

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Rhodonite.

It is the symbol of friendship.
Formerly, to reconcile feuding peoples, this gem carvings were exchanged as a symbol of coexistence and lasting peace.
Also, in certain towns of America, they gave a small amulet of rhodonite to their guests as a symbol of friendship .
Its curative value manifests relieving stress and nervous tension .
Their vibrations lift spirits and help with rhodochrosite solve confusional states .

It is widely used to combat stress and anxiety caused by this state .
Help to stabilize menstrual disorders .
It is applied to the cardiac plexus .
Removes eye diseases. Sharpen sight. Avoid the presence of entities .
It acts on breathing and speech.

Rhodonite is an emotional balancer that nurtures love
Encourages human brotherhood
Shows both sides of an issue
Stimulates , clears and activates the heart and the heart chakra
Energy Nod
It balances the yin to the yang
It helps to achieve the highest potential
Power meditation mantras from
It heals emotional shock and panic
Clean the emotional wounds
Supports the soul during the healing process
It is beneficial in cases of emotional self-destruction , codependency and abuse
Clean the scars of the past
Bring painful emotions surface for transmutation
It has a strong resonance with forgiveness
Helps restore the projections couple blame it actually is within oneself
It is useful to turn to insults and prevent revenge
Recognizes that revenge is self-destructive
Fosters an attitude of calm in uncomfortable or dangerous situations
Balances and integrates physical and mental energies
Lets build confidence
Relieves the confusion
Heals wounds and insect bites
Can reduce scarring
Beneficially affects the growth of bones and organs of hearing
Stimulates fertility

Rhodonite treats emphysema, joint inflammation , arthritis , immune system diseases , stomach ulcers and multiple sclerosis

Symbol of Friendship. Give away to express feelings. Combat Stress

Note.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.

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