
Blue Agate Pendant
Blue Agate Pendant

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Agate.

In antiquity it was thought to give protection against epilepsy and mental disturbances. It was also used as an amulet.
Its scope is broad. Overall strengthens, soothes balance disorders, epilepsy, general ailments, digestive problems, infections.
It is also beneficial for the skin, hair, sleepwalking, insect bites, prostate complications.
Increases fertility of plants.
Agate promotes self-esteem and courage; allows people recognize true friends. It also helps in legal matters.
The right to use on chakras or schedules, are the natural shades.
Reinforces the action of other minerals.
Strengthens and stimulates the digestive system, helps to balance emotional and physical energy setting acts on all chakras.
Digestion, acceptance, emotional and physical balance, strengthening the action of other minerals, elevation of consciousness.
Its astrological associations are with Taurus and Gemini. Describes this stone that attracts peace, victory in the play, happiness and good luck. It considered its maximum when carried by people born under the signs of Gemini and Taurus.
Against depression.
Digestion and stomach problems.
Victoria and power. Powerful talisman, attracting the energies of power and victory to its owner. In a variety of colors, the most sought after are the brown and black with a white circle in the center.
Against partner's jealousy.
Against superiority complex.
Color: blue, green, brown, gray
Star sign: Libra
Planet: Venus

Agate helps the physical and mental balance, provides self-confidence, strengthens the heart, acts as calming nervous cramps, good for digestive and circulatory system. In esotericism is the lucky stone.
Seat energies
It brings balance physical, emotional and intellectual
It helps to focus and stabilize the physical energy
Harmonizes the yin and yang, positive and negative forces that hold the universe in place
It brings to light hidden information
It facilitates self acceptance
Promotes self-analysis and perception of hidden circumstances
Stimulates memories
Emotionally, overcomes negativity and bitterness of heart
Sana internal anger
Fosters love and courage to start back
It is useful for emotional trauma
Create sense of security
Raise awareness and collective consciousness linked
It encourages quiet contemplation and assimilation of life experiences
It leads to spiritual growth and inner stability
Cleaning effect physically and emotionally
Eye Cure
Stomach Cure
It stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies
Cure utero
Cleanses the lymphatic system and the pancreas
Strengthens blood vessels
On the abdomen, stimulates the digestive process and relieves gastritis
Healthy skin disorders

Agate takes away fear protects bulldozer diseases and circulatory system. Excellent to evade obstacles. Promotes high spirituality. Promotes high esteem. Flatters long life and prosperity.
Used in healing positively affect the etheric body. They soothe, relax and balance nerve function. Restore the normal temperature, absorbing excessive heat (fever). Excellent helper to counter physical pain. Strengthen the immune system and fight allergies. Help against diabetes. The chakras are working according to the color of each agate.
Aleja fears and negative energies. Esteem Power and Security.

Success in the world or a pleasant surprise. Good health, wealth and long life. Especially lucky for people connected to the land.


Healing and spiritual properties:

There are many varieties:
Lace Agate, emotional pain relieving, combat insomnia and boosts the immune system;
Fire Agate, which opens and strengthens the Spleen chakra and solar plexus, prints sexual energy and helps heal diabetes;
Botswana Agate, which fosters creativity and spirituality, meditation promotes and balances the autonomic nervous system;
Moss agate, which protects the sexual organs, provides energy and regulates the production of adrenaline.
Agate, in general, has beneficial effects on the environment for its ability to purify and recharge. Geode shaped, give peace to the spaces. A therapeutic level, stimulates the sense of hearing, protects them from infection, relieves stomach pain and prevents nausea.

Used in digestive problems. Helping people make more willing to accept. Physical balance contributes to emotional. Reinforces the action of other minerals.
It brings peace and tranquility.
Strengthens the central nervous system, liver and kidneys.
Cures skin impurities, indicated for pain in the neck, jaws and teeth and throat affections.
Open your brow chakra, solar plexus and spleen.
Affinity with the signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces.

Works by clarity or density. Helps eliminate obstacles, fears, jealousy and envy. Promotes creativity.

Aries, Leo, Virgo.
Asthenia and depression, circulation, arteriosclerosis, etc..

Stone of the gifts. Agate is the strongest stone of the mineral kingdom and the most used in magic and meditation. With it acquires spiritual sensitivity. Help and provides a sense of inner joy.

