

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Prehnite.

It is a stone of unconditional love
It's the crystal to heal the healer
Empowers the visualization process
It induces deep meditation in which contact with the higher self
Connects with Archangel Raphael

Power precognition and internal knowledge
It allows you to be always ready, no matter what happens
Prophetic power capacity
Displays the path of spiritual growth
Seal the auric field, creating a protective shield of divine energy
It brings peace and protection
Teaches be in harmony with nature and with the elemental forces
Revitalizes the environment
Help those who accumulate possessions due to internal deficiencies
Alleviates nightmares, phobias and fears
It is beneficial for hyperactive children
Cures the kidneys and bladder
Treats the Thymus gland 
Cures the shoulders, chest and lungs
Treats gout and disorders of the blood and repairs tissue
Can stabilize malignant tumors

Prehnite Pendant
Prehnite Pendant

Disclaimer.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz
Rutilated Quartz


Main esoteric and healing properties of the Rutilated Quartz.

Stimulates life force and positive energy, high conductivity power to penetrate the armor physical, mental and energetic, facilitates communication with the "I" superior, powerful healing and energizing, acts on all chakras.

It helps the body to assimilate nutrients, strengthens the immune system, prevents depression and slows aging. Strengthens positive thoughts, raises the vibrational frequencies and enable intuitive and clairvoyant faculties of every human being. Alleviates fear and stress. Clean and harmonizes the aura. Its healing properties are very powerful, transmuting reconstituting bodily ills and affected parties. Combining his strength with black tourmaline, helps dramatically discard destructive behavior patterns of others and do not concern us. It works fine on all chakras.

Contains small rutile needles, red or gloss black enamel, penetrating colorless quartz crystals. This mineral gives a special power to quartz and acts as a great health tonic in tissues and cells. Commercially known as "Venus Hair".

Properties for the body
It has the power to delay the aging process by disinfectants and energizing effects. Revitalizes and speeds healing, regeneration and reorganization of the cell structure. Useful in degenerative brain, heart failure, fatigue and tiredness.

Properties for the mind 
It provides new energy to the sad and weary hearts. It gives strength to face reality and is very useful in depressions fatigue. It offers great protection against harmful electromagnetic fields and waves. Increases and directs the electromagnetic field vital aura reconstructs holes. Banishes fear.Excitement and relaxation. Ensure that helps reinvest the aging process and that takes away the fear. For enthusiasm and determination, it is recommended to support him in the throat chakra. In yoga exercises are advised to apply this gem on the brow chakra or third eye, to increase the degree of relaxation. Both in rocky quartz and in smoky quartz, we can find thin rutile fibers that entered the crystal when it was in liquid state. The rutile empowers other crystals where it is, it can be of various colors, and increases the vital energy. Also known as the stone of creativity. When it is attached to the rocky crystal quartz is called rutilated. Rutile deposits on the glass, means that the vibrations are extremely refined, making this stone possessing high healing power.

It is linked to the first, second and sixth chakra. 

In meditation i'ts a stone enlightening ideas and precise concepts.  
This stone is highly recommended to strengthen and achieve our goals and personal projects.

Promotes healthy cell growth in diseased organisms. 

Help thyroid disease, heart arrhythmias, respiratory complications, bronchitis and colds. 
It's indicated for the treatment of nervous diseases, since it has a relaxing effect.

An additional electrical power fluctuates along the titanium needles, helping to clear emotional blocks quickly. 

To alleviate the fear and anxiety; balances the energy patterns disturbed. 
Against isolation. 
To assimilate the changes. 
Against the inferiority complex.
Eliminates guilt. 
Against depression. 
To overcome the effects of shocks. 
Protect climbers and fliers. 
 Mental clarity. 
Its energy works to unravel closed situations, both spiritual and mental.  
Opens the doors and offers clarity, light, new perspectives.  
Break long held patterns and clears obstacles. 
Your balance is healing and works based on the chakras, splenic and front.  
It's a protective stone for those who do travel, hiking, etc..  
His sister is black tourmaline. 
For particularly artistic creativity. 
 For lack of determination and enthusiasm. 
All signs
Depression, the immune system, endocrine and sexual problems, etc..


Natural crystal that has inclusions in the shape of algae or dendrites. They are actually titanium oxide (rutile) and have a lot of energy.

Disclaimer.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.

Blue Tourmaline



Main esoteric and healing properties of the Blue Tourmaline, also known as Indigolite,  Indicolite or Brazilian Sapphire.

