Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Tiger Eye.

The darker shades, in meditation, connect us to the depths of our planet.
Favors traumatic changes seamlessly and brings good luck.
It is a typical amulet used in South America and India against the Evil Eye.
Considered the "Stone of Longevity".
Tiger eye is a general cleaner body.
In its two combinations, dark and light, it connects us with the first inner strength, and the second allows access to physical reality, in combination, allow us to build self-confidence.
It is recommended for introverts to strengthen character.
It is used in the treatment of osteoarthritis and heart problems and strokes.
Exerts a beneficial effect on asthma problems, bronchitis, and it is ideal for carrying over his chest.
It is ideal for students both at school age and in higher education, as it is a strong aid to concentration.
Help as "moderator" in people tending to squander money.
Effective circulatory system regulator.
It is essential for those suffering from stress and for this case the stone must be placed on the solar plexus.
Akin to the crown chakra, governed by the golden ray.
Calm anxiety and the problems caused by the nervous system.
Develop the connection between personal power, subconscious and will energize the spleen, digestive organs and colon, acting on the cord and solar plexus chakras.
Detoxification, cleansing, calming, positive emotions, powerful purifying agent, circulatory stimulant.
Tiger Eye is a powerful amulet against the evil eye. 
The Arab tradition dictates that it is a powerful talisman when you want to go unnoticed.
Its typical color golden brown, makes it unique. It has a special vibration of low self-esteem people, creates value. It is a variety of quartz.
Tiger eye rooted spiritual energy to earth.
Amplifies personal power.
Ideal for people somewhat outdated, disconnected from life or unable to express their will through action.
Comparable to Citrine or Golden Topaz but more rooted in reality.
It helps separate the illusions of what's important.
It encourages us to express our will through the facts.
Indian tradition recommends it to achieve longevity, since the lead as a talisman, good health in general.
As magic stone is considered as a strong talisman that helps to have money and increases the luck in gambling.
It is frequently used to prevent accidents and against the evil eye.
Tiger eye develops courage and bravery, self-reliance, self-confidence, clarity and willingness, safety goals and objectives in life, tolerance and broadmindedness. Corrects excessive dependencies authority figures, uterine diseases, skin diseases, acne, lack of vitality, nervous exhaustion, desire for solitude, nervous weakness, digestive disorders of nervous origin.
Associated Enneatype 6
Protects against envy and the evil eye. 
Help love and eliminates stress.Energy: Projective.
Planet: The Sun
Element: Fire.
Associated Metal: Gold
Powers: Money, protection, courage, energy, luck, divination.
The Roman soldiers wore tiger eye engraved with symbols for protection during battle.

Positive stone which is associated to the sun. Protects the wearer. Increase self-esteem and promotes internal lighting. Help understanding self and others related. Reduces anxiety. Recommended for people who want to open new horizons and increase or initiate spiritual inner experiences. Ideal for meditation. Helps in healing and is akin to the coronary chakra. Useful in blood and visceral problems. Rooting. Promotes concentration and optimism. Balances Yin-Yang energy.Tiger eye is brown and gold, while Hawkeye has a gloss blue / green. Both are forms of solid quartz, looking bright eye of an animal in the surface fibers. The stones are opaque, with a hardness of seventh grade.

Tiger Eye Pendant
Tiger Eye Pendant

Magical Uses

Tiger's eye is an excellent stone to stimulate wealth and money. A simple spell for money supposed to load several tiger eyes with your need of money. Use them to surround a green candle. Light the candle and visualize how you get the money you need (beware of excesses).
Also carried as protection against danger.
A tiger eye cabochon set in gold is a great protector ring or pendant.
Tiger eye is ruled by the Sun and has a golden ray of light is used to strengthen convictions and create courage and confidence.
It’s a warm stone that stimulates the flow of energy through the body when used.
It is also beneficial for the weak and sick.
Sit outdoors a day of sun Hold a tiger eye in your hands and watch the light rays.
Stop your conscious mind and look to the future. Otherwise, use the stone as a tool to delve into past lives.
Tiger eye is a protective stone used to repel the "evil eye", protect from negativity and external things.

Healing Uses

Tiger eye is used as eye protection and cure of eye diseases. Like other solar plexus gems, tiger eye helps you see clearly both in the physical sense and in the psychic, deepening the perception to understand what you see. Above all, it helps the wearer to see himself, sharpens intuition both in the workplace and personally. The changes and transformations come inside knowledge.
In curing it’s used against asthma and lung diseases, to purify the blood and digestive organs of alcohol or drugs.

Signs related to stone

Aries, Taurus, Virgo and Leo.

Utilities, Applications and healing properties

Place a crimp tiger eye around his neck to eliminate or prevent diseases of the circulatory system and the heart and arouse the feeling of love.

Put a tiger eye for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and, on the forehead, between the eyebrows, to combat or prevent brain diseases, depression or any other disorder of the mind.

Put a tiger eye for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and, on the left groin, to eliminate or prevent all problems of osteoarthritis.

Put a tiger eye in the center of the throat, below the nut, for ten minutes a day, lying in a relaxed state and to gain confidence, achieve fluency of speech, stuttering cure and overcome shyness.

CHAKRA OPENING AND TREATMENT: Open, stimulates and strengthens the heart chakra (Anahata) air and love.

Aries, Leo and Scorpio.

It purifies the blood. Constipation. Adrenal glands, etc..

This popular and known crystal helps us to free ourselves from all the mental burdens that we accumulate. This means that we can properly discern between thoughts truly useful and not so much. Ultimately, this mental liberation brings us happiness and lightness in our lives and allows us to make the right decisions .... This liberating effect, it is also great for use when a situation or a person has engaged in a negative way and we are not able to get rid of it.

Tiger eye can help us break the chains and overcome emotional suffering any kind of soft landing without aggressiveness. This glass can also be used when we need to have more confidence in ourselves and our abilities. So it is essential to use your energy for when we face situations that can overwhelm and cause doubt. THE tiger eye also has great potential clarifier allowing free our mind of confusion and doubt. It allows us to turn out exactly what we need and what we need in our lives, and to distinguish reality from fantasy. This is why it is very necessary for those people who are "all day in the clouds."

Tiger eye is one of the most complete crystals exist at all levels. As the spiritual world is a crystal essential to have at home as to the bilateral connection with the planetary energies refined and heavenly energies. With him we can do all kinds of spiritual exercises and inner growth because both anchors us in our mother earth and us to realize our full spiritual potential. It is one of the stones used to harmonize the seventh chakra.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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