Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Smoky Quartz.

There are two types of smoky quartz, according to the base mineral silicic incorporated upon crystallization: selenium or germanium.
Also, the ratio of solute determines the degree of darkening of the glass.
No shine, including minerals that give extraordinary beauty. They can be black tourmaline, rutile green or golden.
Its energy capacity is very strong.
This related to the root chakra energy and solar plexus.
Applies to amplify what is already there.
It is very beneficial to the greater achievements already obtained.
In meditation, if there is a true desire to excel, all positive desire increases, but if it is weak, its effectiveness is virtually nil.
Also effective placing gems on the palms of the hands, toes and / or knees, where they become excellent drivers and enablers of vital energy, especially among the higher centers and physicists.
Placing a crystal in each hand, with the apex towards the body, the stone channel cosmic energy to him, while if the ends point outward, contribute to the elimination of negative energies.

Its ultrasonic
frequency energy capacity is ideal for healing. Quiet relaxing and silk. Represents the unconscious, intuition. Purifies and stabilizes in cases of depression, fear, panic, insomnia and fatigue. Promotes positive changes in people and dissolves negative behavioral patterns. Excellent for meditation and find what you are looking for. Supports all good impulses of the person for their spiritual and material improvement. Not good for the eternal reclamones and those who doubt everything. In healing, great for conditions of the stomach, colon and rectum. The smoky quartz is related to all the chakras.

Clears the aura and purifies the first chakra. Rooting. Reality

Increases fertility, balances sexual energy, dispels subconscious blocks, natural relaxant and mild sedative, relieves depression and strengthens the "I", acting on the root chakra, solar plexus umbilical.

Channels intuition, communication, meditation, against depression.

It's a variety with crystals from yellow to light brown smoked. Represents the unconscious, intuition. It is believed that purifies and balances the psyche with the physical body, so it is used in cases of insomnia and mental fatigue. Its high vibrational frequency and its enormous healing powers make it an exceptional gem that can help human beings to change for yourself the level of consciousness.

Smoky Quartz Pendulum
Smoky Quartz Pendulum

Properties for body

Good for insomnia and mental fatigue. Quartz is the most power to cleanse the aura and absorb radioactivity. Useful for injuries caused by the ultraviolet rays of the sun and in post-radiotherapy. It is good for cancer in general and helps treat nasty wounds.

Properties for the mind

Protects against despair, grief, anger, depression and other forms of negativity. Useful in situations of crisis and uncertainty, but with a desire to excel. Focuses, expands and intensifies desires. Used to set goals.

The smoky quartz or morion is transparent, and its color may range from gray to brownish, reaching the black.
Represents the unconscious, intuition, and as such is believed that purifies and balances the psyche with the physical body, so it is applied in cases of insomnia and mental fatigue.
To achieve self-purification of the body should lay smoky quartz glass between the palms of the hands, to channel negative energies of its possessor.

Balances the adrenal energy, purifies the thought forms that lack of clarity, raises the level of consciousness.
Cleans the resonances of the "old stuff", physical or mental.

It is the most powerful, especially when it has inclusions of rutile. Its color is that received large doses of radioactivity. It has a much higher energy capacity for work of spiritual purification and energy.

Stimulates and purifies the first chakra.
Channels arraigándola white light on the physical plane.
Enables the survival instinct of the first chakra, positively.
Ideal for people with suicidal tendencies.
Useful for people who are depressed, exhausted, lunatic.
Give the strength to carry out our dreams.
It tends to dissolve negative emotions and repressed when given with some.
Dispels and purifies the most negative schemas and auric waste.
Increase our capacity to assimilate teaching us to let go of what is left.
It tends to harmonize the energies.

Helps to contact with beings of other dimensions. They can cast powerful spells with him.

Signs related to stone

Scorpio and Capricorn

Efective in the abdomen, kidneys, sex organs, adrenal, neurological or muscular disorder. Is an efficient antidepressant. Centra and attracts energy. Cleanses the aura.

It has the property of getting darker according to the energy absorbed. Fighting negativity and pessimism. It is especially beneficial for relieving the sense of stagnation.

It is a stone of rare beauty that has metal or mineral inclusions that give very deep and opaque shades. They have a very strong energy capacity, but its use is rather limited as it serves to enhance what exists but has no generating capacity. Quartz is beneficial in meditation, since it facilitates obtaining a mindfulness target when addressing him. The smoky quartz is helpful for people who self pity or always try to justify their mistakes, and it dissolves negative forces only when there is a sincere desire to get out of the bad influences. It is effective to heal intestinal, rectal or colon.

