
Moldavite Pendant (Czech Republic)
Moldavite Pendant (Czech Republic)

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Moldavite.

Meteorite glassy green crystals sometimes are very pure, usually small, ideal for mental evolution, and contacts with higher consciousness.
Its use allows us a great spiritual evolution.

Moldavite is the name given to a meteorite that fell on our earth 15 million years ago. The area where it landed is located in a small region of the Czech Republic.
It is the only alien substance that is considered a gem quality, it can be carved into any shape and is also translucent. Moldavite is perhaps more scarce gem on earth. There are a few places where it can be extracted. From moldavite is removed, only a small part of it is of good enough quality to be sold raw. From an energy standpoint, Moldavite is incredibly powerful. It is a catalyst and its effects on the lives of each of us, should not be underestimated.
Similarly as with the history of other stones, its spiritual meaning is also veiled in mystery. Many historians have left records in numerous ancient civilizations, meteorites were considered sacred and mysterious powers had held that incredible. The most interesting example is Egypt, where Moldavite has been found in the Great Pyramids and tombs. The connections between the Egyptians and the constellations of Orion and Sirius are well known.
Not coincidentally, the Moldavite is Orion.
Moldavite is the energy of the fire and one of their names is the Stone of Ra.
The following paragraphs are Orion transmissions received by Parvati, a lovely woman who resides in Oran Bhrugu. The information has been included below are specific aspects that were mentioned about moldavite and are of deep interest.
"Surely the heavenly substance Moldavite, as you call it, is of unknown origin.
Myths consider comes from the constellation Orion, as you said.
This is a confirmation of transmission received previously.
Yes, we confirm that it is correct with regard to its origin ...
Moldavite is a powerful healing tool.
However, to use his powers.
be a substance of great power and with great healing properties.
It's NOT ok to misuse it. If you fall into the hands of someone who might try to use it for the wrong purposes, the substance will not respond and will soon disappear from the scope of a being of that nature.
However, it has transformation properties and can be used to raise the vibration of the individual, even without the knowledge of that person.
The connection between this substance YOUR moldavite and fire flames ancestral practices today is a very powerful connection, like a ray of light and light. Radiant, clear and strong as steel.
The Moldavite substance absorbs the energies of the Higher Sources.
It resonates with these sources.
Actually, it is one with the fire.
Activated Moldavite is miraculous.
To use it to its maximum intensity, one must vibrate as often.
In previous transmissions we warned that, unless one is harmonized to it, it will remain dormant. Those who are meant to work with your energy, have no trouble in obtaining it. In fact, come to them, as he came to you ...
Moldavite not his original name.
So what we send abroad and will be healing and blessings activation required.
Moldavite is not the name of this beautiful piece, a powerful gem.
Undoubtedly, it has been known by several other names, none of which are known to us ..., ie it is not necessary.
The names are only given by humans. We do not require names.
We ask it concerns vehicle Moldavite with that name for public use. It has also been known as the stone of Ra. However, that's not a household name.
You can call it as you see fit, but treat her with respect.
It is energy, the energy of fire.
The place appears Moldavite actually intersect is where light points. Moldavite was dropped there, if you prefer, but for the purpose of being used at a future time, which is NOW ".

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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