

Main esoteric and healing properties of the Rhodonite.

It is the symbol of friendship.
Formerly, to reconcile feuding peoples, this gem carvings were exchanged as a symbol of coexistence and lasting peace.
Also, in certain towns of America, they gave a small amulet of rhodonite to their guests as a symbol of friendship .
Its curative value manifests relieving stress and nervous tension .
Their vibrations lift spirits and help with rhodochrosite solve confusional states .

It is widely used to combat stress and anxiety caused by this state .
Help to stabilize menstrual disorders .
It is applied to the cardiac plexus .
Removes eye diseases. Sharpen sight. Avoid the presence of entities .
It acts on breathing and speech.

Rhodonite is an emotional balancer that nurtures love
Encourages human brotherhood
Shows both sides of an issue
Stimulates , clears and activates the heart and the heart chakra
Energy Nod
It balances the yin to the yang
It helps to achieve the highest potential
Power meditation mantras from
It heals emotional shock and panic
Clean the emotional wounds
Supports the soul during the healing process
It is beneficial in cases of emotional self-destruction , codependency and abuse
Clean the scars of the past
Bring painful emotions surface for transmutation
It has a strong resonance with forgiveness
Helps restore the projections couple blame it actually is within oneself
It is useful to turn to insults and prevent revenge
Recognizes that revenge is self-destructive
Fosters an attitude of calm in uncomfortable or dangerous situations
Balances and integrates physical and mental energies
Lets build confidence
Relieves the confusion
Heals wounds and insect bites
Can reduce scarring
Beneficially affects the growth of bones and organs of hearing
Stimulates fertility

Rhodonite treats emphysema, joint inflammation , arthritis , immune system diseases , stomach ulcers and multiple sclerosis

Symbol of Friendship. Give away to express feelings. Combat Stress

Note.- These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.



Main esoteric and healing properties of the Spinel.

It connects to the sacral chakra amplifying its energy, which is focalising and revitalizing, boosting all deepening process.

Spinel symbolizes peace and quiet, so it always has been recommended for very aggressive or strong character so that they may have the necessary serenity to control themselves.

This gem, in all its shades, protects the nervous balance but it must be received as a gift but it is useless if you buy it for yourself.

Its value is expressed in healing nervous disorders, excessive excitations and risk of stroke.
It forces the enemy to tell the truth.
Avoid gossip, chats and lies about its owner.

They are used for meditation, to encourage the energy of the chakras, but is most effective with the sacral chakra.
Deepening process drives everything, its energy is focalising and revitalizing.

This gem transparent or opaque color with shades of black, red, blue and green acts on the root center of the vital energy.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.



Main esoteric and healing properties of the Natrolite.

Sodium crystals in the form of needles.

It is common that is appears in the from of small drusen, usually white, sometimes reddish or purple by iron impurities.

They are very useful for the purification of homes or workplaces.
Although fragile, not deprogram with water, as they get dissolved in it, so don't use water to clean it from negative energy.

Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.



Main esoteric and healing properties of the Sapphire.

There is a variety of sapphire that has small inclusions of rutile, it's known under the name of "cat's eye" or "Sunflower east".

In meditation it is used to bring light to the personality of the inner self.

It'S linked with wisdom, truth, trust and intuition, it's the Yogis stone, faith healers and saints.

It is an ideal stone to develop concentration and maintaining attention.

Supports the conviction of man, helping to make wishes and ideals of high flying.

Sapphire is known as the stone of traders, provides success and fame to the wearer as well as economic prosperity.

It is credited with a wide range of healing effects. Lower the temperature and blood pressure, is useful for skin diseases, asthma, diseases of the eye, as well as for tumors, ulcers, hemorrhoids, premature senility, conditions in the bones, such as rheumatism, sciatica and osteoporosis.

Its soothing effects calm nerves and help people suffering from insomnia.
Related to the heart chakra, solar plexus and third eye.

Associated with Taurus, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius. He is considered a stone of witchcraft and occult powers. It tends to radiate peace and sweetness. Justice serves to reveal and clarify the truth. More powerful when worn by the natives of the four reference signs.

Its fame is based on the legend that says that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai, sapphire splints where he recorded his law is one of the favorite stones of witches. Used to predict the future, developing clairvoyance, overcoming jealousy and negative vibrations.

Inspire faith and devotion opens the spiritual nature of each.