It is managed by the planets are Saturn and Pluto and is related to all the chakras and all the astrological signs.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.



Phosphosiderite Pendant
Phosphosiderite Pendant

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Phosphosiderite.

The phosphosiderite is a fascinating gemstone because it is made of a combination of iron and phosphorus. The stone looks similar to Sugilite. The name "phosphosiderite" has been derived from its base elements phosphorus and iron. Iron word however, is taken from the Greek language, which is "Sideros" therefore, the formation of "phosphorus siderite". Phosphosiderite addition, the stone is also popularly known as "Piedrea Vogue", which means rock pink or "The Rock Voca" meaning pink rock in many countries.
Clarifies rare situations. Increases monetary inputs. It's good luck in the game.

Color variations

This gemstone is widely available in light purple orchids as color. Yellow stripes are usually evident in this stone. The vein as streaks in the stone known as cacoxenite. Other shades of stone are rare and precious are red-pink, yellow-brown, moss green, deeper shades of purple and the most amazing is colorless phosphosiderite. The stone has a vitreous luster natural resin or crystals gives small amount of gloss.


Phosphosiderite is a rare gem and is found mostly in Argentina and Chile. In addition to these countries, gemstones reddish brown, usually found associated with barbosalite jet black color. These types of colored stones found in South Dakota, USA, Bull Moose mine and Custer County. Phosphosiderite which is available in shades of purple is mainly linked to botryoidal bluish purple, dark violet tinsleyite Rockbridgeite botryoidal or large.
The stones found in botryoidal form cabochons are fit for phosphosiderite. Geologically stone is supposed to be a consequence of the variation triphyilte mineral found in granite pegmatite multiple. Phosphosiderite research suggests that it could also be the result of abstract components are present in the soil.


This stone is ideal for making jewelry. It weighs about 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs hardness scale. Although it is perfect for jewelry making, which has to be treated with wax and polish with some other materials to provide better stability and brightness. The stone is about 2 / m prism and its translucency is mostly transparent. Some stones may have diafanidad phosphosiderite opaque. We aimed in large amounts of rock mass and attenuated for commercial use.


Although phosphosiderite metaphysical properties are less well known is believed that the stone crystals possess certain healing properties. The purple tones are supposed to help reduce anger. It also helps to calm the temper of an elderly person and produces a sense of comfort and tranquility. Some suggest phosphosiderite has spiritual properties. It is believed to help heal the problems associated with the third eye chakra (energy stored between our eyebrows that link to spirituality). The third eye chakra is supposed to be associated with knowledge and perception.
So phosphosiderite is a rare and beautiful gemstone and apart from the beauty of the stone also has interesting properties.

Revitalizing the brain and motor functions of the body. Placed in vehicles, protects them from accidents. Increases mental power and develop intellectual abilities.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.


Tanzanite Pendant
Tanzanite Pendant

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Tanzanite.

It is akin to all the chakras.

It has great energy capacity.

Protect mediums.
It is very hard to find, found in very recent times, from 1967, in Tanzania, hence its name.
It is a translucent stone crystals tricolor, blue hue violáceo.También are a single color, transparent, yellow, green or blue.
Given its attractive color, rarity and some advertising on the occasion of its discovery, tanzanite has a fairly high price, only slightly lower than those of violet sapphires resembles those.
However, it is rare in the market and is a gem for fans, collectors and connoisseurs of stones and crystals.
Sometimes confused with sapphire, but at first glance has a lower brightness and hardness markedly lower.
Place of Origin: Tanzania, the country in which the primary site is in the process of exhaustion.
It comes in multiple colors (green, green with red specks, yellow, blue, red, pink, etc..) May receive different names depending on their color (thulite - Pink, Tanzanite - blue).
Traditionally used this stone for protective amulets of jealousy and envy. and that transmutes negative energies into positive.

The zoisite is called the sufferers stone, and it was used in ancient Greece as a gift for the gifted download your concerns and problems. Decrease jealousy and envy, and serve to open the root chakra.