Enclosing them in hand, serve to achieve our purposes. 
In meditation, acts as watermelon tourmaline. 
The blue variety is hard to find, but transmits a blue ray of peace more powerful than any other stone, channeled currents of positive energy.  
Access the deepest subconscious processes and thus produces changes in behavior of those who use, improving relations with the environment. 
Calms down agitated minds, calm anger and improves mood. 
Effective against thyroid problems. 
Akin to the throat chakra. 
It gives our voice a larger expression and can relieve sore throat. 
We should put a stone in the middle of the forehead, when we're on track to attempt a better understanding.  
Smooths headaches and toothaches. 
Can be used as a generator of healing processes, to help dissolve mental and emotional blockages.
Extensive states of consciousness, provides spiritual evolution.  
Gem with highly advanced spiritual protection. 
They can be used as generators in the aura, healing processes, to help dissolve mental and emotional blockages. 
Calms down agitated minds, calm anger and encourages the heart sad.Very good for singers, speakers and channelers. 
Effective against chronic sore throats, thyroid problems, impediments and difficulties oratorios this chakra.
Channeled healing and peace, in turn, stimulates, strengthens and energizes. 
Linked to the heart chakra.It brings balance in the emotional level and in the decisions. 
Calms the nervous and respiratory system.  
Soothes sore throats.  
Brings serenity.  
Promotes relaxation.  
Improves body and verbal expression.It brings serenity and calm the nervous system and also stimulates intuition.  
Unlock tensions, stress and emotions stagnant solar plexus area and stimulates the expression of our true personality through the word. 
Provides clarity, concentration and independence.  
It stimulates our feminine side, the willingness to connect with our emotions and the ability to express them in harmony.  
The blue tourmaline us to realize our ideas and objectives.  
Ideal for all types of muscular tension, stress, insomnia, excessive worry, emotional intoxication, accumulated anger, inability or difficulty in language.

Disclaimer.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.



Main esoteric and healing properties of the Aventurine.

It is a stone that absorbs negative energies.It is used in meditation, their vibrations are effective for sentimental problems and neutralize emotions and imbalances.Makes your mind receiving a fine energy.It helps us to find the inner balance and open our senses to the healing energies of the planet.The purity of its tone vibrational penetration aid is one of the strongest in the quartz family.Known as a balsamic gem, causing relief in all stressful situations.Through its green pleasant receive the healing effect of wood and meadows. Wherever there is emotional stress, Aventurine has a calming effect on the nervous system.He gives a wonderful feeling of balance and calm.Beneficial as instructive.It is related to the solar plexus and the heart.We should use it on the chest over the heart. Produces enormous benefits in urinary problems, prostate, hemorrhoids, diabetes, insomnia and neuroses.When you have skin rashes, eczema or itching. In these cases, you can make stone water and wash the affected areas.It also appears in shades of red, which sharpens the vital energy and promotes our affinity with the land. Impulsive tendencies people should not use red venturina as this enhances the trend.Other names:Aventurine, Indian Agate, Agate from ChileGreen Aventurine is a total healing gem.

Healthy skin disorders. Lack of opportunities in business. Active muscle cells (in healing). Green also holds for the conditions of the eye.Produces calm, serenity and balance. Promotes peace and harmony in the home; very helpful in relieving emotional and sentimental problems between couples. Raises spiritual feelings. Provides secure peace and attitudes toward life. Aventurine brings us into the self without neglecting what surrounds us as real world.Lack of opportunities in business.

The Wisdom of Stones: Aventurine, called by tradition the "Rock of Ages", is the keeper of the secrets of time.This stone is very unusual, but very powerful. Due to greenish, with many shades as those of the vegetation, South American Indians believed that it contained were gods and forest institutions.Aventurine, which represents the movement of the universe itself, is a factory of earth energies, transmitting its wearer the gentle vibrations of the plant world.

When we throw a stone into a lake we see how, around the point where it fell, expand a spherical wave. This is the allegory with the Masters taught his disciples what was the Universe. The absolute rest Nothing was being. Into the void came a point: it was the beginning of the world of manifestation. The point broke, it emerged the Universe and its center, galaxies spread. Like the heartbeat or breathing, the universe is an eternal movement of expansion and contraction. Is opened and then closed and reopened again. This movement is the same as the vibratory impulses Aventurine and, therefore, this stone is considered the symbol of eternity.According to the Tradition, Aventurine acts "oxygenating" our subtle bodies and removing impurities and lower mental aura.

