve contradictions.
Against fear for reasons undefined.
Against memory loss.
To ease the pain of breakups.
It attracts good luck and positive energy. Protects against envy and the evil eye and spells. Absorbs negative energies. It also prevents depression.

Resin is solidified and fossilized tree
It has strong connections with the land
Sits higher energies
It is a powerful healer and cleanser that removes body disease

It promotes tissue revitalization
Clean environment and the chakras
Absorbs and transmutes negative energies into positive forces that stimulate the body self healing
I linked with our higher spiritual reality
It provides stability
Links the object of desire with the drive to get it
Provides solar and spontaneous attitude that respects tradition yet
Helps counteract depressive tendencies
Helps counteract suicidal
It stimulates the intellect
Clears depression
Promotes a positive mindset
Promotes creative expression
It brings balance and patience
Decision favors
It is helpful for memory
Dissolves opposition
Promotes peace and builds confidence
Promotes altruism and brings wisdom
Imbues the body with vitality
Ejects body disease
Absorb the pain
Allows the body to rebalance and heal, and also relieves stress
Try goiter and other throat problems
Relieves joint problems
Try the stomach, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver and gallbladder
Strengthens the mucous membranes

Negative evils away and is a good luck charm. His energy is greatly healing and helps children against toothache and also healthy hepatic colic, caries, deafness and digestive problems, spleen, heart and spine. It carries cosmic energies and the wearer is attracted to all things divine and higher. Harmonizes with the Ying and Yang and is key to emotional stability, spiritual and earthly. The first manifestation of electricity was known through the amber.

Catalyzes and organizes the chaotic energy. Encourages other minerals. Protection

In ancient times it was used as an object of adornment and worship. As an amulet has been used as a shield against misfortune and disease. Be used as a pendant. The first manifestation of electricity was known through the amber.

Healing Properties:

Excellent for lung problems.
His energy is greatly healing and helps children against toothache and also healthy hepatic colic, caries, deafness and digestive problems, spleen, heart and spine.
In the body of the device promotes digestive functions useful to combat nervous tics, headaches, migraines, headaches, etc.. also good for arthritis, tachycardia and palpitations. Taking it on the skin heals all kinds of skin problems
Strengthens thyroid, inner ear, anxiety, rheumatism, asthma and bronchitis intestines, spleen and heart.
Shaped collar is used to mitigate the pain of goiter and tonsils.
Amber bracelets counteract rheumatism.
It is very important to help in very negative or immersed in some sort of mental illness such as depression, melancholy,

Spiritual properties:

The glass and self-help.
Amulet famous in the Nordic countries to prevent nightmares and night terrors.
In the case of amber, can be used to soothe our souls and permanently stabilize our emotions and inner peace.
With amber feel our connection to the earth and the sky is very strong and that at all times we can get what we need both worlds.
It is a very useful tool for both beginners and experts alike meditation because it balances energies and builds interesting meditations and experiences very gently.
Basically it is a powerful stabilizer.
Which means putting things in place and helps us find peace and calm to address the issues that concern us.
For this reason, also gives us confidence in our abilities and that we will be able to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.
Thus, we can also help overcome shyness and speak more forcefully, especially those who speak very low and unable to raise his voice.
To sort the mind and free of destructive thoughts.
This eliminates the disturbing inner dialogues and continuous feeling that something bad will happen.
It helps us get in touch with reality in a smooth and gradual.
Negative evils away and is a good luck charm.
It carries cosmic energies and the wearer is attracted to all things divine and higher.
Harmonizes with the Ying and Yang and is key to emotional stability, spiritual and earthly.

How to CLEAN Amber?

You should frequently clean under running warm tap water for a minute.

How to discharge Amber?

Put it in a lot of hematites at the light of the moon
Amber is a very soft stone very sensitive and reacts in contact with acids
NEVER place it directly to the sunlight because it could crack inside and explode!

How to Reload Amber?

Put it among 3-5 crystal quartz stones all night under the moonlight

Signs related to stone
Libra, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces.
Utilities, applications and healing properties
When doing meditation in the presence of an amber to acquire attention, concentration and inner peace.
Place an amber for ten minutes a day in the navel, and lying in a relaxed state, in order to alleviate and prevent all diseases that are related to the digestive system.
Place an amber for ten minutes a day in the throat, and lying in a relaxed state, in order to solve or prevent all diseases in the area such as tonsillitis, colds, ear or sinus pain.
Place an amber for ten minutes a day on the forehead (between the eyebrows), and lying in a relaxed state, in order to cure or prevent headaches, migraines and headaches.
Place an amber for ten minutes daily in the chest and lying in a relaxed state, in order to prevent or alleviate all those heart-related diseases especially palpitations and tachycardia
communication and creativity. Solar Plexus (Manipura) power will. The Crown (Sahasrara), understanding.

Lungs, Memory, soothing oral protection.

Leo, Virgo and Capricorn
Strengthens the thyroid, inner ear, anxiety, rheumatism, intestinal disease, asthma, bronchitis, spleen, and heart.