This stone allows a person to come at peace with itself, establishing a connection from inside it tends to stabilize polarized metabolic mechanisms that manifest as anxiety, obsession and depression. Clears throat and helps remove phlegm and chronic bronchial conditions such as cough and certain types of allergies.
Since their activities more subtle, connects the person with its center, bringing freedom of expression and communication, it helps to open up to the flexibility it possible to see the critical and authoritative to release.
Bring the truth to those who search, metabolism and strength entire physical system and amplifies the ability to create and balance.
Fifth and seventh chakra (Neck and crown).

Facilitates altered states of consciousness and deep meditative states. Facilitates raising awareness and links with the angelic realms, spirit guides and ascended masters. The Tanzanite download information Akashic records and facilitates domestic and foreign travel.

It is beneficial to program cellular memory healing of past life, hate, trust, work addiction, depression, anxiety, balance, hair, skin, head, throat, chest, kidneys and nerves.
Its main feature is the subtle and powerful vibration can unify the frequency of the two cerebral hemispheres ...
Strengthening perceptive and increased memory, motor reflexes and intuition.

Tanzanite, the birthstone for December. It is the rarest gemstone, 1000 times more than diamonds.
Tanzanite is a variety Tanzaniterarer blue / purple zoisite mineral (calcium silicate and aluminum hydroxy), which was discovered in the hills of northern Tanzania Mererani in 1967, near the city of Arusha and MonteKilimanjaro. The mineral is named after Tanzania, the country in which it was discovered.

Officially called "blue zoisite" which was released as tanzanite by Tiffany & Co., which wanted to use the rarity of the gem, then only found in Tanzania, but they thought that "blue zoisite" (which can be pronounced as " blue suicide ") do not sell well.
Tanzanite was discovered by some Maasai herder who were tending cattle in the hills of Merelani. Legend has it that the heat effect was discovered when some brown Zoisite crystals lying on the floor with other rocks were caught in a fire caused by lightning that swept through the grass covered hills Merelani northeast of Arusha. The Masai herders who drive cattle in the area noticed the beautiful blue color and picked the crystals up, becoming the first collection of crystals tanzanita.Estos Portuguese geologist brought to the area by the name of Souza, who recognized this extraordinary discovery of a new and exciting stone. It was Tiffany, the famous jewelry, this newly discovered christened Tanzanite gemstones - in honor of the country of its origin and its only known source. Tiffany recognizes this potential gems and gemstone promoted to the public. Tanzanite is now one of the top five selling colored gemstones in the U.S. and the world.

Sources: There is only one commercial source of gem quality tanzanite. It is Merelani hills near the northern towns of Arusha and Moshi Tanzania. Mining area extends along a belt having approximately 4 miles jewel. There have been some undocumented tanzanite jewelry discovered in Kenya, but nothing of importance. The tanzanite deposit is very large but primitive mining techniques with unprecedented demand, has been greatly reduced production - especially for the best quality Tanzanite gemstones.

Tanzanite Pendant
Tanzanite Pendant

Healing Powers: 

Physically, tanzanite is a wonderful tool to enhance recovery from a serious illness or stress. It strengthens the immune system, regenerates cells, and treats the heart, spleen, pancreas, lungs, head, throat and stone pecho.La also a great detoxifier. Also has the ability to neutralize the acidification and reduce inflammation. Tanzanite also stimulates fertility and heals diseases of the ovaries and testes. It has been said that it is very beneficial for wear or place of tanzanite in the body in direct contact with the skin, in your case. The use of tanzanite for long periods of time, as it is a slow acting stone.

Tanzanite in its rough state is usually a reddish brown color. It requires artificial heat treatment at 600 ° C in a gemological oven to bring out the blue violet of the stone.

Chemical composition - (Ca2Al3 (SiO4) (Si2O7) O (OH))
Specific gravity - 3.10-3.38
Hardness - 6.5
Brightness - Vitreous, pearly on the surfaces of separation

Healing Properties:

Since ancient times this mineral has been used to treat conditions related to lung problems such as asthma, allergies, etc.. Furthermore, this mineral helps in the problems of both male and female fertility and can be used to treat both the ovaries and the testes.
The zoisite is used for fever, coughs, colds, respiratory problems and weak bones.
Effective for those suffering from rheumatism and joint pain and sciatica and lumbago.
It's called recommended stone sufferers to combat unfounded envy and jealousy.
Since this stone acts slowly it is best carried in contact with the skin for long periods of time.
Consciousness amplified
Stimulates physical capacity, creating higher states of consciousness.
Brightens the aura and stimulates awareness.
Transmutes negativity and helps boost physical energy, relieving lethargy and inactivity.
Maintains connection with others while maintaining one's individuality, to awaken the crown chakra.