Develop calmness and alertness, clean and clear thoughts, equanimity, cleaning and revitalization of venous blood. Corrects the narrowness and rigidity of mind, neurosis, neuralgia, sciatica, cramps, scalp problems, tumors, kidney and bladder weakness, skin diseases, rheumatic pains.

Enneatype partner: 5

Against partner's jealousy, inferiority complex and insomnia.

For euphoria.

Increase the hidden powers needed to witchcraft. Brings out the truth.

It gives good color to the face and removes the headache. Clean eyes. Promotes the lifting of intuition and the wisdom meet to refine the inner self. Symbolizes happiness, truth, justice. Magical powers are divine. It is an excellent ally for higher knowledge. Works well in the frontal chakra (brow). Other colors: Sapphire Indigo, with great cosmic energy. Star Sapphire to the mental body. Light Sapphire crystal, stone transition. Yellow Sapphire, cleaner impurities.

The first extraction of sapphires news back to the island of Serendib (now Sri Lanka). The ancients believed that this gemstone kept the power of wisdom. They believed that when the wearer of a sapphire was faced obstacles that were a challenge, the power of the stone allowed him to find the right solution. The modern word sapphire derives from the ancient Latin word "sapphirus".

Sapphires are featured throughout the color spectrum except red. When people talk about sapphires, usually refers to blue sapphires. The sapphires of other colors are known as fancy sapphires.

The color blue sapphire is the most wanted dark blue medium intensity. However, the high quality sapphire are not common. Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Burma sapphires produce high quality pure blue, although Cambodia are sometimes slightly dark. Australian Sapphires often have green shades hexagonal concentric bands.

Australia and Africa are the largest global suppliers of blue sapphires. An important part of the global production of blue sapphires also come from Sri Lanka. The gemstones of this island often known by the name of sapphires "Ceylon", which was the name of the island before switching to the Sri Lanka. Pailin, Cambodia, is another source of blue sapphires exceptional. Burma is also known for providing high quality of this gemstone.

Sapphires, like rubies, have many shapes and sizes, offering a great variety to gemstone lovers. By placing its hardness just below the diamond, sapphire is one of the toughest gemstones, and having no divisions, rarely produces rupture.

The intensity, uniformity and color purity are the most important considerations when deciding to purchase a blue sapphire. The high-quality blue sapphires should not contain shades or secondary colors, as this would reduce the beauty of this gemstone. As the overall beauty of stone depend on its size, this feature must always be considered. The dark blue sapphires blacks seem dim funds, while quality blue sapphires retain their color in any light condition.

Healing and spiritual properties

Activates the sense of truth and wisdom

Raises awareness and helps tune with the higher self, the astral and emotional bodies.

Helps people scattered focus and maintain attention.

Improves system and relieves muscle cramps,

It is recommended for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, osteoporosis.

Relieves sciatica, lumbago, relieves pain by applying this stone the painful area.

Indicated for hypertension.

Open your heart chakra, solar plexus and brow.

Affinity with the signs: All.

A clear and transparent sapphire opens the mind to cosmic knowledge and eternal truths. Their vibrations cause debugging, transformation and renewal of the soul and spirit. It is a bridge between the finite and the infinite, and that consciousness does flow with the river of love and divine knowledge. It also gives transparency to the soul that seeks the spiritual path.

Attend gland function, elevates mood, stimulates clairvoyance, telepathy, "feminine" qualities, improves expression, communication with spirit guides.


Beneficial in circulatory dysfunction, gout, sciatica, phlebitis, pneumonia and other acute respiratory diseases, as well as in cases of toxic origin excemas.

Among the healing properties are particularly aimed at rheumatism, stomach and intestinal inflammation.

It is effective to neutralize the negative trends.

He has the gift of making the wearer, devoted, peaceful, friendly and love to do good works.
Since ancient times believed that refuses to shine in front of the impurity, and the sheer force of its rays can destroy all noxious and poisonous creatures.


Distension has properties and produces calm.

Clarifies mental processes, activating the intellect.

Formerly it was considered an antidote to all poisons and so also with healing powers in case of melancholy.

Their energetic properties help to increase the level of potassium, magnesium and calcium.
Very beneficial for the throat, vocal cords and ears, especially for voice loss and hoarseness.


Allows access road to higher consciousness levels.

He links it to the throat chakra and front, it is used to activate them.

Poblemas useful for treating thyroid, diseases of the ears, nose bleeds, diseases of the larynx, vertigo.

Reduces fever and relieves aches flu.

It works effectively in cases of insufficient blood pressure, nervousness and insomnia.


Note. - These texts are consolidated and summarized from many that I've found over the years.