

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Obsidian.

The Obsidian is also known as the stone of justice.
In meditation it is used to achieve inner self changes.
It is considered one of the most important stones of the New Age.
It allows us to reach the path of light. His energy is related to the root chakra, with Earth-bound energies, the physical plane and survivability.
By color black, obsidian allows us to contact our deepest experiences and negative, absorbing energy and then expel them through the subtle bodies.
Away all negative energy or environmental violent.
It is considered "the mirror of the soul", reflecting all the good and bad, our own strength and also its limits shows us our fears and insecurities, weaknesses and selfishness.
While obsidian is associated with the base chakra, it can be used in other parts of the body, surrounding it with hyaline quartz to polarize their intensity and laying waste to the outside both physical and spiritual.
If it is applied on the groin or the navel, channeled into the physical body the healing power of the higher chakras.
Only mature people should have access to their use, since they are the ones that can withstand the truth of its revelations about what each of us holds inside.
It is related to life and survival, acts as a magnet for the physical and the psychic directs, clarifying the capabilities of our unconscious.

Obsidian is very effective in treatments for depression, anxiety states and to the nerves.
Changes, protection, spiritual development.
Eliminates guilt.
Against depression.
Against blood poisoning.
Against the fear of losing control.
Against fear causes undefined.
To overcome sexual insecurities.
To overcome the effects of shocks.

Obsidian is a stone which must be used with great respect and care. For use in meditation, it is necessary to enlist the help of one or more transparent quartz.
Do not ever put it in bedrooms. Lose sleep, even those who sleep on the floor above. I personally advise not to keep it inside the house but I recommend placing it on the outside of it and that brings out the bad in your inside and you get it back. Not recommended, at this level the use of this gem.
In case of use in a patient should always counted with the permission of same. Its use in meditation is recommended only when the person is prepared to take a strong change. They become visible the darker parts of being. Showing them to help their transmutation.
Stone also mature people mature and superior knowledge experiences.
Related to life, survival, self, this gem acts as a magnet for physical forces to direct them to the spirit, unconscious magnifying capabilities. The color black represents the dark and unknown, is opposite symbol of clarity and knowledge.
The transforming power of obsidian, is extremely powerful for meditation, opening the third eye to the knowledge of the truth. Powerful meditation practices and announces, unequivocally, what is good and what is wrong with the individual, it is called "the stone of truth".
By opening these perspectives, opens light, understanding, true justice around us. Help therefore, to know the weaknesses and illusions foolish personal ego, to reflect them, then trasmutarlas. To work it against states of depression and anxiety, it is best to unite with rose quartz and green. So emotions are balanced.
Very positive in the base chakra. (Also known as Apache Tears and American Indians, have an obsidian was a symbol of power, wealth and success).
Correlation signs: Cancer, Capricorn and Scorpio.
Grounding and manifestation of spiritual qualities.

Obsidian is a stone without borders, without limitations
Works with extreme speed and great power
Potency of truth
It exposes our failures, weaknesses and blockages
Points out how destructive states improve and loss of personal power
Boost to grow
It provides strong support for the "growth"
Bring quickly to the surface negative emotions and unpleasant truths
Provides a deep healing of the soul
It forms a shield against negativity
Provides a string rooting from the base chakra to the center of the Earth
The Obsidian facilitates the return to past lives to heal emotional traumas poisoned or dragged to the present
It absorbs negative energies from the environment
Strengthens in times of need
It blocks psychic attacks
Remove the negative spiritual influences
Absorb the environmental pollution
It is extremely useful for therapists, as it cleans the energies released
Beside the bed, expels mental stress and tensions, has a calming effect
Vitalizes the soul purpose
Removes energy blockages
Relieves tension
Integrates with all psychological shadow to produce spiritual integrity
Anchor the spirit in the body
Stimulates growth at all levels
Encouraged to explore the unknown
It brings clarity to the mind
Clear the confusion and constricting beliefs
Helps you really know who you are
Helps identify outdated behavior patterns
Dissolves old emotional blocks and traumas
It brings depth and clarity to the emotions
Promotes strength and compassion

It purifies the ego. Reflects the subconscious.

Obsidian is black sometimes comes in other colors like Red and Green. Magma is coming out of the Earth's surface as lava and cools, without actually crystallize. The energy that comes from the volcanic source of this mineral can literally "make" to make rash painful memories of being, in order to recognize and heal.

Cancer, Capricorn
Depressive state and when you have as lost. General aches. Muscle tears.


Apache Tear Obsidian Pendant
Apache Tear Obsidian Pendant

Allows you to see the cause of the disease
Facilitates physical digestion
Dissolves arterial stiffness
Dissolves blockages and stresses physical and subtle bodies
Reduces arthritis pain
Reduces joint problems
It helps digest anything that is difficult to accept
Reduces cramps and injuries
Can be used to reduce an enlarged prostate
Relieves pain and stops bleeding, improving circulation. Warms the extremities.

Linked to the land, to the physical, survival and completion of the ego. The Obsidian applied to the first chakra, the subtle energies of the upper chakras descend into primeval centers to purify and refine the ego. It is called "the mirror of the soul" because we face our fears. They must work together with a clear quartz or rose quartz.