Tanzanite see African culture as a gift from God. The Masai people of Africa believe that is the gemstone that gives life and therefore given to a newborn child. Tanzanite Folklore believes instills confidence and improves individuality. It was also thought that the revelations of the Almighty. Tanzanite also has great healing properties. It helps in healing the skin and is also useful in awakening from coma.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.


Moldavite Pendant (Czech Republic)
Moldavite Pendant (Czech Republic)

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Moldavite.

Meteorite glassy green crystals sometimes are very pure, usually small, ideal for mental evolution, and contacts with higher consciousness.
Its use allows us a great spiritual evolution.

Moldavite is the name given to a meteorite that fell on our earth 15 million years ago. The area where it landed is located in a small region of the Czech Republic.
It is the only alien substance that is considered a gem quality, it can be carved into any shape and is also translucent. Moldavite is perhaps more scarce gem on earth. There are a few places where it can be extracted. From moldavite is removed, only a small part of it is of good enough quality to be sold raw. From an energy standpoint, Moldavite is incredibly powerful. It is a catalyst and its effects on the lives of each of us, should not be underestimated.
Similarly as with the history of other stones, its spiritual meaning is also veiled in mystery. Many historians have left records in numerous ancient civilizations, meteorites were considered sacred and mysterious powers had held that incredible. The most interesting example is Egypt, where Moldavite has been found in the Great Pyramids and tombs. The connections between the Egyptians and the constellations of Orion and Sirius are well known.
Not coincidentally, the Moldavite is Orion.
Moldavite is the energy of the fire and one of their names is the Stone of Ra.
The following paragraphs are Orion transmissions received by Parvati, a lovely woman who resides in Oran Bhrugu. The information has been included below are specific aspects that were mentioned about moldavite and are of deep interest.
"Surely the heavenly substance Moldavite, as you call it, is of unknown origin.
Myths consider comes from the constellation Orion, as you said.
This is a confirmation of transmission received previously.
Yes, we confirm that it is correct with regard to its origin ...
Moldavite is a powerful healing tool.
However, to use his powers.
be a substance of great power and with great healing properties.
It's NOT ok to misuse it. If you fall into the hands of someone who might try to use it for the wrong purposes, the substance will not respond and will soon disappear from the scope of a being of that nature.
However, it has transformation properties and can be used to raise the vibration of the individual, even without the knowledge of that person.
The connection between this substance YOUR moldavite and fire flames ancestral practices today is a very powerful connection, like a ray of light and light. Radiant, clear and strong as steel.
The Moldavite substance absorbs the energies of the Higher Sources.
It resonates with these sources.
Actually, it is one with the fire.
Activated Moldavite is miraculous.
To use it to its maximum intensity, one must vibrate as often.
In previous transmissions we warned that, unless one is harmonized to it, it will remain dormant. Those who are meant to work with your energy, have no trouble in obtaining it. In fact, come to them, as he came to you ...
Moldavite not his original name.
So what we send abroad and will be healing and blessings activation required.
Moldavite is not the name of this beautiful piece, a powerful gem.
Undoubtedly, it has been known by several other names, none of which are known to us ..., ie it is not necessary.
The names are only given by humans. We do not require names.
We ask it concerns vehicle Moldavite with that name for public use. It has also been known as the stone of Ra. However, that's not a household name.
You can call it as you see fit, but treat her with respect.
It is energy, the energy of fire.
The place appears Moldavite actually intersect is where light points. Moldavite was dropped there, if you prefer, but for the purpose of being used at a future time, which is NOW ".

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.



Main esoteric and healing properties of the Serpentine.

Stimulates psychic abilities and relieves fear in relation to a larger vision.
Sits on earth
Helps in meditation and spiritual exploration
Cleans the chakras
It stimulates the crown chakra

Serpentine activates psychic abilities
It helps you to understand the spiritual basis of life
It breaks new ground for the kundalini energy torise
Helps restore wisdom and memories of past lives
It helps you feelin control of their lives
It corrects mental and emotional imbalances
Helps consciously direct healing energy toward problem areas
It is detoxifying the body and blood
Ensures longevity
Removes parasites
Helps in the absorption of calcium and magnesium
Treats hypoglycemia
Treats Diabetes

Serpentine Bracelets
Serpentine Bracelets

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.