
Jade, Jade Cross, Jade Turtle
Jade, Jade Cross, Jade Turtle

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Jade.

It is also known as "Stone of Humility", representing satisfaction, selflessness, objectivity, love, peace, harmony and balance.

Using the jade, dreams can be interpreted and understood.
It gives us a better understanding of ourselves, a longer life.
Promotes relaxation and strengthen love.
It has healing effects on the eyes, kidneys and bladder.
When the Spanish discovered and conquered America, noted that the Aztecs used Jade for their talismans and weapons calling it "The Stone of the Hip" as being an effective cure for kidney disease.
It can be used to treat infertility, migraine, neuralgia, influenza, herpes, digestive complications, colic, jaundice and gastric disorders.
Help deliveries if propped on hand or used on the body.
Using it for meditation, we are able to discover our past mistakes and so present in our current progress toward a better future.
This stone has a vibration capable of balancing the emotional with the intellectual. It also acts as an important stimulant of the emotions, penetrating the feelings of people and helping them discover their karma.
The jade water can be drunk as a diuretic.
Associated with Virgo, Libra and Aquarius. It has been regarded for centuries as a sacred stone, as it brings good fortune and protects against disease or evil spirits. He is reputed to increase the powers hidden. It offers serenity and Immortality. Has great power to be carried by the natives of Libra, Virgo and Aquarius.
Especially protects parturients. Da luck in business. Also in the West was used for heart disease. Its use dates back to 4000 BC in western Asia. Today is very popular among Arabs, Turks and Armenians. The Chinese butterfly-shaped amulet used it as love. And it's not uncommon to see Japanese brokers fortunate to take a small piece of this stone in their pockets before signing a transaction.
Emotional connection to earth healing deep emotional wounds.
Glass is a very effective, both in the physical and spiritual etheric, its use is almost prehistoric. Both varieties like clear green and brown are used for thousands of years, by his great power. Its name derives from RINS, Aztec word that the Spanish conquerors called stone flanks, its effectiveness for kidney stones.
Brings good luck and money. Protects against diseases. Provides type divinatory dreams.
Increase love of neighbor, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom.
It is used to prevent infections and diseases.

Higher power stone with healing magic, demonstrating his strength and monumentality especially in ancient Egypt. Jade is closely related to Chinese civilization, which relate to the periods of growth and rest of nature. It is said that jade or (YU), is the queen of all gems because it meets the five cardinal virtues: love of neighbor, modesty, courage, justice and wisdom. It symbolizes beauty, virtue and tenacious authority. Give peace and tranquility. Who identifies with her, receives magnetic force. Prolongs life, maintains fertility. For those using this stone, the level of consciousness. It is used to treat kidney disease and epilepsy, and contagious infections. Their vibrations are not absorbed as cleaners, but repel any negativity. This represented with different colors: green, white, yellow, purple, brown.

Regulates heartbeat. Promotes Dreamwork

It is on the market in a pyramid, ball, chains, charms, artwork, figurines, vases and dishes for you.

How do I charge it?

Should pay attention to the reaction of the stone itself, if it gets milky, opaque or heated, wash in warm water, and must be recharged frequently, in a glass of water and amethyst, or a Druze.
Warning: Do not ever put it to the sunshine.

It is a symbol of purity and serenity
It symbolizes the wisdom gained in tranquility
Increases love and care
It protects the wearer from harm and brings harmony

Bring good luck and friendship
It stabilizes the personality
Integrates the mind and body
Releases negative thoughts and soothes the mind
Promotes self-sufficiency
Stimulates ideas
Makes tasks seem less complex
Starting on the forehead, produces significant dreams
Promotes emotional release
Spiritually, it encourages you to be who you really are
It helps you to recognize you as a spiritual being on a human journey
Awake the hidden knowledge
Facilitates the bodily functions of filtration and removal
Try the kidneys and adrenal glands
Remove toxins
Promotes fertility and helps in childbirth
Reunites cellular and skeletal systems, and heals stitches
It acts on the hips and spleen
Balances body fluids, the proportions of water-salt and acid-alkaline component

It comprises two materials look similar but are different minerals Jadeite (green apple, lavender and white) and Nephrite) white, green with black spots, black, brown).
Brightness:  Naturally, the jade is opaque, the brightness is based on the degree of polish. The brightness is vitreous jadeite, nephrite that has brightness "fatty".