Protection, Pregnancy, regeneration of the eyes and internal organs, skin diseases. Attracts luck in matters of love and passion.
In antiquity it was thought to give protection against epilepsy and mental disturbances. It was also used as an amulet.
Its scope is broad. Overall strengthens, soothes balance disorders, epilepsy, general ailments, digestive problems, infections.
It is also beneficial for the skin, hair, sleepwalking, insect bites, prostate complications.
Increases fertility of plants.
Promotes self-esteem and courage; allows people recognize true friends. It also helps in legal matters.
The right to use on chakras or schedules, are the natural shades.
Reinforces the action of other minerals.
Tones and strengthens body and mind. It imparts a sense of strength and courage. Facilitates ability to discern truth and accept circumstances. Connect with the Earth, is energy. Physical protection. Good in cases of depression and convalescence. Powerful Healing.
Agates discharge energy and are soft, protective stones, to acquire value and acceptance ability to overcome obstacles and have eloquence.
Agates Use orange / brown to combat stress, overcome by fatigue athletic exercise, childbirth, menstrual cramps, stomach disorders of emotional rather than physical nature, to overcome fear and to protect children from falls. Protects from storms and helps teething children, protects vision and prevents nightmares. The Agate contributes to the vitality without the effects of total discharge energy, improves vision and hearing, helps overcome heart problems and is good for hair. It purifies the blood, stimulates blood circulation, fights diseases of the blood and prevents anemia and poisoning. Agates orange / brown not overheated and used against fever. Stimulate the intelligence and seriousness, contribute to physical and emotional balance and used against epilepsy.


Blue Agate
Blue Agate

It is a deep blue and white stripes generally.
This stone is associated with the throat chakra or throat in a light blue hue and the brow chakra, in deep blue.
Provides serenity.
Increases perseverance, intuition and perception.
The intensity of its energy is directly related to its purity.
Harmonizer general.
Connect the sixth and seventh chakra, inspiration and benevolence

They are relaxing, although most are dyed, natural ones are pale blue, also called blue chalcedony.

Is worn or carried for peace and happiness. Put it on your hand to get rid of stress. Put one on your desk or other work site and watch when in difficult situations. In the house, a blue lace agate candles surrounded by pale blue calms the psychic atmosphere and reduces family fights.

SKY AGATE. Natural color, also called blue lace agate, is very effective in Attunements, and contact energies higher planes.
OCEAN AGATE : Variety has a typical inclusions in circles, are used in rituals of shamanism with gems.


Botswana Agate
Botswana Agate

It has a white color-stripes, cream, and black is useful to work with conflicting memories.
Need and find courage and prosperity.
Energy projective another protective stone. Used for courage and successful competitions.


It is related to the solar plexus chakra and vibration capability relaxes the nervous system. Provides emotional balance.
Increases concentration, is effective in improving study skills, energizing.


Fire Agate
Fire Agate

As its name implies, the light appears tan.
For its energy capacity, by passing its energy through the column and reach the head, energizes the eyebrow center.
It is akin to the sexual chakra.
Accentuate the fighting spirit and provides sexual energy.
It is related to Kundalini (Hindi word meaning "red snake" energy configuration that passes through the column and is represented by a red snake, coiling in the same way to the head.)
Transformation towards harmony and love: heart tonic.
There is little, looks like a glowing ember. Has a very powerful energy to mental development, energy and vigor. Generally the Mexicans are of excellent quality.


Also combined with beige, orange, with white streaks and crystal centers.
It acts on the spleen chakra.
Provides vital energy and emotional. Increase loyalty.
It is very useful for digestive problems, and insomnia.


"Great Therapeutic Power"

Carnelian Agate
Carnelian Agate

Color: Honey
Star sign: Leo

Indicated for depression and decay. Good for people who need to be infused activity. Aleja negative forces. Indicated in affections of the liver.

Motivating, inspiring. Scattered apathy. Increases physical energy and personal power

Within the family, it has the most energy.
Related to the sexual chakra (red) and the spleen (orange).
Promotes concentration and introspective exploration.
It is perhaps one of the most powerful therapeutic crystals history.
In Egypt, used to promote peace and harmony, against depression, increased sexual energy and to prevent skin diseases.
The darker were used to control blood pressure, roses for anemia and white for conditions in the eyes and ears.
His deep, translucent orange is in itself a source of energy, instead of channeling and radiate light, as do the transparent crystals of higher frequencies, reflecting the red of our own physical world inside.

The carnelian rose has relaxing effects and mood optimizers.
The red on the sexual chakra for menstrual cramps or before delivery and effective man as remedy against impotence.