It is a semi-lunar gemstone. Therefore, during the day it works with the solar energy, giving us vitality and, overnight, is influenced by the moon, expelling impurities and transmitting to us intuition and sensitivity.As "Rock of Ages", this crystal helps us not to be afraid of time or of old age. We transmits serenity and patience, knowing that time is just an illusion and, with great delicacy, we feel your deepest wisdom and peace.Aventurine is highly recommended in cases of irregularity and imbalance and acts very effectively against insomnia or other sleep problems.For those who live exclusively in the city, the Aventurine can be of great help, because with its vibrations the forest is capable of neutralizing the nervousness of cities and pollution of the environment, water and food. She mind regulates our pace and is strongly indicated in cardiac or vascular problems, lung disease, asthma and viruses.

Recommended against fears and anxieties, psychosomatic.It has anti-inflammatory effects and helps heal skin rashes and allergies.Taken as an elixir, relieves skin problems.Protects against cavities, toothaches and gum problems.Compassion, relaxation, sleep problems.Increases the power of concentration.For people who suffer from stress, nerves, decay by overwork.Lowers cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis and heart attacks.Power creativity.Spiritually, Aventurine protects the heart chakra, defending his energy and energy psychic vampirism.Promotes prosperity and harmony in the home and is very helpful in relieving emotional and sentimental problems between couples.It is used in meditation splendidly.Open the spleen chakra, solar plexus and heart.

Affinity with the signs:Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Gemini, Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, ScorpioAid to meditation and visualization.The best known of this quartz is green, but there are also yellow and blue colors. It is excellent as a touchstone, it brings calm, serenity and balance. Promotes prosperity and harmony in the home and is very helpful in relieving emotional and sentimental problems between couples. It also brings good luck in the game and love. Cure skin disorders.  
Its positive vibration raises spiritual feelings. It is recommended to activate muscle cells. With its soothing tone, brings peace and safe attitudes towards life. It is used in meditation splendidly. With how good duo malachite to heal congestion in coronary and solar plexus chakras. It is also akin to the rose quartz. Strengthens the heart. Nerves. For emotional stress. In small sizes can be entered in facial creams and bath oils and massage. Quartz is especially effective for wanting to be healthy. When you lack confidence to face a situation. To direct and organize. To give away. Regency: Pluto and Mercury. Correlation signs: Leo and Scorpio.It is a very positive stone of prosperity 
It has a strong connection to the deva world 
It absorbs electromagnetic mists 
Protects against environmental pollution 
Dilute negative situations and turns them
It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness 
Promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance 
Takes you back to the past to find the roots of the disease
Relieves severe stuttering neurosis 
See alternatives and possibilities 
Unify intellectual and emotional bodies 
Calms anger and irritation 
Promotes a feeling of well-being 
Stabilizes own state of mind, stimulates perception and enhances creativity 
Stimulates emotional recovery and to live according to the dictates of the heart
Regulates growth from birth to seven years 
Balances male and female energies
Promotes heart regeneration
Protects the heart chakra, defending his energy psychic vampirism
Benefits the tissue 
Benefits the nervous system 
It balances blood pressure 
Stimulates the metabolism 
Lowers Cholesterol 
Healing the adrenals, lungs, sinuses, and the heart 
Prevents arteriosclerosis 
Treats muscular and urogenital systems 
Relieves migraines and eye problems
It is very effective against insomnia
Help depressive processesIt is excellent as a touchstone, it brings calm, serenity and balance. Promotes prosperity and harmony in the home and is very helpful in relieving emotional and sentimental problems between couples. It also brings good luck in the game and love. Cure skin disorders. Your positive vibration raises spiritual feelings. It is recommended to activate muscle cells. With its soothing tone, brings peace and safe attitudes towards life. It is used in meditation splendidly. With how good duo malachite to heal congestion in coronary and solar plexus chakras. It is also akin to the rose quartz.Promotes the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Relieves stress. Soothing


Color: green, golden brown, iridescent,

Transparency: opaque or translucent

It is a variety of quartz found by chance, hence the name

Easy to confuse with Jade. Beware when you buy one.


It's been given power to absorb negative energies, suitable for people under stress decay nerves and excess or disease.
It is a stone that provides balance between mind and body.
Recommended in cases of urinary disorders, prostate, hemorrhoids, diabetes, insomnia.
Recommended for those who are afraid to sink and lose control, serves to face fears to commit uncontrolled acts.
Opens spleen chakra
Skin, fears and psychosomatic apprehensions.