There are substitutes and imitations of jade as bowenita, serpentine, chrysoprase, chalcedony, algamolita, fluorite and steatite, aventurine, amazonite, grossular glass.

Compatibility: Aries, Virgo, Scorpio. Chakra 4 ° and 5 °.
This stone stimulates concentration and mental development, helps to achieve a high degree of mysticism and lightens dark aspects of the personality, strengthens the immune system and kidneys. Generates divine love nature and increases the expression of feelings, protects from injuries and accidents.

Blood purifier, strengthens the immune system, kidneys, generates divine love, power connections to the land, protects from damage and accidents.

All signs
Kidney discomfort, throat, heart, liver, thyroid, spleen. Detoxifying the immune system. Increases psychic abilities, etc..

Signs related to stone
Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius, Gemini and Scorpio.

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a crimp jade hanging from the neck, to prevent or relieve probelmas bone and joints.
Place a jade for ten minutes a day in the center of the forehead (between the eyebrows), and lying in a relaxed state, to prevent or cure eye diseases and to control emotions, and get power to bring out the wisdom within us.
Place a jade for ten minutes a day in the center of the chest at heart level, and lying in a relaxed state, to awaken the love for others.
Place a jade on the navel for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, to control or prevent diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
Place a jade two fingers below the navel for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state, to prevent or cure the diseases of the urinary and facilitate procreation.
CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the spleen chakra (Swadhisthana), desire, pleasure, sexuality and procreation.



It is used against cramps veins, inflammations, chronic or hereditary diseases of the veins, thrombosis, excess water in the veins. The Chinese tea used in bathrooms and thus improve and alleviate faster. It is very suitable for pregnant women to not retain water. Also for those suffering from constipation.
For the psychic: a stone is very soothing, relaxing and harmonizing for people with rage, anger, and they all explode.
Chakra: is ideal for the solar plexus chakra.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.



Main esoteric and healing properties of the Fluorite.


It was bequeathed to humanity by harmonizing universal, to help her arduous journey to the final outcome.
Called the "Stone of Genius", often called a double pyramid octahedra. This court is without question the most healing to the point that increases our brain power. Both hemispheres are encouraged to work together.
This stone is irreplaceable because it was given to further enlarge the intellect and consciousness.
It is easy to distinguish the four main colors that correspond to the higher chakras, that is, the supreme power triangle and the higher planes of consciousness.
In the area of meditation is the third eye stone. Provides access to the highest levels of the mind by the intensity of its vibrations.
You can open the doors of capturing, converting meditation on an almost mystical experience, enabling a deeper understanding of the mysteries hermetic.

Fluorite Generator
Fluorite Generator
Favors the creation within a peaceful inner self, we can discern the important from the superfluous.
Many experts say that it was left in Earth by superior cultures, so that humans can reach other dimensions.
On the physical plane is the type used for brain ailments and neurosis, psychopathy, given the connection of its vibrations to neural system.
The blue is for calm and inner peace.
The green and purple, to dive into the depths of the spirit, ideal for application on the upper chakras and the sixth center. Symbolizes physical detachment, the fervor of a mind dedicated to achieving superior concretions.
The indigo induces a person to apply his intellect to the technological achievements for development group.
The transparent aid management, and integration into a whole feeling happy.
The pink and amber, in tune with the heart chakra and umbilical.
Balancing polarities, concentration, intellectual and spiritual development.
Transformation and devotion links matter to spirit through the crown chakra.