Indicated to help us find a place of their own and unique in the universe, to house him all the personal power of our physical being. The driver is natural for people who are momentarily confused or misplaced, since it focuses attention on specific problems and the present moment, allowing them to concentrate and act decisively.
Help in concentration, connection to the land, acting on the root chakra and cord.
Carnelian Agate energizes the blood, aids in tissue regeneration, facilitates communication with the "I" inside, helps concentration, especially for specific cures, vitalizes the physical body acts on the umbilical chakras, solar plexus and heart.
Connection with earth, concentration, achievements.
Powerful amulet against envy and the evil eye. It is said that the Prophet Muhammad wearing a carnelian embedded in silver, on the little finger of his right hand. Both Napoleon I and Napoleon III, carrying a carnelian seal inscribed with Arabic characters as a charm.
Increases vitality, stimulates the liver to remove impurities.
Variety orange to reddish, increases the heart chakra energy, is very useful for people with heart problems as well as being energizing.
Against menstrual pain. Activates the sacral chakra.
Agate - Carnelian (Orange)
Expands creative energies. Improves concentration. Clean the sexual organs and digestion.
Increases vitality and gives joy to the wearer.
Facilitates childbirth and relieves pain.
It is considered one of the gems biblical and was very taken amongst the ancient Christians to recognize each other.

Carnelian Agate
Carnelian Agate

Agate is an almost transparent reddish or yellowish red, very advanced and valuable. Uses: Attracts good luck and joy of living. Stone is vital optimism, harmony. Relaxing effect for the wearer, dispels the moments of moodiness, anger and rage. Promotes interest in new adventures, new businesses, new perspectives. It purifies the blood and aligns the physical and etheric bodies. Facilitates concentration to meditate. Create a sense of wellbeing. Helps liver problems, gallbladder and pancreas. Affinity with coronary and basic chakras. Help to leave the old and opens to new ideas. Break the deadlock. Moves and disperses negativity. Regency: Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. Correlation signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Aries, Leo, Virgo.
Carnelian teaches us to get us a unique in life and how to use personal power of the physical world.
It is a source of energy.
Can be used to see the past. (With the help of advanced training).
It provides the basis for the energies, manifestándolas on the physical plane.
Positive for people who are mentally absent or confused and offset.
Focuses attention on the present moment, so that we can focus on current events and therefore be more productive.
In meditation, helps focus the mind on higher goals and intentions.
The red color orange stimulates the sexual chakra and contributes to the purification of the blood, removing any blockages in the organs of physical energy that could prevent procreation.
Stimulates and increases mental capacity. Provides energy for concentration. It allows us to access memories.

Carnelian Agate lands and anchors you in the present reality
High energy is stabilizing
Excellent for restoring vitality and motivation and to stimulate creativity
Useful for dramatic companies
It is able to clean other stones

Carnelian teaches acceptance lifecycle and dissolves the fear of death
Instills courage
Motiva for success in business and other matters
Promotes positive life choices
Dispels apathy
It is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind
It helps you to trust yourself and your perceptions
Get to the bottom of what moves you
Beat the negative conditioning
Promotes firmness
Protects against envy, rage and resentment
Calm dissipates anger and emotional negativity
It is full of strength and vitality
Stimulates the metabolism
It influences the female reproductive organs and increases fertility
Allows overcome frigidity
Sana depression
Sana problems of the lower back, rheumatism, arthritis and neuralgia
Improves absorption of vitamins and minerals
Ensures good blood supply to organs and tissues
Regulates body fluids and kidneys
Accelerates the healing of bones and ligaments
Blood Tapona

Carnelian Agate attracts good luck and joy of living. Stone is vital optimism, harmony. Relaxing effect for the wearer, dispels the moments of moodiness, anger and rage. Promotes interest in new adventures, new businesses, new perspectives. It purifies the blood and aligns the physical and etheric bodies. Facilitates concentration to meditate. Create a sense of wellbeing. Helps liver problems, gallbladder and pancreas. Affinity with coronary and basic chakras.

Aries, Virgo and Capricorn

Problems of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Lumbar and sacral area. It stimulates the production of enzymes, etc..

Belonging to the family of chalcedony, including slight traces of iron oxide provides in most specimens pinkish similar to human flesh, coming in the past to a bright red, translucent texture but always; CARNELIAN're talking about.
Known in Hebrew as modem, carnelian name is controversial because some claim it comes from the Latin carnis (meat), in color and others argue that proviena of cornevulus (ergot, a variety of olives curved horn-shaped ram), the way they take their nodules.
Hue differences influenced the therapeutic properties that alchemists and physicians of the Middle Ages adjudged to carnelian: the common color of the flesh, was said to have the power to remove the iron and the wounds of the injured, lacerations and wounds heal and neutralize poisons and infections, the darker, the color of blood, had the power to regulate blood pressure, avoiding bloodletting and leeches, the pink cured anemia and the clearest, most white, were used for various conditions of the eye and ear.

