Hawk Eye

Hawk Eye Pendant
Hawk Eye Pendant

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Hawk Eye.

It applies to the crown chakra.
We can analyze the events happening daily.
Defense stone against negative environments where vibrational fields cause fatigue, discomfort or physical pain.
Located on the eyes, helps us to gain an insight into, the greater composure and balance.
Clarifies the fine material our energy channels.

The Hawk Eye strengthens our respiratory organs and acts the heart chakra, and splenic cord.
It is also beneficial for groin problems, bones and joints.
It has a favorable effect on the bloodstream.

Hawk Eye
Hawk Eye

Green plated or blue plated variety and generate positivity, are gems that allow non desequilibrase insight.
Cures terrestrial energy and brings it down to us
Stimulates and invigorates the physical body
Promotes the vision and intuition
Increases psychic abilities
Increases clairvoyance

The Hawk Eye clean and energizes basic chakra.
If it’s placed in the corner of a room, the Hawkeye attracts abundance.
Dissolves restrictive thought patterns and negative
Dissolves ingrained behaviors
He puts the issues in perspective
Improves pessimism
Enhances desire to blame others for the problems that have sought self
It brings to the surface the emotions locked
It brings to the surface diseases present and past lives
The third eye, helps to return to the source of an emotional block
Improves circulatory system, intestines and legs
Brings to the surface the psychosomatic reasons behind a frozen shoulder or stiff neck

Cat's Eye is Hawkeye as iron oxide, and both gems are in South Africa, Western Australia, Burma, India and California.

Against the evil eye. Recommended when in negative fields, as it gives strength and stability.

Aquarius and Gemini
Promotes the expansion of perspectives in the analysis of the events of everyday life. Protects from negative vibrational fields, etc..

Usually reduces the feeling of hunger, so it is highly recommended to wear it when dieting.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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