Fluorite Point
Fluorite Point

Ornamental stone that was fashionable in the Victorian era. Provides knowledge and mystic who wish to enter the cosmic wisdom and truth, through the third eye. Indispensable for their qualities in meditation. Balancing effect between the negative and positive, creating feelings of serenity in the environment of people. Said to have been planted on Earth by aliens. Akin to the amethyst for his powers of transmutation. Its very powerful healing vibration, working with brain pictures successes as delusions of persecution, irritabilidades, neurosis, epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. In the shade of green, quiet and relaxing situations. Few stones like her contribute to the creation of an internal state of peace and silence in which everything freezes and time seems to stop. Also there in green shades

The stone of the student, Soothing. Libera negativity and emotional blockages.

Color: purple, green, yellow, white, red, blue.

Fluorite Point
Fluorite Point

Healing and spiritual properties the Fluorite

Fluorite is advisable for people suffering from stress by relaxing and sedative properties.
For this reason and for its color is often used for meditation. Bring a fluorite bring us emotional and perfect balance between mind and body.
Indicated for the treatment of disorders of the brain, both physical and mental.
Provides mental clarity, concentration and serenity
Favor of opening the third eye
Opens the solar plexus chakra.
Affinity with the signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. Leo, Virgo, Libra, Pisces

Helps reduce arthritis, absorbs and purifies the psychic stale air.

From a higher state of consciousness, we access the truth intellectually, understanding the cosmic concepts of reality and the laws that govern the universe.
It advances the mind, developing their comprehension and integration of higher dimensions.
Maintains the balance between positive and negative facets of the mind, then you can live peace and silence emanating from neutrality, plunging us into an eternal moment.
The awareness provided by fluorite maintains communication with the unit, all without giving up being and individual existence.
It complements the energy of amethyst.
Help to develop new mental abilities.
Good to treat some mental illnesses and certain brain disorders.
"Stone of genius", symbolizes the supreme degree of mental achievements.
She dresses in four main colors: blue, color of inner peace Purple symbolizes the devotional character of a mind focused and dedicated to the spirit. Dorado, wisdom and knowledge. White, purity and unity.
Helps cure mental illness.

Highly protective stone
Short psychic manipulation
Short undue mental influence
Cleans and stabilizes the aura
It is very effective against radiation and electromagnetic computers
Banish negative energies
Expels all voltages
Cleanses, purifies, dispels and reorganizes the body everything that is not in perfect order

It is ideal to overcome any form of disorganization
Lands and integrates spiritual energies
Promotes fairness
Power intuitive powers
It makes you more aware of higher spiritual realities
Accelerates spiritual awakening
It focuses the mind
It links the mind with the universal mind
Groups provides stability
Dissolve crystallized behavior patterns
Open the door to the subconscious delicately
It brings to the surface repressed feelings for resolution
Increases the skill and self-confidence
Improves physical coordination and mental
Counter mental disorders
Dissolves fixed ideas
Dissolves illusions and reveals truth
This is useful when you have to act impartially and objectively
Organizes and processes information
Links what is already known with what is being learned
Increases concentration
Helps absorb new information
Promotes rapid healing
It has a stabilizing effect
It helps to understand the effect of the mind and emotions on body
In relationships, teaches the importance of balance
Physically, promotes balance and coordination
Infections and Disorders
Beneficial for teeth and bone cells
Repairs DNA damage
Effective against viruses
Regenerating the skin and mucous membranes, particularly in the respiratory tract

Heals ulcers and wounds
Relieves colds, flu and sinusitis
Mobilizing joints, relieve arthritis, rheumatism and spinal injuries.
Relieves pain when caresses her body toward the heart
Improves herpes and other nervous disorders
Cure skin, cleaning stains and wrinkles
Reactive sexual libido

Signs related to stone

Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus and Virgo.
Utilities, Applications and healing properties
Place a fluorite crimped around his neck, to get emotional and deep serenity.
Place a fluorite before us in order to enhance the power of concentration when meditating and getting a good state of relaxation.
Place a fluorite for ten minutes a day in the center of the forehead, and lying in a relaxed state, to prevent and combat the problems related to brain mass.
Place a fluorite on the navel for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, to enhance the strength of will and creative power
CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, strengthens, protects, enhances and balances the chakras Brow (Ajna) light and vision and Solar Plexus (Manipura) power and will.

