

"The Stone of the Spirit"

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Moonstone.

Also known under the name Fish Eye, or Eye of Wolf. Also as Adularia.
Since ancient times it was considered that captures the energy of the moon.
It's from the same family as the Labradorite and Amazonite, but more known.
It is related to the process of inner growth, and is called the "stone of the Spirit".
It has a feminine power, used to calm and harmonize the emotions, integrating the emotional with the higher levels of consciousness.
It connects to the solar plexus, the sacral chakra and the spleen, where it acts as gatekeeper of the unconscious.
Very useful for women, it helps to normalize the endocrine system and stabilize menstrual disorders. 
In humans, only limited to the etheric field.
It is also useful for asthma, headaches and feverish. Cures skin impurities.
In meditation you connect with the most intense of emotions and influences our intuition.
It is also used to meditate, to dream, memory, to develop the powers of telepathy and clairvoyance.
Cures emotional balance, expands consciousness.
THe Moon energy thus connected with the moving field acts as a protection, when impulses tend to slippage.
In the subconscious level it is often used in conjunction with malachite, and the latter removes blockages from this plane, while the moonstone calms the emotional states that emerge from this process of healing.
The pearly white are also used in the crown chakra to promote the harmonious development between the physical body and the subtle bodies and to energize the higher healing centers.
The blue color one, works in the throat chakra, throat problems, mouth and thyroid.
Growth of teeth in children.
Associated with Cancer. It is considered as a stone of love. It has the virtues of love and inspire protect tender passions. Very strong when worn by people with upward or sun signs in Cancer moon sign.
For emotional balance during menstruation.
Promotes the vision and knowledge of self.
With its special glow recalls the lunar reflection. From ancient times it is used to increase perceptions, affirm the feminine energy and build amulets. (Also called ADULARIA). Favors gambling. Eliminates the possibility of competitors in love.
Increases intuition. Regulates menstrual cycle of women. Protects the matrix, ovary and breast. Help to protect the love of external interference.

Stone of new beginnings
It is connected with the moon and intuition
Calms the emotions
Makes you conscious of your unconscious
Calms overreactions to situations and emotional triggers

Active intuition and empathy
It encourages lucid dreaming
Power develops psychic abilities and clairvoyance
It is full of energy receptive, passive, feminine
It balances male-female energies
Open your mind to sudden and irrational impulses, the "meaningful coincidence" and Synchronicity
Relieves emotional instability and stress
Improving emotional intelligence
Cura disorders of the upper digestive tract related to emotional stress
Powerfully affects the female reproductive cycle
Relieves menstrual-related ailments
It is linked with the pineal
It balances the hormonal system
It is helpful in cases of shock
Can be used to calm hyperactive children
It promotes the functioning of the digestive and reproductive systems
Assimilates nutrients
Eliminates toxins and fluid retention
Excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation
Combat insomnia
Alleviates degenerative diseases of the skin, eyes, hair, liver and pancreas

Beautiful stone and inner spiritual significance that serves to balance against external situations and strong emotional. It is said that its strength comes from the Moon. Its evolution is very powerful and helps those who want essential growth of body and soul. Especially in meditation opens possibilities for people shy and inhibited. It works on the solar plexus chakra and base. It is recommended that those with the use of fire signs with blue stones (agate, lapis lazuli, azurite, onyx, etc..). Connect to the solar plexus and sacral.
Healing the stomach, spleen and pituitary gland. Unlock lymphatic system. Relieves anxiety and tension. Help childbirth, breastfeeding and women's issues. Emotional balancer helps not to overreact emotionally. Flexibility in attitudes. Aligns emotions with higher self. Increases intuition. Provides access to the subconscious.
Keep a small stone in the mouth if lymphatic problems. Do not use during menstruation or prolonged. It's sweet but powerful.
It works on the solar plexus chakra and base.

Correlation: all signs, with more affinity towards Scorpio, Capricorn and Cancer.

Calm emotions. Balances over-sensitivity

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Female pelvic disorders, tension in the abdomen, clean lymph, emotional improvement.