Energy: Projective.

Planet: The Sun

Element: Fire.

Powers: Protection, peace, eloquence, healing, courage, sexual energy.

Psychic Action: Improving spiritual depression states tears and sadness, it is also very good to the feelings of jealousy and suspicion sickly.
Corrects the states of indifference, rigid character himself.
Help in certain cases of psychological disorders in which there is great agitation and talkativeness.
It is a powerful painkiller when tempers are altered, making friendly contacts and favors the development of intelligence, especially in children with learning problems or fixing concepts.

Emotive Action: Helps emotionally accept reality, giving more confidence in himself, thereby enabling to overcome adversity and take things more maturely.
It is the stone of balance, peace of spirit, which keeps the anger and aggressive forces.

Energy Action: Corrects an excess of energy and vibration to work on the Center (Base) Bottom, with which it has higher affinity, for better energy flow, the lower planes acting up.
Favors the solution of the problems caused by excessive stomach energetic tension in the solar plexus.
Its effect is scattering.

Magical Uses: The carnelian red form of chalcedony, took in hand in ancient Egypt to calm the anger, jealousy, envy and hatred.
It is still used to promote peace and harmony and to dispel depression.
This stone is used by the shameful and shy to stimulate its value, is an excellent stone to wear or use when speaking in public, one of the most common fears in the modern world.
Strengthens the voice, provides confiana in oneself and gives eloquence to the speaker, generally used in the neck or a ring for these purposes.
It is also used to counter the doubts and negative thoughts, and can be used in spells relating to these issues.
He has to guard against trying to read our thoughts and to give patience.
In Renaissance magic, was carved a sword or the image of a warrior in this stone.
Then, the amulet was placed around the house to protect from lightning and storms and wore as protection against enchantments.
Formerly, it was common that large gentlemen draw up your stamps with carnelian, as tradition says that attracts good spirits.
For the Turks, is the stone that rids of all kinds of spells and for Arabs, instills courage in battle and gives courage to face a situation of danger.
It is also effective against the evil eye and envy against.
Ensures who suffer nightmares and never take health disorders during sleep.
Also, is believed to help control bleeding and avoid infection risks.
His influence is concentrated in the natives of Aries and in the personalities of any signs that manifest shy or melancholy.
It was used to prevent skin diseases, insanity, nosebleeds and all blood diseases, and to cause general good health.
This stone strengthens the astral vision and is used in bed to stop the nightmares and also to stimulate sexual urges.
Enshrined in a ring or a necklace, is believed to serve as a charm against the bites and animal bites, makes you forget the heartache and disappointments caused by friendship.

The color is orange-red appreciated, sometimes appear traces of hues.
The energy of carnelian is considered very good to promote peace, harmony and to dispel depression, encourage shy people value and counter negative thoughts.
On the physical plane to help with your digestive system vibration and energizes the bloodstream.


Grey, translucent or colorless, mossy flashes. Also called "dendritic quartz".
Including arborescent minerals that give inside look fossilized tree branches.
This type of agate has inclusions of iron and manganese in the stars.
It is widely used to develop creativity in the arts such as music, sculpture, crafts, etc..
Its capacity is related vibratory crown chakra.
Used in ancient times against insect bites.
Today was a stone that was used as an amulet for protection against accidents.

Natural Variety greenish, like moss or plant fossils. They are actually titanium oxides, its age predates the earliest forms of life. It is used to contact earth energies.

Due to their curious markings, which suggest moss trees, Moss agate is the gardener's special talisman. Relieves stiff neck, to transmit power to the handicapped and for healing purposes. Also used in spells having to do with wealth, happiness and long life. Take this stone to make new friends and to discover the "treasure" (this can be interpreted in many ways).


Green Agate
Green Agate

In shades darker or lighter and combined in some cases with yellow iridescence.
It is related to the heart chakra and is excellent for fortifying the bloodstream. With prolonged use, prevents artery blockage.
Widely used to treat depression and develop self-esteem.
Stimulates jovial and cheerful spirit.
Ideal for introverted people as it promotes self-confidence.
As has a high energy value is indicated for heart disorders, gall bladder, and liver.
Widely used by students because it promotes concentration and balance the autonomic nervous system.

Is used to improve the health of the eyes. In the past, a woman taking the water in which he washed Green Agate was magically protected against sterility.


Projective Energy, Protection. Restores body energy and eases difficult situations.


Receptive energy. Taken as a charm, this stone protects against physical hazards.


Also known as "Blood Agate", this stone was used in ancient Rome as a protection against insect bites, to heal the blood and to promote peace and tranquility.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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