Fluorite Points
Fluorite Points


Variety multicolor high energy very effectively as harmonizing gem, invigorating, vibrating with all the chakras.


White variety, very pure, used in ceremonies angelic contact, also to work with spirit guides and ascended masters.


Purple Fluorite
Purple Fluorite
Excellent as a gem for meditation and transmuting negative energy. It has as energy effective as amethyst, but does not lose the color by sun exposure.

Purple Fluorite
Purple Fluorite
Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Black Tourmaline.

This is the quintessential stone to deflect the negative energies of the physical body and the emotional body, as it neutralizes feelings of anxiety, fear, stress, jealousy and hatred of oneself as from abroad. To do this, instead of channeling them or lead them, during therapy generates an energy field that immunizes the patient of those environmental forces that constantly attack the mind and the physical body.
In the opposite direction, also can neutralize harmful energy generated themselves as anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, etc.. 
This stone shows the therapists, and guide their patients to stay upright and conscious amid chaotic or overwhelming, and as I guide to address mental and spiritual pollution. 
It neutralizer in moments of anguish and despair. 
Besides protecting the influences of the others, against the damage which interferes are themselves.
The use of this stone serves to neutralize order psychosomatic diseases.
Like green tourmaline in physical therapy on the first and second chakra is used as diuretic and digestive regulator, intestines, for kidney stones and gall, menstrual disorders, constipation, diarrhea, diuresis and enuresis.
Often are split rods or pieces of black tourmaline in quartz crystals hyaline, the combination creates a perfect protection and helping unblock negative electric fields, while the light attracts us channeling by Ray White, rector of Crown Center.
It is related to the first chakra.Unlock crystallized negative energy at all levels (physical, emotional, mental). 
Sets a protective field.
It is the gem of choice for all kinds of negativity reject, can be combined with other gems, used raw or polished.
Neurotic tendencies are very small.
It is one of the stones in the body better rooted spiritual forces.
This gem has the power to deflect negative energies so that in meditation, is favorable to overcome unpropitious circumstances or confusing. 
It is a protective stone against damage that can infer oneself.
Deflects negative energies. It is good for meditation and for acute depression.
It is an excellent healing of small wounds. 
Protects the body and mind. 
Provides security. 
Against jealousy. 
Emotional calm nerves. 
Against depression. 
Dispels fears and anxieties. 
Against the evil eye. 
For spiritual growth. 
Good for meditation.
Protects against electromagnetic pollution from mobile phones or computers.
Rejects and deflects negative energy we receive or generate. 
Stabilizes, roots and aligns the subtle bodies. 
The stability and objectivity caused by the roots and black tourmaline protection enable us to work better on our emotions, neutralize their influence. 
Clears the mind of negative thoughts. 
Besides the color black inspires us to connect with those parts of us that are not clear, the brings out the awareness so that we realize. 
Energizes the body and is ideal for detoxification.
It is a magnificent stone, powerful, evolved, versatile and incapable of harming that used them. 
Neutralizes stress, fear, anxiety. 
It absorbs negativity, not only of strangers, but of oneself. 
Produces a healer field between the positive ions. 
Your energy irradiation helps inner spiritual growth. 
Along with clear crystal quartz form a powerful team to unlock the chakras and repel fatal situations, creating a clean and healthy. 
Personally I recommend using tourmaline and in environments where people work. 
Preserve from what is commonly called the evil eye. 
It also serves as a healing in minor injuries. 
It is necessary and useful for very sensitive people working in different fields such as medicine, industry, commerce, teaching, etc., and are in constant contact with others.
Black tourmaline is the most famous and accumulating more magical powers. Say it is the most powerful black stones because it creates a strong protective field around the person. 
The "Plover" is a magnificent and powerful stone that nullifies the stress, fear and anxiety. 
Capable of removing negative energies and support spiritual growth. 
Fight the evil eye and is highly recommended in meditation because it helps to overcome confusing times. 
If together with clear quartz form a powerful combination that repels fatal situations and make them clean and healthy environments.
It is the best known and most used; magnificent, powerful, evolved, variable, unable to harm its owner.
Cut root stress, fear and anguish.
Not only absorbs negativity from strangers or outsiders, if not the individual who possesses it.
It is advisable to carry a black tourmaline to preserve from the "evil eye."