Above all, we need to clarify that this is not exactly a mineral, much less of a crystal, but a resin of prehistoric conifer, the pinitas succinífera (Oligocene period, in the start of the Tertiary) fossilized by Over millions of years since its solidification.

However, its use in crystal healing, with his beautiful golden color (the term comes from the name Amber) justifies its inclusion among the crystals and gemstones.

In the face healing, amber is especially suitable for children, who protects against dental pain, as well as against cavities, gum disease, gingivitis, hepatic and renal colic and digestive problems and urinary.

In the elderly, is used in the treatment of goiter, erysipelas, partial paralysis, epilepsy and convulsions.
Let us see how it performs on other levels:

Energy: Projective.

Planet: Sol

Elements: Fire, Akasha.

Deity: The Great Mother.

Powers: Luck, healing, strength, protection, beauty, love.

Magical-ritual tradition: Amber is perhaps the oldest substance used for human ornaments.

Found amber beads and pendants in northern European graves dating from 8000 BCE (before the common era, the equivalent AC nonreligious).

Because amber, not as gemstones, is warm to the touch and often contains insect fragments, it was believed that life possessed.

It was sacred to the worshipers of the Mother Goddess in classical times it was believed to contain the essence of life, the animating principle.

Because amber is a fossil, has associations with time, cycles and longevity.

Similarly, as was once a living substance, is related to the Akasha.

In some contemporary Wiccan meetings, women - generally high priestesses - necklaces worn accounts consisting of alternating amber and jet.

Although the reasons for the use of these materials varies, it is said that these two stones represent the Goddess and God, the male and female principle, the forces of nature receptive and projective.

They also increase the magical effects.

Amber rubbing against wood or silk of electrically charged.

Its ancient name was elektron Greek, whence our modern word electricity.

Psychic Action:

Of great help to overcome states of sadness and despair marked consummate leading to suicide attempts.

Improvement hypersensitive states, often produce large grudges for as little injury.

It tends to give balance in cases of great discouragement and disgust of life, allowing eliminate suicidal thoughts.

Its vibration helps reinforce memory.

Emotive Action:

Strengthens the mind and gives the inner strength to people who fear new things or faults undertake initiatives for fear of failure, fear of appearing in public.

Effective in reversing trends behaviors fall into religious mania.

Energy Action:

It has the ability to absorb the negative energy, allowing freedom from concerns that impede the harmonious development of the person.

For his great acts on the electromagnetic conductivity biomagnetic field clean of impurities.

It is akin to the throat center-based solar-plexus.

Its effect is the meeting.
Magically speaking, because, when rubbed, this gem is a magnetic field and releases energy, has always been considered the "stone" (a resin) magic par excellence.

Its origins are very remote, like the legends mentioned properties.

Since ancient times, it has been considered one of the gems that protect against treason, and ensures that tends to darken when the wearer is often in danger of death, as if to warn of danger.
It is an excellent protector for children and booster spells and can stimulate the flow of money into one.

A priestess of a coven sum can be amber and jet necklaces to indicate its category.

It is said that amber is one of the most magical gems used by the witches of old.

Magical Uses 

Amber, along with a few stones, has been used for almost all purposes in magic.

He has appeared on countless millions of spells and magical rituals.

Despite its high price, amber is a magical investment firm.

Just buy it from a dealer reliable, because much of what is sold as amber glass, plastic or "reconstituted amber".

To make a good amber, you have to be prepared to pay a good sum of money for it.

The amber necklaces are perhaps the most common form used in magic, as these are protective when used.

It is a powerful amulet against negative magic and great for protecting children, making them wear amber beads to protect your health.

The Greeks considered one of the "stones of fire" for its healing ability. They considered cured respiratory and nervous. Instilled courage to gladiators, protecting pregnant women and children from fire hazards and water.

Actually Amber is not a crystal itself, is actually the result of the process of petrification of pine trees, made millions of years ago. Represents a stone of great interest to archaeologists because inside there are remains of prehistoric nature as seed pieces, pieces of insects, petals and other particles of nature. Its name comes from the Greek Elektron. Burns easily, exuding a pleasant odor because it is actually a fossil resin, electrizable.

The yellow amber comes from the Baltic Sea coast and its color is due to the second conifers Tertiary. It is believed to bring good luck. Throughout the centuries, in Africa they have been used to make ornaments magic and now in Niger are convinced they have supernatural powers. In Tibet it is said that amber attracts positive vibes and is considered benefactor.

Grey Amber is the result of an accumulation of intestinal sperm and is used in perfumery. In meditation amber is used to eliminate all outside disturbances found in our bodies, as they have more capacity roll, a vibration that's important. For this buffering capacity is recommended for use with potential suicide or those who are under states of severe depression. As has the ability to absorb negative energies not recommended pieces of amber on a diseased area or sore. Revitalized by its beautiful golden highlights, the functions of internal organs such as the spleen and stomach. His influence will be more intense as orange is its reflection. Amber is nothing magical, just the ability to interfere with electromagnetic waves because it acts on the body's endocrine system.
The governing Saturn and Pluto, and is linked with the signs of Leo, Virgo and Capricorn.
Used for its affinity to the throat chakra, the solar plexus and the sacral chakra.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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