Andalusite or Quiastolite

Andalusite (Quiastolite)
Andalusite (Quiastolite)

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Andalusite (also known as Quiastolite).

Araucanian legend on Quiastolite or Stone Cross:

Stone cross or quiastolite: tears of a woman in love. This rare gem with characteristic cross-shaped inclusion, always gave rise to legends. Known as andalusite, the legend is originally quoted araucana.
In areas dominated by the Araucanian Indians, between Chile and Argentina Patagonia, commonly found in rocky areas deposits of these gems.
In Chile is known as Southern Cross stone, usually found in the province of Bio Bio, riverside Cross, near a town called Laraquete.
A legend tells that the Araucanian Indians proud and brave, strong resistance opposed to the Spanish conquest, refusing to be slaves and caring for Mother Earth from invaders. The crosses andalusite typical, were for these Indians, the souls of the warriors killed by the Spanish, who gave his life for his brothers and his land. A popular legend tells us that after a raid, a warrior (toqui), captured a Spanish girl.
The took his encampment south of conception, she was well treated, eventually was learning the ways of his captors. Gradually was born between her and her captor, a real love, deep and sincere.
At the other warriors, and residents of the tribe did not like the union, opposed it.
Despite all remained together, but after a few days, did not return the young warrior.
He had been kidnapped, hiding in a cave until I decided to leave the white woman.
One night returning from malón the captive tell your partner had died next to a distant forest, on the banks of a stream. Dam by grief and despair, fled the encampment, looking for hours to his love, crying and praying to God for her beloved. Miraculously, her tears became the gems of the Araucanians, the stone crosses. Mother Earth had taken pity on her grief, joining her reminding his sons fallen in battle against the invaders ...
Seeing this miracle of love the other Indians spared the captive, and a machi (shaman araucana). They gathered the tears, turned into stones, filling a pumpkin ritual.
After forgiving the lovers, on Ring Cultrum (ritual drum) started jumping gems inside the pumpkin shaman, ordering the release of the warrior. Finally they were allowed to live in peace.
In America the andalusite is used as amulet for protection, as a gem pair summon elementals for their natural symbol and the cross (symbolizing the spell of the 5 forces of the cosmos), is a gem that conveys a lot of energy, is used as an amulet for success in recovering lost causes and sincere affection. Also called andalusite in honor of the Spanish province where it is Abundant, and is also sought after as a gem to amulets and protection.

Physical Properties

Chemical formula: Al2SiO5. Class: silicates, aluminum silicate.
Color: red, green, yellow green, green, brown, reddish brown.
Transparency: transparent, translucent, opaque. Morphology generally prismatic, with square section prisms topped by pinacoidal tricroismo intense.
Possible confusion: rarely confused with tourmalines, because these show strong dichroism.
Its name comes from Andalusia, wrongly attributed to that region the origin of the specimens used by Werner and Delamétherie to define the mineral.
In fact the samples came from the village of El Cardoso (Guadalajara), probably the site of The Zahurdón.
Deposits: Spain, Germany, Brazil, Austria and the United States. In prismatic crystals of good size square base, rounded crystals with cruciform core, hourglass twin due to deposits of carbonaceous matter in the variety quiastolita. Sometimes in columnar masses, lenticular, radial or grainy.

Affinity with the signs:

Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.

Healing Properties:

Gives good results for headaches, migraines, etc ...

Spiritual Properties:

The Quiastolite is called the stone of courage. Recommended for those who suffer from absences, amnesia, memory problems. Soothes irritation. Suitable for those who feel the limit of physical endurance and mental or spiritual states of despair.

Meditation and chakra:

Opens the chakras of the head, heart and basal. Unlocking aid problems.
Intensiveness of power with a citrine or Herkimer.

Quiastolite (Andalusite)
Quiastolite (Andalusite)

How do I take care of my andalusite


It should be cleaned 1-2 times a month under running water and templadita.


Put an entire night in a glass with lots of hematite to moonlight (a handful of tiny stones that come in a hand).


3-5 putting on rock crystal stones for 1-2 hours. Put it in the sun for 1-2 hours.

Presentation Forms:

In prismatic crystals of good size square base, rounded crystals with cruciform core, hourglass twin due to deposits of carbonaceous matter in the variety quiastolita. Sometimes in columnar masses, lenticular, radial or grainy.

The power of this gem stops the flow of blood from the body and helps to reduce fever.

The andalusite is very suitable to be placed at the entrance of the house to avoid negativities from getting in. The power of the cross preclude the entry of evil.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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