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.



Main esoteric and healing properties of the Malachite.

In crystals therapy it is sometimes referred to as "green malachite", to distinguish it from the so-called "blue malachite" or Azurite.
It is linked with all chakras.
Easily absorbs energy and is the secret of his great power and has many applications. By this feature it must be carefully cleaned after each use.

On the physical plane takes fast and effective relief from various pains.
Solve eye problems (their vibrations stimulate the optic nerve) and wide visual field.
From a psychological standpoint, it serves to balance emotional problems of crisis or critical situations.
In meditation, to activate energies to clarify aspects unconscious.
It may be the stone of balance. It is used as a channel for energy project aimed at a specific target and facilitates concentration.
It is very effective to overcome their own life skills, finding the roads more difficult and less successful.
Energy blockages, pain, creativity, change.
Against the emotional inconstancy.
Against the fear of losing control.
Protection from the evil eye. Especially recommended for young children.
Mirrors and mirror of what is inside.
Channeling positive energy
It is estimated that the veins of malachite act on the human nervous system, as harmonizing emotional imbalances, improving mood and feelings of envy scaring, nightmares and evil spirits.
Specialists in the prescribed magical gemology especially in cases of mental exhaustion of nervous tics, insomnia and for all those who may lose their excessive pride and want to get a bath of humility.
In the game of love, is said to have the power to dispel jealousy, bringing back more elusive lovers or are balm for disappointment.
It is a powerful stone of fortune, it is said that their dark green color absorbs wealth to its owner.
In ancient times, the Romans used it as a talisman to protect against lightning, falls and accidents. They also used to tie the bellies of pregnant women with ties malachite amulet, which thought control vomiting and dizziness while pursuing a less painful delivery.
The Arab tradition assigns malachite talismanic power to bestow the gift of persuasion to pave obstacles in achieving a goal.
Association heavenly Nadiel, migration angel who rules the spirit of Kislev, the third month of the Jewish calendar, equivalent to December.
Biblical Relationships: It was part of the first high priest's breastplate of the Jews and was one of the founding stones of the Holy City.
Time and time more propitious: Midsummer and 3 am.
Zodiacal Relations: Is related to any sign, but especially recommended for Capricorn, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Against the evil eye
Malachite pieces that appear to be in their structure the appearance of the eye of a hurricane, surrounded by green rotating winds are preferred as charms against the evil eye.
The longstanding thing as over six thousand years ago, the Egyptians made a cosmetic eyelid green with malachite powders extracted in the Sinai Peninsula, which used to counteract the feared effects of the evil eye.
Over time, this green pigment called mountain, was also used against certain eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts.
Improved stress states and harmonizes, cash is a crystal to energize the kidneys, and liver, but it's soft and gets easily scratched and opaque.

To attract friends.
Against anxiety.
To overcome the effects of shocks.
For the respiratory system.
Relieves pain. Solve eye problems. Help and energizes in crisis.

Amplifies positive and negative energies
Airplane spiritual energies on the planet
It is an important protective stone
It absorbs negative energies and pollutants from the atmosphere and the body
Protects against radiation of any kind.