Has a chemical composition fedelpasto (aluminum silicate multiple, potassium, sodium and calcium) whitish opalescent, crystallized in the monoclinic system, and biaxially birefringent.
Its low hardness can not finish polishing, so do not reach significant market price of the jewelry, and also scratches easily.
As a special presents an optical phenomenon called adularescencia, which consists of a series of reflexes mole pearlescent effect, that earned his name, since this effect is seen only when the light rays pass at an angle through the cleavage plane The adularia moonstone or can only be carved as cabochons, generally round.

Energy: Projective.
Planet: Moon.
Element: Water.
Deities: Diana, Selene, Isis, all lunar goddesses.
Associated Stone: Quartz crystal.
Associated Metal: Silver.
Powers: Love, divination, psychism, sleep, gardening, protection, youth diets.

Magic-ritual Traditions: the moonstone, is a fedelpasto opalescent blue, white or pink, is intimately connected with the moon.
In fact, so much so that many used according to the phases of the moon.
Some say it is magically powerful during the waxing and waning Moon least.
However, others use it for the apparent decline of the Moon in divination rituals.
It has been long dedicated to the goddesses of the moon.

Magical Uses: It is responsive and attracts love, uses or carries a to attract the love of your life on a full moon night and low light TV, around a pink candle and visualize in a loving relationship.
It is also prized for its ability to solve problems between lovers, especially those who have fought bitterly.
Hold a moonstone, charge with vibrations of love, and give it to his grieving couple, the best of all, you can share this ritual with him or her, exchanging stones, thus between the two heal with her love relationship.

Because of its associations with the moon, which causes the Dream, the stone is often placed under the pillow, or used to go to bed, beads of moonstones to ensure a peaceful sleep.
As malachite and jade, moonstone is associated with gardening.
Use it as plants or water it, and buries a small piece of this stone while visualizing your garden issuing fertility.
To make a tree bear abundant fruit, tie a stone from the moon to one of the branches of the tree.
Because the Moon appears to travel through the zodiac, this stone is an amulet to protect travelerers.
Take it when you are away from home, especially when traveling by air or water, and is a perfect gift for sailors or friends who are going to take a cruise.
Rings moonstone can be used when swimming, so be protected when in the water.
During the events used divination or pending accounts moonstones; psychics use moonstones with tarot cards or magic stones to increase your psychic ability.
A quartz crystal sphere also surrounded with these stones before starting to observe to divine the future.
This stone is carried or used in rituals designed to renew or maintain a youthful attitude (the latter may be more convincing than the outward appearance).
If what you want is to lose weight, perhaps the moonstone can provide some help with this.

Moonstone Pendant
Moonstone Pendant

Psychic Action: The power of this remedy is very effective in their actions on the human psyche in cases of blockage or repression as strict subjection not have allowed to be present with all its inner potential, those who have not been permitted to decide over their lives, who have been relegated tyrannical personalities.
Very useful and extremely overprotected children who acquire neurotic behavior.
It is also used to reverse sudden shocks states that nullify the actions of the person.

Emotive Action: The framework of repression not escape the emotional terrain, its vibration allows this remedy open the closed doors of feelings.
It helps when internal impulses tend to havoc, usually for this reason that some are beginning to fear from their own emotions and are suppressed even more for fear of losing the rational balance, which aggravates their condition and self delicate.
The virtue of this remedy lies in providing the necessary serenity to manage emotions and that they flow freely, destroying the imaginary barriers erected by fear.
Energy Action: Free energies and brings clarity to the spirit to find the way to its realization, enabling the development of the inner potential. Affinity Heart Center.
Its effect is assimilation.

Physical and chemical Therapeutic Properties: Closely linked to the moon, this stone shows a distinctly feminine and water, so it tends to provide everything related with meditation, sleep, memory and powers of telepathy and clairvoyance.
This, like Pearl, helps to calm the violent emotional reactions, thus allowing to reach higher planes of reality, and incorporate them into our consciousness.
It is the ideal stone for meditation, for those people timid or afraid, but boldly seeking harmonious development between the physical body and the subtle bodies.
It is used primarily in the base and solar plexus chakras.
However, the white color is also often associated with the crown chakra, whereby selenite may be used on it for energizing the highest healing centers, although not as effectively coated in denser subtle bodies.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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