Sometimes confused with the very dark smoky quartz, obsidian is not really a crystal, but an anhydrous aluminum silica feldspar, vitrified by the action of volcanic phenomena under high pressure and temperature.
This is ultimately an eruptive rock, the color black, vitreous luster when polished, is, along with the jet, one of the deepest among all known in nature.
Energy: Projective.
Planet: Saturn.
Element: Fire.
Deity: Tezcatlipoca (in Aztec, "Smoking Mirror" or "mirror bright").
Powers: Protection, settlement, divination, peace.

Magical-ritual Tradition: Obsidian is lava that has cooled so quickly that the minerals within it have not had time to form.
The ancient Aztecs and flat mirrors manufactured with this feldspar black square for use as elements for divination.
It was a very popular material for making stone knives, spearheads and arrowheads, and when used for this purpose is commonly known as "flint".

Psychic Action: It is the remedy for dissatisfaction, for uncertainty, for those who feel the desire to do something and do not know why.
His great magnetic power to sort erratic mental impulses to lead towards specific goals realization.
It is helpful for those who stay inside potential filmmaker, but can not find how to project it into something positive.
The clarity to be seen internally is its great virtue, so is not recommended for people with many internal conflicts because they recognize the origin of traumatic and counterproductive may find those who are not mature enough.

Energetic Action: Your energy acts in the spirit of man, enabling you to handle your emotions, so that they do not interfere with the true knowledge of your authentic self.
It will require a well-developed to achieve this goal, and that success in the task of a deep internal knowledge of strength required to correct the negative things that stay in the innermost being.
Works through the Energy Center located between the eyebrows (Ajna).
Is the separation effect.

Magical Uses: It is a stone that sits and balances.
Hold it in your hands or place it under your bare feet when you feel disoriented or not you can put your physical life in order.
It is effective when carried or used in protective rituals.
The spheres of obsidian, which is still manufactured in Mexico, are great tools to divine the future.
Commonly carried for good luck, but also works for spells of protection and divination.
The name comes from the Latin obsidianus obsidian, as mention of a Roman centurion who first brought from Ethiopia, although Pliny mentioned it in his writings as lapis obsianus.
In one of his treatises Ad Lithicum, Pliny mentions a curious drink, whose "... magical powers allow you to see the origin of all things. Obsidian powder is mixed, talc, myrrh and tears of petrified pine resin - amber-with red wine and drink before sleep. "
The pebbles are called "Apache tears".
Obsidian is basically a protective stone although obsidian mirrors have been used for crystallomancy.

Linked to the land, to the physical, survival and completion of the ego.
It acts as a magnet attracting the spiritual forces into the body to obey to the active control of consciousness.
Applied to the first chakra, the subtle energies of the upper chakras descend into primeval centers to purify and refine the ego.
It is called "the mirror of the soul" because we face our fears.
They must work together with a clear quartz or rose quartz.


It attracts customers. Increases cash flow business
Against anxiety.

Teach assess both the mistakes and successes
Provides balance between body, mind and spirit
Placed on the sacral chakra, calms and soothes, placing the person in the proper mindset to be receptive before bringing his attention to ingrained behavior patterns
Help you recognize and release the wrong thoughts and stressful mental patterns
Promotes dispassion
Promotes internal centering
Try the veins and skeleton
Improves circulation

The snow obsidian is good to put in your wallet so you never miss the money.

Snow Obsidian is one of the most powerful crystals because thanks to their white crystal becomes useful in every way. Their true power lies in its  magnetism to bring to light what is hidden, so that in our daily life we can help to resolve any conflicts that we are living. It allows us to be aware of what's asleep in us. This means for example that is a good crystal to awaken our inner wisdom for an exam, a job interview, troubleshooting problems, out of a crisis, ... However, we must be very careful with his power, because it is so large that also bring to light so to speak "our shame".

This means you can do to increase our downside for us to be aware of it. For example if we are very selfish, that selfishness will increase for us to see face to face, if we are angry all day, will increase our anger so that we are aware of our anger, and so on. Therefore it is not a crystal which can be abused. It is preferable to use at specific moments, and not carry with us all day, unless you want deep interior cleaning. Glass can be a help if we are under psychological treatment because the keys will reveal our inner conflict and will be easier to determine what happens to us as heal.

The glass for the spirit.
No doubt this obsidian is essential for those who wish to meet in meditation to themselves and get to know both the good and bad that is inside. The advantage is that knowing the negative, positive we consciously transform and thus better persons. Thus, snowflake obsidian acts as the mirror of the soul, a mirror that you can not cheat. It can also help to awaken all the strength and power of the sacred Kundalini. It is one of the cornerstones of the first chakra and the seventh chakra. Stone is effective for the treatment of depressions, anxiety states and nerves. It is indicated with localized pain, arthritis and rheumatism. Affinity signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio


Natural variety, is effective for remembering dreams, and deepen insight, gem of internal and external protection. His energy is difficult to release, so it is well sought by mystics and esoteric groups. It is called the gem of sorcerers, for its energy capacity in the paranormal.
Protects against replay
Opens and purifies the heart chakra and throat
Remove the hooks and attachments to other people
Treats the bladder and heart


Lands and protects
It gives strength in times of need
Vitalizes the purpose
Removes energy blockages
Stimulates growth at all levels
Strengthens weak aura
Restores proper turning the sacrum and solar plexus chakras
Relieves pain and improves circulation


It has strong protective properties
It teaches things about the spiritual nature of the person
Cut the ties of old loves
Free heart hooves
Loosen the concern; recognize the thoughts before the emotional reaction. Physical sensor all the cosmic powers.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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