Clean electromagnetic pollution
Heals the Earth energies
Cleans and activates the chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance
Enables visualization and psychic vision
Brings balance and harmony
Opens to unconditional love
Travelling lines frees the mind and stimulates the images
It is a stone of transformation
Encourages change and to take risks
Brings to express deep feelings and psychosomatic causes
Sets you free from your inhibitions
Breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns
Teaches to take responsibility for one's actions, thoughts and feelings
Encourages to express feelings
Develops empathy toward others
Eases shyness and sustains friendships
Useful for psychosexual problems
Mentally, goes to the core of the problem
Powers intuition and understanding
Helps relieve mental disorders, including psychiatric illness
Fights dyslexia
Strengthens the capacity to absorb and process information
It makes you more observant
It helps to understand difficult concepts
It provides a deep emotional healing, to the solar plexus
Releases negative experiences and old traumas
Brings repressed feelings to surface
Restores the ability to breathe deeply
Balances the heart and navel chakras
Mood intensifies, but does that change rapidly
It can be used for inner exploration
Stimulates brings vivid dreams and memories
It is useful for cramps
Facilitates delivery
Lowers blood pressure
It resonates with the female sexual organs and treats any sexual disease
Treats asthma, arthritis and epilepsy.
Aligns DNA and cell structure, and boosts the immune system
Treats fractures, swollen joints, tumors, travel sickness, vertigo and optic nerve.
Treats the pancreas and spleen, and parathyroid gland
It stimulates the liver to release toxins, reducing acidification of tissues
Starting around the waist, treats diabetes

You may need the support of other stones for therapy.
Should be cleaned before and after use by putting it in a quartz conglomerate  at sun light. Do not immerse in salt water to clean it, and it will lose its luster.

Symbol of change and creativity. Its density nontransparent easily absorbs energy and this is the secret of its power and effectiveness of meditation experiences to facilitate concentration. Bridge balance the chakras, serves equally to all parts of the body, is beneficial if used together with azurite or chrysocolla. For ease of magnetic absorption, malachite should be thoroughly cleaned after use to maintain its beneficial vibratory capacity. Water and sun are indispensable in this process. Your vibration balancing the nervous system restores and harmonises the problems of emotional nature. Psychic mirror is also absorbing negative energies therefore should be cleaned daily. Relieves physical pain, especially those affecting the spleen and pancreas. It's great to concentrate and meditate, leading the individual states of great inner beauty. Aleja negative psychic influences, calms and relaxes the mental processes, stimulates the optic nerve and improves vision.

It is widely used in jewelry because of the special glow that reaches to have after polished.
Malachite Frog

The stone of balance. Fights depression. Help sore and swollen areas.

Chemical formula: Cu2CO3(OH)2 Crystal system: Monoclinic - prismatic Crystal habit: Mass, Botryoidal, stalactitico, Color: Green, Mohs Scale of Hardness: 3.5 - 4

Signs related to this stone:
Leo, Aries, Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a malachite crimped around his neck or put it under your pillow at night, to eliminate negative thoughts and nightmares.
Place a malachite for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, on the forehead, between the eyebrows, to combat or prevent anxiety and depression
Place a malachite for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, on the navel, to remove or prevent all problems of the digestive system.
Place a malachite for ten minutes a day, and lying in a relaxed state, two fingers below the navel to enhance fertility and sexual impotence.

CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the spleen chakra (Swadhisthana), desire, pleasure, sexuality and procreation.

Balances hemispheres right / left brain, mental illness, radiation protection, promotes tissue regeneration, self expression, vision attends to everything.

For all signs
Autism and dyslexia. Menstrual problems. Strengthens the heart. Emotional imbalances.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Rose Quartz.

Its vibrational rate is very low. Beneficially influences all chakras.
Applicable in kidney disease. Tranquilizers or calming exercises functions and harmonizing.
Their real power lies in the field of meditation, where the meeting is crucial for inner peace.
Produces an effect of great accomplishment, collapsing one by one and gradually all the defenses barriers of prejudice, so that the inner self can emerge, make their voices heard and unwind from the stresses of life.
It is very effective to accompany psychoanalytic treatments, and even wear a jewel or gem as locking her in the hand at each session.

Gold crimped multiple sclerosis serves to heal.