Affinity with the signs
Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Gemini, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Scorpio

Other names: Aventurine, Indian Agate, Agate ChileanColor: Green, yellow, blue.Collaborates with the lack of opportunities in business.The Wisdom of Stones: Aventurine, called by tradition the "Rock of Ages", is the keeper of the secrets of time.This stone is very unusual, but very powerful. Due to greenish, with many shades as those of the vegetation, the American Indians believed that it contained were gods and forest entities
Aventurine, which represents the movement of the universe itself, is a factory of earth energies, transmitting its wearer the gentle vibrations of the plant world. When we throw a stone into a lake we see how, around the point where it fell, expand a spherical wave. This is the allegory with the Masters taught his disciples what was the Universe. The absolute rest Nothing was being. Into the void came a point: it was the beginning of the world of manifestation. The point broke, it emerged the Universe and its center, galaxies spread.Like the heartbeat or breathing, the universe is an eternal movement of expansion and contraction. Is opened and then closed and reopened again.This movement is the same as the vibratory impulses Aventurine and, therefore, this stone is considered the symbol of eternity.As the oxygenation process and plant photosynthesis, the energy of this stone and revitalizes unfolds during the day, when you open to capture energy from the forest, and retracts at night, carrying the impurities that caught in its magnetic field.According to the Tradition, Aventurine acts "oxygenating" our subtle bodies and removing impurities and lower mental aura.It is a semi-lunar. Therefore, during the day with solar energy works, inyectándonos vitality and, overnight, is influenced by the moon, expelling impurities and transmitting to us intuition and sensitivity.As "Rock of Ages", this crystal helps us not to be afraid of time or of old age. We transmits serenity and patience, knowing that time is just an illusion and, with great delicacy, we feel your deepest wisdom and peace.Aventurine is highly recommended in cases of irregularity and imbalance and acts very effectively against insomnia or other sleep problems.For those who live exclusively in the city, the Aventurine can be of great help, because with its vibrations the forest is capable of neutralizing the nervousness of cities and pollution of the environment, water and food. She mind regulates our pace and is strongly indicated in cardiac or vascular problems, lung disease, asthma and viruses.It is also excellent remedy for poison.It is usually green, but there are also shades of reddish brown, yellow, white or blue.Contains a healing energy that alleviates all emotional blocks.Compassion, relaxation, sleep problems, promotes regeneration of the heart, preventing heart attacks.For people suffering from stressed, nerves and decay by overwork.


Color: green, pink,
Star sign: Cancer
Healing. Power maternal instinct and heals stomach and conditions in the bronchi and lungs. Increases inspiration and artistic talents. Increases the power of concentration.


Power the qualities and virtues for dowsing.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

Green Tourmaline

GREEN TOURMALINE (Virolite, Verdelite or Peridot of Ceylon)




Main esoteric and healing properties of the Green Tourmaline.

It encompasses within its range of energy gain from the higher spiritual planes, even the most inferior physical manifestations.

In physical therapy on the first and second chakra is used as diuretic and digestive regulator, intestines, being used also in kidney stones and gall, menstrual disorders, constipation, diarrhea, diuresis and enuresis.
As personal stone is ideal to take with you when you are facing or mentally tiring physical activities, as its energizing properties relieve chronic fatigue and mental exhaustion as well as soothe sore muscles.

At the physical level, it adjustes the hormonal balance so that the nervous system has a higher electrical flow circulating inside the body circuit. This directly results in increased potential for all vital functions that relieve symptoms of exhaustion and depression.

In the hand acts as protective gem, helps mental clarity in times of confusion.



The green streamlines transmutation of negative energies into positive, and impulse control.

Recommended for use in matters relating to money matters, providing the best decisions.
On the physical plane acts on hormonal problems.
Except in the solar plexus, is akin to all other energy centers.

Elevation of positive vibrations, achievements, increased energy and ability to love.

Removes mental and emotional toxins.

Very useful for physical vigor, mental. Attracts possibility.

It's a gem provided with a protective
vibration. Locked inside you hand, actives its force and helps you see more clearly the problems in times of uncertainty and confusion, to avoid critical situations. It is very convenient when it comes to business decisions and issue money.

Green Tourmaline has great protection field. It also has qualities and clairvoyants who use it will see, no problem, what is the best way to make profits in business and economic cases. Appease nerve anxieties. Counteracts hormonal disorders and is useful in all chakras.

The stone of protection. Help in times of uncertainty and confusion. Purifies and strengthens the nervous system.



Provides strength and vigor. Strengthens the nervous system. Regulates hormonal activity. Eliminates complexes that arise when we have a physical defect. Good to properly resolve economic issues.

Disclaimer.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many I've found over the years.