Tranquility against irritability.
Against heartache.
Its energy is essential to personal fulfillment and inner peace
Heals the wounds of the heart.
Very beneficial for people with lack of love or heartbreak.
Teaches to love oneself. Good for self esteem.
Dissolves emotional trauma.
Releases repressed emotions.
It relaxes the nervous system.
Against very strong impact is very good.
Counteracts anxiety.
It is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace
Teaches the true essence of love
It purifies and opens the heart at all levels
It provides a deep healing

Provides self love
Calm, reassuring and excellent in cases of trauma or crisis
It restores trust in relationships
Returns the harmony existing relationships
Promotes unconditional love
Extracts negative energy and replaces it with loving vibrations
It strengthens empathy and sensitivity
Help needed to accept changes
Positive affirmations Power
Sets you free from penalties and unexpressed emotions
Transmutes the constraints that no longer serve
Relieves pain internalized
Cures gaps
Comforts in sorrow caused by a lost love
It teaches you to love yourself
It is vital if you think you do not deserve to be loved
Facilitates Forgiveness
Facilitates self acceptance
Invoke self-esteem
Invokes self confidence
Strengthens the heart and circulatory system
Impurities released body fluids
Healthy kidneys
Improves vertigo
Power fertility
Soothes burns and abrasions
Located on the thymus gland, relieves chest and lung problems
Help in cases of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and dementia

Best to focus on the level of being real. It is considered the stone of love (love stone sacred in ancient Egypt). Heals emotional wounds, soothes pain or loss of loved ones far away, the vortex energy strengthens heart (heart chakra). Prevents heart disease kidney. Promotes unconditional love for ourselves and others. Corrects sexual and emotional imbalances. Helps heal difficult relationships between couples. Eliminates tension and balance problems of neurosis. Stimulates creativity and intuition. It exerts a soothing effect on the wearer and has great power often soothing when worn on the heart center.

Heal the wounds of the heart. It is the mineral of love and friendship. Esteem

Love and self-healing are necessary and reach.

Emotional balance, develops the qualities of forgiveness, understanding, compassion and love, encourages self confidence, responsiveness and expression, acts on the heart chakra.
Rose quartz has been considered sacred love stone and gem therapy is mainly used to close wounds sentimental and mitigate the pain of loss or separation from loved ones. Is associated with the heart chakra and as such stimulates unconditional love for our fellow men and self-esteem in their positive aspects.
This stone increases our ability to give and receive love. We feel unworthy to receive it if we do not love ourselves enough. Prolonged use of this crystal will help us open up to our inner beauty and peace, thus acquire more confidence in ourselves.

The vibration of rose quartz is very feminine and soft, so it tends to be used  with Rhodochrosite, Pink Tourmaline and Kunzite.

A provision therapeutic advisable to harmonize and strengthen the heart, usable when it alters our emotional state is as follows:
Lying on a comfortable surface and environment harmonized with some soft instrumental music, put a piece of rose quartz centered on the chest while breathing slowly relaxed and focus all attention on perceiving the light weight of the glass in the area of ​​our chakra heart. To enhance its beneficial effects can surround him with four crystal quartz points (hyaline quartz) in a cross around her. Externally oriented help reduce and relieve stress. Inward facing stabilize and balance the flow of emotional energy. This session is recommended only once a week.
Another provision can be therapeutic:
Place 3 rose quartz pieces longitudinally in the body axis, in the center of the chest, ie a heart in the center (between both breasts / nipples), one above and one below it. If you have other two, can be placed on either side of this set which formarías with a cross.
To get the most benefit from this session, you can place an amethyst in the front and a Citrine in the navel to balance the mental and physical energy while rose quartz performs "surgery" on the emotional heart.
Another alternative to impregnate all your aura and your energy vibration system is available 7 pink rose quartz stones, one on each of the chakras.
Do not stay in any of these provisions over 20 minutes.

Confidence, expressive, emotional balance, love, receptivity.

Symbol of Venus and the Moon. Powerful love charm and great promoter of love and happiness.

It's called "love stone" and cure all those heart-related ailments both physical and psychological sense. It is a powerful amulet for love and a great promoter of marriage and fertility. It works in a powerful way on the body, love and feelings. We impregnated inner peace and harmony and has a great sedative. It belongs to the sign Taurus who help promote its positives and minimize the negatives. All those born under this sign will notice the benefits of rose quartz in his personality.

Properties for body

Acts as personal protective against sterility. It is good for the heart and acts as a regulator of heart rate. Useful pair hypertension, tachycardia, chest tightness, cardiac neurosis, spasms and muscle spasms, abdominal cramps and kidney disease. From soothing, relaxing and mild analgesic. Favors night dreams and nightmares away.

Properties for the mind

With our spirits rose quartz is comforted in three aspects:
Love and feelings
Stimulates love. It is very useful for those people who can not love. Rose quartz helps us to unlock our ability to love and love us unconditionally convey. Heal the wounds caused by the absence of love. In magic is used to achieve true love and is the perfect crystal gift for people who want to express our love. It is also recommended for people with emotional deprivation. Cura psychic traumas and social rejection by helplessness, emptiness or emotional losses and emotional conflicts. Well to overcome the divorce. Ideal for emotional adjustments. Promotes coexistence and reconciliation. Encourages us to tenderness and generosity. It also has the great power to download the environment and eliminate negative stimuli the darker side of human emotions.
Harmony and inner peace
Give peace, tranquility and emotional stability. Provides harmony and understanding. Releases the heart of tensions and is good for getting a good relaxation.
Very useful in nerve pathologies for its sedative properties. Relieves stress, nervous tension and restlessness.

Making one's own desires and inner peace. Teaches the power of forgiveness and reorganizes heart patterns for loving yourself, dissolved loads that repress the heart's ability to give and receive.

Improves expression, creativity. Harmonizes affections. Very effective to bring the heart chakra.

Relieves the heart of penalties. Emotional distress and cure their wounds, opens and strengthens the heart with love and affection. It has the power to heal the wounds of the heart.

It is the stone of love, stimulates feelings of love, is recommended for people with emotional deprivation, good for the heart, acts as a regulator of heart rate, against the rigid defensiveness and download environment negative stimuli.

Signs related to stone
Leo, Taurus and Gemini.

Rose Quartz Sphere
Rose Quartz Sphere

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a rose quartz crimp around your neck, to get live, act and think positive.
Place a rose quartz for ten minutes a day over the center of the forehead, and lying in a relaxed state, to avoid emotional distress and prevent or cure diseases of nervous dyed.
Place a rose quartz in the center of the chest at heart level, for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and to acquire a state in our being filled with peace, love, harmony, calmness, happiness, relaxation and well being.
Place a rose quartz in the left groin for ten minutes a day, and lying in a state of relaxation, to get acquire good character, safety and sensitivity.

CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the crown chakra (Sahasrara), understanding and heart (Anahata) air and love.

Increases confidence, self-expression, creativity, emotionally balanced, self-esteem, openness to universal love and comfort.

All signs
Respiratory, kidney, nervous system, leaving snuff or alcohol, sadness and affection.

Love Is the glass so that it is very useful to heal any problems arising from it such as: To deal with a breakup. When we suffer old wounds of love. In emotional deprivation: useful in childhood trauma. In family traumas such as divorce, death, etc ... to express our feelings.

It also has a calming and sedative function very useful in cases of nervousness or restlessness.
So for example can help: Sit tight for a job interview. Relax for an exam. Soothe our ruffled feelings. Calm ourselves faced with a difficulty.
So meditation can be used to discover the divine love and the universe.
It is very useful to meditate with him about our capacity to love and heal negative energies such as anger and revenge.

With rose quartz can definitely eliminate the darker side of human emotions.
Its color is due to titanium is in its composition. It is found in various forms and is commonly found in many places. It is used to treat kidney disease although its vibrational rate is rather low. Its main function is to calm down, but its real importance is in the field of meditation, it neutralizes all kinds of emotional imbalances, and whose function is essential inner peace. Because pink hues that causes a gradual relaxation pulling down the barrier of prejudice and makes the rest of the tormented heart of live weight. The power of rose quartz energy is directed primarily to the heart chakra, although it is generally one of the crystals with greater capacity to influence all chakras. He is under the influence of Uranus and Pluto and is related with all the zodiac signs.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.